Wednesday, July 17, 2024




 A young man I know once told me that there was no such thing as absolutes. I asked him if he was absolutely sure. There are perhaps in this carnal world very few things that people consider absolute, like death and taxes. In the spiritual reality all there is is absolutes, everything is absolute. This is because there is an ALMIGHTY GOD who HIMSELF is absolute.

In Christianity the revealed spiritual knowledge is absolute. There is not one thing about GOD, Christ and the revelation knowledge of the truth that is not absolute. Isaiah 46:9,10 Our faith in these things must be firm, solid and unmoving. Romans 14:23 The scriptures make point blank statements about a variety of issues and with the helper, the Elijah to come, the Holy Spirit of the FATHER Christians are enabled to understand things the world cannot understand. No amount of talking, convincing or debating is able to change the mind of a worldly person. Only GOD can change a mind. No one decides to join GODS church, the ALMIGHTY GOD must choose you and bring you in through Jesus Christ. John 6:44 Jeremiah 31:3 John 6:39 John 6:45,65

The truth of GOD is not conveniently in outline form that lists all the doctrines with a detailed explanation. The truth is scattered from Genesis to Revelation, here a little there a little precept upon precept line upon line. Isaiah 28:9,10,11,12,13 There is a ton of spiritual knowledge in these five verses of Isaiah. Verse 9 , things revealed unto babes , 10 the truth is scattered , verse 11 is only my thoughts that this verse prophesied the gift of tongues and Verse 12 hints that the spiritual rest in Christ ended the physical rest (sabbath) of the law for believers. Verse 13 yes the word went to the world but to the world it was foolishness because the world didn’t have what the church did, the Holy Spirit. Therefore the world will stumble backwards, be injured, ensnared and captured. This is exactly what happened and is yet the current condition of the world.

The church of the LIVING GOD needs to concentrate on its own growth and not that of a world GOD is not calling at this time. GOD , since the Apostle John died , ended human ministry, shepherds. The gospel was preached by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles, it is all there in scripture, here a little there a little requiring the Holy Spirit to understand it. This is why you see 50,000 different churches in the world instead of just one. Do I need to explain why that is ? The world is Isaiah 28:13 .

It is only given to the church, the people with the Holy Spirit that GOD personally calls and draws to Christ, that can know spiritual things, it is not given to the world. Given the information I have recorded here examine yourselves, ask yourselves concerning the things we think, say and do asking why and then give ourselves an honest answer. Even Shakespeare said, “to thine own self be true “.
When hurt there is pain but when healed the pain is gone. If you continue to pick at the wound it will never heal. We must leave the past in the past and draw strength from GOD to get over it. We must move forward with our eyes focused on the kingdom of GOD. Matthew 6:33 . If we do not it will be our own folly. 1 Chronicles 29:9 just plug your own name in to replace Solomons.

Everything I have written here is absolute but not because I am so intelligent having letters after my name or am an expert in Greek and Hebrew or have some earthly title. I am just some former child of the devil that GOD had mercy for and called me out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. This is not just me it is all of us who are truly Christians. 1 Peter 2:9

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