Saturday, July 20, 2024



Legislating morality.  If a person believes that moral behavior can be enforced by laws then they should be a staunch supporter of keeping the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are the moral authority given to ancient Israel by GOD through Moses.  Should Christians place themselves under the law, the Ten Commandments ?

Perfection is the goal of every Christian.  The law will not produce perfection.  Hebrews 7:19   The morality of a Christian is far above that of the Ten Commandments or the laws of any nation.  Mark 12:30,31   The “commandments”  Jesus gave are greater than the Ten Commandments that Moses delivered to Israel.  

The United States, in its constitution, had 10 articles called the bill of rights that listed the freedoms guaranteed to the citizens.  It follows that these rights have an opposite that opposes those rights and that would be a violation and immoral.  Ten Commandments and ten articles basically attempt to do the same thing, legislate morality.

If morality could be legislated then utopia should be the result.  Galatians 2:21   The laws governments create are nothing more than poor duplicates of the Ten Commandments but just as with the Ten Commandments laws need to be enforced if they are to be effective.  Violation of the Ten Commandments resulted in death.  Hebrews 10:28   Violations of U.S. laws seldom result in death.  There is no fear in a law that has no teeth.  Perfect love casts out fear.

Human politics is the same as the Ten Commandments but without the punishment in many cases.  What if there was in humanity a force or power that enabled them to never think of doing evil but always acting out of love ?  Wouldn’t this make laws unnecessary ?   Wouldn’t this render human governments unnecessary ?   Yes, it would.  The entire political system would be unnecessary.  This is the life a Christian is to be living now, not some far off tomorrow, but now.  Christians are to live now as though they were in the kingdom of GOD.  We are to walk as Jesus walked and to have the mind of Christ.  We are to think Spirituality not carnally, heavenly not Earthly.  Christians are not to be entangled in laws.  Galatians 5:1,2,3,4   Yes, while we are yet human we should obey the laws of the nation where we live but only to the degree where they do not violate the law of love.  We do not participate in the politics of any nation because we are not of this world, our citizenship is in heaven, we do not entangle ourselves in the affairs of men.  Politics is like a dog chasing a car, what would the dog do if he could catch it ?   Politics is an exercise in futility.  It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.  Jeremiah 10:23   Proverbs 37:23   Isaiah 59:8,9    To truly think politics is acceptable you must put faith in politicians, in laws , in carnal men, in blind guides.    

The Passover is Christ .  We Passover all the laws of men and submit ourselves willingly to the government of GOD, an absolute righteous and benevolent monarchy where the only “law” is love.   Christians Passover their former life for a new life in Christ and become a new creation in Christ..  Christians die with Christ and are raised with Christ.  Was Jesus a republican, democrat or independent, conservative or liberal.  Did Jesus or the Apostles participate in politics ?  

Matthew 22:37,38   Luke 4:8  

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