Saturday, July 20, 2024



John 6:44   John 14:6   Acts 2:39   Isaiah 54:13   John 6:45   Psalm 25:8,9    These are just a few scriptures that have a very powerful and profound message.  That message is;  GOD totally and completely controls who will be in HIS church.  GOD is the only one who can teach the truth.  GOD is the only one who can convert a person.  GOD has created and established Jesus Christ as the mediator between HIMSELF and humanity to accomplish all these things. 

NO MAN can do any of the things listed above, not even Jesus, the Apostles or prophets.  Jesus asked Peter, who do you say that I am,  Peter responded, you are the Christ the son of the living GOD.  Jesus did not take credit for Peters knowledge but gave the glory to his FATHER.  Matthew 16:15,16,17   Paul freely confessed that neither he nor Apollos could give the understanding of the things they preached.  1 Corinthians 3:6,7   It is not necessary that GOD use men to preach because the ancient saints before there was scripture, Jesus or Apostles  were taught directly by HIS Holy Spirit.  These saints were referred to by Stephen as, the church in the wilderness.  Acts 7:38   After the Pentecost church was attacked by Satan she fled into the wilderness. Revelation 12:13,14   The church was scattered to the four winds.  The church would be very few in number.  The church is today in the wilderness just as those ancient saints.  They are taught in the same way, directly by GODS spirit.  This was prophesied to happen by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 34:1-31  Study this chapter 34 very carefully and note all the similarities with the Christian church.  Examine in the writings of the Apostles and the words of Christ about the great deceptions that would come.  All the things in this article add up to one inescapable conclusion.  If you know what it is please reply.

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...