Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Vice President Kamala Harris has suddenly been thrust into the lime light by President Biden dropping out of the race for president.  I have done a lot of research on Kamala Harris that is far to lengthy to go into here.  

Even though I am A political I still expect a nation to abide by its laws.  I expect the U.S. to abide by its constitution.  This however has not been the case in the United States for many years.  There is in the U.S. constitution the 14th amendment that defines who is a U.S. citizen.  It states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States , AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF , are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”  Many think that just being born on U.S. soil makes a person a citizen.  It does not.  I believe this idea cheapens what it means to be a U.S. citizen. The phrase, subject to the jurisdiction thereof, means total subjection .  No immigrant legal or illegal is to vote, serve in the military or hold any federal office thus they cannot be under full jurisdiction.  This definition is ignored by those who support citizenship by birth. With the illegal executive orders issued by president Biden, that violate numerous federal laws and also violates his oath of office,  the U.S. immigration and naturalization processes are now a complete disaster.

There are legal ways to immigrate to the U.S. which are also in federal law.  A person who desires to immigrate to the U.S. must apply for an immigrant visa and go through the established process to become a citizen.  

During the early 20th century many immigrants came to the United States legally and had the desire to be a good citizen.  Perhaps your parents or grandparents came here legally and went through the process to become a citizen.  The people who come illegally are an affront and insult to those who obeyed and respected our laws.  

Birth tourism is the practice of foreigners coming to the United States to have children so that the child is said to be a U.S. citizen.  Please look on Wikipedia for article Birth tourism for a detailed definition and description of this practice.  We have seen this practice escalate in last 20 years or more in the United States and it is causing many problems .  Jus soli is Latin meaning right of the soil and is the view that anyone born on U.S. soil is a citizen.  The results of this practice seen now for many years should cause us all to be deeply concerned.  Many nations have already changed their laws to end this jus soli idea because it led to what the U.S. has been and is currently experiencing.

There are different types of visas; tourist, work, diplomatic , student and immigrant.  If a foreigner desires to be a citizen they must file for immigrant status. All other visas have an expiration date that requires the holder of those visas to leave the United States or request an extension.  Again, because of president Bidens illegal executive orders, the entire system is in chaos.

  The parents of Kamala Harris both came to the U.S on a student visa with no intention of becoming a citizen. A student visa falls in the category of non immigrant visa that permits foreigners to be in the U.S. temporarily as in the case of a student visa.  They were not immigrants. After the birth of Kamala her parents divorced and the father went back to his native country.  The mother applied for a work visa to remain and work in the United States and did for a time.  Later Kamala’s mother moved to Canada to accept a job position there. Kamala was 12 years old.  Kamala graduated high school in 1981 in Canada.  Neither of Kamala’s parents were U.S. citizens and had no desire to be a U.S. citizen .  It did not matter that Kamala was born in California while her parents were attending college.  They were not subject to the full jurisdiction of the United States and were not citizens.  They were here on a student visa.

What this means is that Kamala Harris is not nor has she ever been a citizen of the United States.

Kamala was illegally elected as a senator and vice president and now may become president of the United States.  No one in the news media will report this information and anyone who brings it up is instantly canceled and condemned as a lunatic, sexist or racist.  

This is only one example of the United States not following its own constitution and laws.  In fact the U.S. isn’t even following the foundation of government that the founders created.  

Politics is filthy unclean dung.  I refuse to participate in it as I am not of this world and  only sojourn here as a type of ambassador of a kingdom that I hope arrives soon.  Only then will true righteousness, peace and love reign forever.

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