Adam was not deceived by Satans words to his wife Eve, 1 Timothy 2:14 Adam was before Eve and was told about the forbidden tree. Genesis 2:16,17,21,22
The knowledge of the forbidden tree was all the knowledge Adam had, he did not have the knowledge of good and evil and did not acquire it until he ate the forbidden fruit, and then the eyes of both Adam and Eve were opened and sin entered the world. Genesis 3:7 It was then that Satan became the god of this world and that the human spirits of all people became defiled. As in Adam all have sinned, Romans 5:12 Psalm 51:5 Yes, while in the womb we are sinners. Job 14:4 Isaiah 48:8 Psalm 58:3 Proverbs 22:15 Job 15:14,15,16 GOD has known the hearts of every human being before HE created any of them therefore HE would know the zygote in the womb and what it would become.
The earth became the kingdom of darkness, the kingdom of Satan. It is this kingdom of Satan that the saints are called out of , and once they are out they are never to return. If the saints participate in the government of Satan thinking that by doing so will have some positive effect they are deceived. Will Satan change his plans because of your opinion? Will you be able to persuade the world to come to Christ? Will you make void the words of the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles who have all declared the world is evil and all the nations will be conquered by the return of Christ and be swallowed up by the kingdom of GOD? Do you really think you can change this world, make it a better place? Men love darkness and hate the light, men love the kingdom of Satan and hate the kingdom of GOD. Ancient Israel under the judge and prophet Samuel also chose to reject GOD as Adam did and did not want GOD to be their king. Israel got their kings but what happened to David’s throne upon which human beings sat ? Psalm 89:38-45 GOD ended human kings and installed HIS son to be king, not only of Israel but of the world. Jesus is the king of the kingdom of GOD , born to be king. John 18:37 Matthew 2:2 John 1:49 The church of the elect saints of GOD should never put any trust in or involved themselves in any way with the kingdom of Satan. James 4:7 Matthew 4:10 1 Peter 1:14,15,16
Satan desires to get the saints as they are a special prize because he already has the world. Revelation 12:9 Satan knows who we are and what our weaknesses are and he will attack us using those weaknesses. If Satan can get a saint to be a turncoat by seducing and enticing them with false light, false love, false hope, then he will do it. If a saint falls for this they are in very serious danger. There is nothing in Satans kingdom that the saints need, everything we need is in the kingdom of light, the kingdom of GOD. Saints are to examine themselves, prove all things, test the spirits, remain faithful but re-entering the darkness thinking you will find light is a fool’s errand. How would doing this be seeking first the kingdom of GOD ? Matthew 6:33
To all the elect saints scattered to the four winds, if you are involved in any way with the kingdom of darkness you need to repent and return to the light.
Repentance is always available to GODS elect saints. If you have sinned any sin, with the exception of the unpardonable sin, you can be forgiven. Even GODS saints yet sin but there are sins that do not lead to death and those are the sins you repent of. If any of GODS saints say they have no sin they are liars because as long as we are in the flesh we will sin. This is why GOD gave us grace and repentance through Jesus. Without this grace no one would ever be in the kingdom of GOD.
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