Saturday, March 1, 2025


 The United States has not won a war since the Second World War. In   Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan we spent billions of dollars and lost thousands of lives and maimed thousands more only to leave with nothing to show for it.  According to available data 97,159 lives were lost in these three conflicts.  The U.S has been involved in 119 military conflicts.  In my lifetime the U.S. has been  in 5 major wars, winning only one only to throw the victory away while losing the other 4.   If you are a Christian would you enlist in the military ?  Would you want your son or grandson to enlist ?  The U.S. glorifies it’s wars and calls their soldiers heroes.  Most of these soldiers are between 19 and 26 years old.  In the time some of these wars were fought those soldiers under age 21 could not vote, drink a beer or buy a gun.  Most military veterans will be the first to say the war is stupid, that politicians send others to fight wars they start.  General Sherman said “war is hell.”  Sherman also said, “it is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation.”  Politics is the author of war.  If you participate in politics then you are one of those people General Sherman described.  Both sides in a war believe God is on their side.  In both world wars the combatants on both sides were predominantly Christians.  Christians killing Christians, would God be pleased ?  1 Samuel 8:10 

1 Kings 9:22  Isaiah 2:4   Micah 4:3   Hosea 2:18 

Zechariah 9:10   Matthew 5:9   James 3:18   James 4:1,2,3,4,5   Matthew 24:6   War should be something a Christian should have nothing to do with.  Should we love our neighbors or kill them ?

Should we seek revenge and hate our enemies?   Should we support government leaders that support war ?  Matthew 5:9   Matthew 5:21,22,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45   There are Christians that live in many different countries that have governments that are similar.  Leaders are chosen by the people of that nation to make the laws of the nation.  How many laws have these politicians made that are in direct conflict with love GOD and neighbor ?  Why is it that there are so many wars being fought.  There are at least 150 armed conflicts recorded each year and currently 56 conflicts since World War Two, 92 countries involved in conflicts beyond their borders.  In the final analysis who is behind all these wars ?  Is all of this pleasing to GOD ?  Is GOD pleased if Christians take part in any way with all these wars ?  How is this loving GOD and your neighbor ?    Should not Christians be in line with Isaiah 2:4  “they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks.  Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”   

Since the draft ended many U.S. citizens have not had to face compulsory military service.  This has taken away some of the understanding that those of us who have faced the possibility of being drafted from them.  Even though there is no draft young men at age 18 must register for the draft.  This could change and if it it does are you ready to kill the enemy Christian ?

If you claim to be a Christian then you better see how Christ and the Apostles define a Christian.  Do you measure up ?  Politicians promise you liberty but what have you received by their hand ?  2 Peter 2:19 

The U.S. government is nothing even close to what the founders intended and has mutated into a tyrannical government that has robbed the freedoms and liberties promised by its constitution.  They have become a ruling elite that once elected serve themselves rather than the people.  Should Christians be a part of this ?  This has been the way it has operated for many years and all the votes you cast mean absolutely nothing.  Matthew 7:13   Hebrews 10:39   1 John 5:4   

The scriptures describe what a true Christian is.  It is someone who is 100% dedicated to GOD, does not love the things in this world, has his citizenship in heaven, realizes that this is Satans world, comes out of the darkness of this world and into the light of Christ,  that knows he is owned by GOD being bought with a price, that his old self is dead, that the things highly esteemed by men are an abomination to GOD.   This current evil world is ruled by Satan and Satan controls all the governments. Revelation 12:9  This word lies in the sway of the devil and all the chaos and confusion you see in it are the devil’s handiworks.  Jesus is going to destroy all of this evil, all the governments of this earth and replace them with the kingdom of GOD.  If you know this why would you want to be part of any of it ?  You are to shine as a light of that kingdom and have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness.  

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