Friday, August 2, 2024



According to the statistics on this blog the most read article concerns Christians and the law, that is the Ten Commandments and the book of the law of Moses.  Many that claim to be a Christian think they must keep the Ten Commandments and some also think parts of the law of Moses.  At one time I too thought this way.  Then I realized that the Ten Commandments are inferior to the two great commandments Christ gave; to love GOD and your neighbor.  This love is not something humans have naturally, it is a gift of GOD to true believers, those who have GODS HOLY SPIRIT.  This GODLY love empowers the saints to begin to love as GOD loves.  If a true Christian loves this way then there is no way that they can sin, GODS love fulfills the law.  When a person thinks they need to keep the Ten Commandments this GODLY love is not present in them, they are on their own.  

The frustration over law and grace is caused by unconverted people that cannot understand how not to sin without keeping the law.  The law is kept and fulfilled in the people who have GODS love in them by GODS HOLY SPIRIT.  THE LAW IS THE OLD TESTAMENT, GRACE IS THE NEW TESTAMENT.  Forgiveness, mercy, justification, righteousness and faith does not come by the law but by grace.  The faith to believe this gives the grace we need.  We are saved by grace through faith and not by law keeping.  The Ten Commandments can only show us, teach us, that we are sinners because no one can keep them and this is how the law is a schoolmaster to lead us to Christ.  Then we become GODS workmenship, GOD works in us with HIS love to fulfill that law in us.  Either we work on our own to death or in faith submit to GOD working in us to life.  Philippians 2:13   Ephesians 2:10   Philippians 1:6   We need GODS righteousness in us and not our self righteousness by the law.  Philippians 3:9   Yes, if you try to keep the Ten Commandments you are self righteous but if it is GOD who works in you then it is GODS righteousness by faith.  Keeping the Ten Commandments alienates you from Christ.  Galatians 5:4   The righteousness of GOD is by faith in GOD and Christ and this righteousness does not come by the law.  Galatians 2:21   Keepers of the law will not be justified by GOD.  Romans 3:20   There was no mercy or forgiveness for law keepers.  Hebrews 10:28.   

The law is not a bad thing, it is holy, just and good.  Romans 7:12  It was given to humanity by GOD to act as a spiritual mirror that we view ourselves in to see our sins.  Unconverted people without the Holy Spirit are under the law but the saints are not under the law.  

Ancient Israel used the law to become self righteous just as many are doing today.   They place a very heavy yoke on their necks,  Acts 15:10  ,  when Jesus offers his yoke instead.  Matthew 11:28,29,30

The yoke here is the law in Acts 15:10 but the yoke of Jesus is faith and grace.  Isaiah 58:6,9   Isaiah 10:27 

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