Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Absolute fact.

1. If anyone is in a cult they are deceived and do not have the Holy Spirit.

2. GOD is the only one who can call you out of a cult.

3. If GOD calls you must answer in order to be chosen.

4. Many people in cults have been called but do not answer.

5.  Those who do answer need to be baptized and by laying on of hands receive the Holy Spirit.

6. People fresh out of a cult are babes and need to mature.

7. A good example of this entire process is in Acts 2:1-47  Peter preached the gospel to those Jews and they were “cut to the heart” , had GODLY sorrow ,  “what shall we do”  is answering the call .  Then Peter said, Acts 2:38   This same process is still to this day used by GOD to add to the church the elect, those being saved in this age before the second advent. Acts 2:47

8. When people are a Christian they are no longer under the law that previously condemned them to everlasting death and have passed over from death to life. 

9. Christians have by the spirit GODS love in them that fulfills the law.  They love GOD and neighbor, have continual access to grace because of their faith for forgiveness of sin.  

10. These Christians are the Israel of GOD, the true children of Abraham, the first fruits, the elect 144000, the little flock, the few that have been chosen, in the first resurrection as kings and priests with Jesus Christ.

11. Just as Jesus this church is in the world but not of the world.  They go unrecognized by strangers, family and friends and in this way are the invisible church that does not entangle themselves in the affairs of men.  They live peacefully and quietly while waiting for their change to come.  

12. At the return of Jesus they will be gathered from the four winds; the dead will rise along with the living to meet Christ and together with him and the holy angels will invade the Earth and conquer it for the kingdom of GOD.  Psalm 149:1-9   

13. Salvation is being in the kingdom of GOD as an immortal spirit being and changed in spiritual nature to have the nature of GOD.  2 Peter 1:3,4  

14. As long as a Christian does not commit the unpardonable sin they are guaranteed this future. Matthew 12:32   Hebrews 6:4,5,6

These 14 points are absolute fact.  They are the complete process that GOD brings every Christian through.  We have hope for others not called and chosen in this age through the millennium and second resurrection where they too will be going through the same process as we did before them.  It is GODS business only as to the who, where and when of each person’s salvation.  

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