Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Have you been watching ?  Mark 13:37  Jesus, your messiah, said to watch.  Watch for what ?  

Matthew 24:4   2 Thessalonians 2:3   1 John 3:7   Ephesians 5:6   1 Corinthians 3:18   Colossians 2:8

There are many types of deceptions.  These deceptions divert the Christians attention away from far more important matters.  Christians are to be groaning within themselves for the return of Christ and the kingdom of GOD.  All creation is groaning.  Romans 8:19,20,21,22,23   2 Corinthians 5:1,2,3,4,5

So, are you watching ?   Are you groaning within yourself ?   If we are watching, that day, the day we groan for will not come upon us as a thief .  1 Thessalonians 5:1,2,3,4,5,6   That day overtakes the unconverted not Christians.  This current world is in a horrific mess.  Wars in the Middle East and Europe, $315 trillion in world debt, the U.S $35 trillion in debt, crime out of control, attempted assassination, corrupt politicians and governments around the world, sexual immorality, rebellious youth, illegal drug use, racial strife and corruption in the reporting of the news. All these and many more evils will eventually lead to a false tribulation where the world will cry out for a savior and Satan will provide one.  A covenant will be made by this man of sin with ten nations that will for a short time, three and a half years, bring false peace and prosperity.  The third temple is rebuilt and the sacrifices offered as this man of sin brings back the law of Moses.  This is a brilliant plan to deceive because the law is biblical but will not provide salvation.  

This man of sin will be a descendent of king David and restore modern day Israel to the glory days of Solomon thus an image of the beast of Revelation 13:1 .  A beast in biblical symbolism represents a nation.  The beast nation is described as , “was, is not and yet is”, Revelation 17:8   This is a nation that once existed but then passed out of existence only to in the future exist again.  There has been only one nation in all recorded history that has done this, Israel.  The man of sin in the near future will be the messiah that modern day Israel will accept.  John 5:43   Ezekiel 21:25,26,27   This man of sin, this profane wicked prince of Israel and verse , Ezekiel 21:27 , is the third ruin or destruction of the temple and the one who comes, arrives, is Christ, to whom GOD has given and assigned rulership and judgment.  

The Prophets have spoken long ago about things yet in our future.  1 Peter 1:10,11,12   Acts 3:21    

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...