Friday, July 26, 2024


The following are scriptures that prove what the church, the saints, the 144000, the first fruits, the Israel of GOD will be when changed in the resurrection at the return of Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:35  there are two questions here but I will focus on the latter, “with what kind of body do they come ?”   The answer is very plain.  1 Corinthians 15:44  Our current body of flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD.  1 Corinthians 15:50   Jesus separated flesh and spirit ,  John 3:6   Jesus described what someone who is born of the spirit is like.  John 3:8  

After Jesus ascended he was bodily changed from flesh and blood into a life giving spirit.  1 Corinthians 15:45   Jesus is no longer a human being but is a spirit being.  2 Corinthians 5:16 

It is written that humans are the image and likeness of GOD.  Certainly this does not mean flesh and blood.  It is speaking of spirit, our human spirit is what is after GODS image and likeness.  Human spirits became defiled because of the sin of Adam.  The second Adam provided a way through GODS power to correct this problem.  Remember it is the spirits of just men made perfect, not their flesh.  Hebrews 12:23

The flesh, for the purpose of salvation, is not only worthless but is our enemy.  John 6:63   Galatians 5:17   Romans 7:18 

Jesus was raised from the dead in the same body he was murdered in because by this he secured the hope of the second resurrection, that is life again in the flesh. Jesus could not do this in reverse, that is being raised glorified first as that would eliminate the second resurrection.  Therefore Jesus was not glorified at his resurrection but at his ascension.  The Apostle John saw the risen Christ and surely knew what body Jesus had, if Jesus was glorified when John saw him then why would John write the following,  1 John 3:2   Psalm 17:15    Philippians 3:21   Jesus could not be glorified until he went away, ascended, and then send the Holy Spirit.  John 7:39   Jesus confirmed Johns words, John 16:7   Therefore Jesus was not glorified by his resurrection but by his ascension.   

All the above information comes from the scriptures and is absolute fact.  To be guided by GOD spirituality a saint needs to search diligently to prove all things.  The error made by the glorified flesh believers is that they have failed to be diligent.  They made an assumption based on carnal thought not spiritual thought.  The future existence of the saints when their change comes is far beyond what we could ever imagine.  1 Corinthians 2:9   Job knew this about his future existence, now you and I do as well.  Job 14:14,15

1 Corinthians 15:51,52,53

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