Monday, July 29, 2024



Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice, not the voice of a stranger,  John 10:5 ,  or a hireling, John 10:11,12,13,14 .  A stranger or hireling is a pastor, minister,  priest or preacher, some human being who sets himself up as a spiritual leader and teacher.  People with the Holy Spirit hear the voice of Christ in their spirit, their mind.  They are taught by GOD in this way as Jesus is the only mediator between GOD and humanity, there is no other.  If anyone learns anything from GOD they must be in Christ and go to Christ.  John 6:45   Human ministry attempts to do what only GOD through Christ can do.  This is absolute spiritual fact but it seems the vast majority does not believe it or understand it.  They like strangers and hired hands better.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of these ministries in over 50,000 different churches and the people that attend them have set up these ministers by following them instead of Christ.  It has been proven by members of this forum that the vast majority of all churches are false because of their false doctrines.  In this they have failed to see that their own organizations are just as false as those they have exposed.  A Christian has no other teacher than GOD through Christ and no other leader than GOD through Christ, PERIOD.  To elevate some human to teaching and leadership spiritually is to place another in place of or in equality with GOD and Christ.  All human ministry is false and of Satan.  These false shepherds are on an ego trip enjoying all the perks they receive from their flocks.  They have letters after their names and may have titles, they may be experts in Greek and Hebrew and very powerful speakers but they are all BABYLON.  This truth should be very easy to see for Christians or at least it should be. 

The main tool of Satan is to set up some human claiming to be a man of GOD when in reality is a minister of Satan. 2 Corinthians 11:12,13,14,15  These false ministers themselves are deceived, they are the blind leading the blind.  They think they need to fulfill the great commission when the Apostles did, they mimic what the first century Apostles did thinking they are the continuation of the Apostles, not knowing that after all the Apostles deaths human ministry ceased.  GOD and Christ only operate the church.

What are the prophecies concerning the end time before the return of Christ ?  Jesus said that it would be like the days of Noah, Matthew 24:37  and this is how it was in Noah’s day, Genesis 6:5   Here are some words of the Apostle Paul; 1 Timothy 4:1,2   2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4,5  and from Peter;  2 Peter 3:3. 2 Peter 2:1,2,3   and Jude 1:4   and 1 John 4:1   The time we are in now must be approaching the second advent as all the words of these divinely inspired men are coming to pass.  In the near future all these false ministers and their followers will experience first hand what Christ said,  Matthew 7:23 ,  these people did many wonderful things in the name of Jesus, Matthew 7:22 , but this is the very thing Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:4,5  all of them acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ but still deceive many.

Are you so confident in your hireling, your preacher, your minister  ?       If so you will refuse to see what is plainly before your eyes.  

The system the first century church was organized in was for a limited time as GOD knew all the mass deception that was coming and as I have shown many times Ezekiel 34  is a prophecy about how GOD was going to deal with that deception, eliminate human ministers,  and take over all the affairs and operations of the church.  This is only one example of how I know that all of what claims to be Christianity is a lie.  

I can tell you about this but I can’t give you the understanding of it, I can’t teach you or lead you as all of that is in GODS control.  If GOD wants you HE will call you and you answer by calling back then there can be a beginning for you.  Eyes and ears can be spiritually opened and GOD through Christ will teach and lead you.  All the glory goes to GOD and none to any human.   You give money to human ministers, your throwing it away and are taught lies.  GOD does not want or need your money and GOD does not lie.  

In the current evil age GOD is only calling and electing 144000 people from the time of Able to the time when the open door is shut.  The door is open to the Philadelphia church and will be closed when the number of 144000 is achieved and sealed.  The Philadelphia church will be those who are alive when Jesus returns which means most of the elect are dead.  When Jesus said only a few would be saved he was not joking.  People in the world without GOD will not believe there are so few but will continue to do what they have always done.  This too is prophecy.  

If by the grace of GOD some reading this understand then GOD will give that understanding and will guide you into all truth and reveal things to come.  John 16:13  John 14:26   It is by the Holy Spirit of the ALMIGHTY GOD that all things are accomplished and by no man.  Zechariah 4:6   Psalm 20:6   Ephesians 1:11  2 Peter 1:3   1 John 2:27   All these scriptures and many more explicitly informs us that human ministry is over, GOD and Christ are in total control of GODS true church, the invisible church, the called and chosen 144000 of the dead saints in Christ and the living saints of the Philadelphia church, Revelation 3:7-13   

Luke 15:10   Matthew 10:32   Luke 12:8,9   Luke 15:7 

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...