Saturday, July 6, 2024



A spiritual foundation.  Each truth we are taught by GODS spirit is a stone in the building of our foundation.  Jesus is the chief cornerstone. Knowing who Jesus was and is reveals the FATHER.  Jesus came to reveal the FATHER by living his life in the same way GOD would if GOD was a man.  GODLY love, agape, is how Jesus lived and preached the gospel, fulfilled the law and was impeccable, that is incapable of sin, because he did indeed have the divine nature that we also partake of when in the kingdom.  All these things and many more are the chief cornerstone.  Knowing Jesus is to know the FATHER.

  Knowing humanity, that humans are mortal, a soul, the union of flesh and spirit, the shadow image of GOD.  Understanding what sin is.  Understanding what grace is, what repentance and justification is.  Understanding the enemy, Satan, and his methods.

  Understanding prophecy. That the church began with righteous Able and will be completed when the very last gentile is grafted into the olive tree.  That the church is the Israel of GOD, the elect and 144000.  That the harlot is Jerusalem and the antichrist an evil son of David who revives the law of Moses, the Temple and the sacrifices.  That he produces a false tribulation and false millennium , declaring himself GOD thus beginning the time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation.  The elect 144,000 are sealed and protected from the tribulation but the Laodiceans are not and become the innumerable multitude.  These and other prophecies are part of the foundation.

Everything GODS spirit teaches is part of our foundation and is what we draw upon to prove other revelations of truth as they are revealed.  No one else can build on your foundation but you and all the stones in your foundation will be the same truth in all who build, the church saints all have the same truth.  Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay or stubble are in all foundations at first and it is our work to become a master builder to eliminate the latter three and retain the previous three.  If I do have some wood, hay or stubble in my foundation the fire of GOD will burn it away, I will suffer the loss but will not lose my salvation. This is just GOD cleaning up my foundation.

 Not everyone grows spiritually at the same rate but we are all expected to grow.  No matter how much we do grow a reward is given in equal measure.  To build a foundation takes time, dedication and commitment with a hunger and thirst to diligently seek after the GOD who created us.  We know in part now but in full at the return.  Until then we all need to make our foundations sure. We should never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit of the FATHER.  We must always repent of our sins and ask forgiveness.  We must love GOD and our neighbor.  

All Christians must grow, build their foundations, both babes and mature.  Through fellowship we can all be edified by sharing what the spirit has taught us with each other and that same spirit will open the understanding to all in the church.  When we fellowship Christ is there with us and by the power of his FATHERS spirit teaches us as we consider and study the scriptures.  If one of us has a revelation the others listen and use their foundations, drawing upon the already known truths, to discern the spirits to confirm the revelation is from GOD.  This eliminates Satan trying to deceive us.  The foundation is truth upon truth and no lie is of the truth.  Isaiah 28:16.  John 3:33. John 10:14   Matthew 24:24   1 John 4:1   Matthew 7:15   There are many deceivers today, men and women out to get money and a following after themselves that preach lies.  Having a sure foundation makes it impossible to deceive GODS elect.  

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