Monday, February 24, 2025


The ancient science of classifying the universe had only four areas that all things were defined by.  These were earth, wind, water and fire.  The earth was anything that came from the earth, wind was the movement of the air , water was the the flowing of a substance and fire was what gave warmth and light.

This ancient method was developed by a Greek man named Empedocles in the mid fifth century BC.  Today our modern science has greatly expanded on this ancient method to categorize and define further the things that make up these original four groups.

Science is the study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation and testing theories against the evidence obtained.  Over many years science has “evolved” due to new discoveries and therefore proves that science is not able to produce a definitive answer to what we call creation.  Faith is defined as a strong belief in GOD and in the doctrines of a religion based on spiritual apprehension rather than on proof.  While science and faith have many differences they have some things in common.  Certain scientific facts align with those of faith. A man can throw a rock up into the air and the rock will fall to the ground, both science and faith agree with this.  There are other examples of this.  When science involves itself in areas that it cannot prove it becomes a faith in the physical.  Faith also has this same effect.  Faith believes in GOD but cannot prove GODS existence by physical means and neither can science.  What we have here is a conflict between science and faith that exists only when there is no proof available for either.  Science as defined is purely physical while faith is purely spiritual so that the two when used improperly will conflict with each other.  Science today has too many unproven theories that are used as a base or foundation to build on in the hope of acquiring knowledge.  These theories have over time been disproven and replaced with another theory.  Faith is only the same in this way because of Satanic deception in the minds of carnal men.  Yet another spiritual component is required to have a sure faith that is truth and that is the Holy Spirit dwelling in true Christians.  Just as science goes often the wrong way so does faith without the spirit.  Science attempts to explain creation without a creator.  False faiths say there is a creator but do not know who HE is.  Therefore both science and faith operate on theories without having what is needed to truly understand, the Holy Spirit of GOD.  This true spiritual knowledge by the Holy Spirit is rejected by science and false faiths.  

The physical and spiritual are vastly different things.  GOD can only be know and worshipped in spirit, never with physical things.  Both science and false faiths operate without the Holy Spirit and therefore both are blinded to the true spiritual meaning of creation, GOD, Christ, life, death, faith, hope, love and everything that involves the spiritual. Both science and false faiths are like blind men groping in the darkness.  Deuteronomy 28:29   Isaiah 59:10   Zephaniah 1:17   Proverbs 4:19   Matthew 5:14 

The faith of a true Christian is exceedingly rare in this world as only a very few are called and chosen.  It is these people that understand both faith and science for what they really are.  

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