Wednesday, July 31, 2024



Have you been watching ?  Mark 13:37  Jesus, your messiah, said to watch.  Watch for what ?  

Matthew 24:4   2 Thessalonians 2:3   1 John 3:7   Ephesians 5:6   1 Corinthians 3:18   Colossians 2:8

There are many types of deceptions.  These deceptions divert the Christians attention away from far more important matters.  Christians are to be groaning within themselves for the return of Christ and the kingdom of GOD.  All creation is groaning.  Romans 8:19,20,21,22,23   2 Corinthians 5:1,2,3,4,5

So, are you watching ?   Are you groaning within yourself ?   If we are watching, that day, the day we groan for will not come upon us as a thief .  1 Thessalonians 5:1,2,3,4,5,6   That day overtakes the unconverted not Christians.  This current world is in a horrific mess.  Wars in the Middle East and Europe, $315 trillion in world debt, the U.S $35 trillion in debt, crime out of control, attempted assassination, corrupt politicians and governments around the world, sexual immorality, rebellious youth, illegal drug use, racial strife and corruption in the reporting of the news. All these and many more evils will eventually lead to a false tribulation where the world will cry out for a savior and Satan will provide one.  A covenant will be made by this man of sin with ten nations that will for a short time, three and a half years, bring false peace and prosperity.  The third temple is rebuilt and the sacrifices offered as this man of sin brings back the law of Moses.  This is a brilliant plan to deceive because the law is biblical but will not provide salvation.  

This man of sin will be a descendent of king David and restore modern day Israel to the glory days of Solomon thus an image of the beast of Revelation 13:1 .  A beast in biblical symbolism represents a nation.  The beast nation is described as , “was, is not and yet is”, Revelation 17:8   This is a nation that once existed but then passed out of existence only to in the future exist again.  There has been only one nation in all recorded history that has done this, Israel.  The man of sin in the near future will be the messiah that modern day Israel will accept.  John 5:43   Ezekiel 21:25,26,27   This man of sin, this profane wicked prince of Israel and verse , Ezekiel 21:27 , is the third ruin or destruction of the temple and the one who comes, arrives, is Christ, to whom GOD has given and assigned rulership and judgment.  

The Prophets have spoken long ago about things yet in our future.  1 Peter 1:10,11,12   Acts 3:21    

Monday, July 29, 2024



Jesus said that his sheep hear his voice, not the voice of a stranger,  John 10:5 ,  or a hireling, John 10:11,12,13,14 .  A stranger or hireling is a pastor, minister,  priest or preacher, some human being who sets himself up as a spiritual leader and teacher.  People with the Holy Spirit hear the voice of Christ in their spirit, their mind.  They are taught by GOD in this way as Jesus is the only mediator between GOD and humanity, there is no other.  If anyone learns anything from GOD they must be in Christ and go to Christ.  John 6:45   Human ministry attempts to do what only GOD through Christ can do.  This is absolute spiritual fact but it seems the vast majority does not believe it or understand it.  They like strangers and hired hands better.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of these ministries in over 50,000 different churches and the people that attend them have set up these ministers by following them instead of Christ.  It has been proven by members of this forum that the vast majority of all churches are false because of their false doctrines.  In this they have failed to see that their own organizations are just as false as those they have exposed.  A Christian has no other teacher than GOD through Christ and no other leader than GOD through Christ, PERIOD.  To elevate some human to teaching and leadership spiritually is to place another in place of or in equality with GOD and Christ.  All human ministry is false and of Satan.  These false shepherds are on an ego trip enjoying all the perks they receive from their flocks.  They have letters after their names and may have titles, they may be experts in Greek and Hebrew and very powerful speakers but they are all BABYLON.  This truth should be very easy to see for Christians or at least it should be. 

The main tool of Satan is to set up some human claiming to be a man of GOD when in reality is a minister of Satan. 2 Corinthians 11:12,13,14,15  These false ministers themselves are deceived, they are the blind leading the blind.  They think they need to fulfill the great commission when the Apostles did, they mimic what the first century Apostles did thinking they are the continuation of the Apostles, not knowing that after all the Apostles deaths human ministry ceased.  GOD and Christ only operate the church.

What are the prophecies concerning the end time before the return of Christ ?  Jesus said that it would be like the days of Noah, Matthew 24:37  and this is how it was in Noah’s day, Genesis 6:5   Here are some words of the Apostle Paul; 1 Timothy 4:1,2   2 Timothy 3:1,2,3,4,5  and from Peter;  2 Peter 3:3. 2 Peter 2:1,2,3   and Jude 1:4   and 1 John 4:1   The time we are in now must be approaching the second advent as all the words of these divinely inspired men are coming to pass.  In the near future all these false ministers and their followers will experience first hand what Christ said,  Matthew 7:23 ,  these people did many wonderful things in the name of Jesus, Matthew 7:22 , but this is the very thing Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:4,5  all of them acknowledge that Jesus is the Christ but still deceive many.

Are you so confident in your hireling, your preacher, your minister  ?       If so you will refuse to see what is plainly before your eyes.  

The system the first century church was organized in was for a limited time as GOD knew all the mass deception that was coming and as I have shown many times Ezekiel 34  is a prophecy about how GOD was going to deal with that deception, eliminate human ministers,  and take over all the affairs and operations of the church.  This is only one example of how I know that all of what claims to be Christianity is a lie.  

I can tell you about this but I can’t give you the understanding of it, I can’t teach you or lead you as all of that is in GODS control.  If GOD wants you HE will call you and you answer by calling back then there can be a beginning for you.  Eyes and ears can be spiritually opened and GOD through Christ will teach and lead you.  All the glory goes to GOD and none to any human.   You give money to human ministers, your throwing it away and are taught lies.  GOD does not want or need your money and GOD does not lie.  

In the current evil age GOD is only calling and electing 144000 people from the time of Able to the time when the open door is shut.  The door is open to the Philadelphia church and will be closed when the number of 144000 is achieved and sealed.  The Philadelphia church will be those who are alive when Jesus returns which means most of the elect are dead.  When Jesus said only a few would be saved he was not joking.  People in the world without GOD will not believe there are so few but will continue to do what they have always done.  This too is prophecy.  

If by the grace of GOD some reading this understand then GOD will give that understanding and will guide you into all truth and reveal things to come.  John 16:13  John 14:26   It is by the Holy Spirit of the ALMIGHTY GOD that all things are accomplished and by no man.  Zechariah 4:6   Psalm 20:6   Ephesians 1:11  2 Peter 1:3   1 John 2:27   All these scriptures and many more explicitly informs us that human ministry is over, GOD and Christ are in total control of GODS true church, the invisible church, the called and chosen 144000 of the dead saints in Christ and the living saints of the Philadelphia church, Revelation 3:7-13   

Luke 15:10   Matthew 10:32   Luke 12:8,9   Luke 15:7 

Friday, July 26, 2024


The following are scriptures that prove what the church, the saints, the 144000, the first fruits, the Israel of GOD will be when changed in the resurrection at the return of Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:35  there are two questions here but I will focus on the latter, “with what kind of body do they come ?”   The answer is very plain.  1 Corinthians 15:44  Our current body of flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of GOD.  1 Corinthians 15:50   Jesus separated flesh and spirit ,  John 3:6   Jesus described what someone who is born of the spirit is like.  John 3:8  

After Jesus ascended he was bodily changed from flesh and blood into a life giving spirit.  1 Corinthians 15:45   Jesus is no longer a human being but is a spirit being.  2 Corinthians 5:16 

It is written that humans are the image and likeness of GOD.  Certainly this does not mean flesh and blood.  It is speaking of spirit, our human spirit is what is after GODS image and likeness.  Human spirits became defiled because of the sin of Adam.  The second Adam provided a way through GODS power to correct this problem.  Remember it is the spirits of just men made perfect, not their flesh.  Hebrews 12:23

The flesh, for the purpose of salvation, is not only worthless but is our enemy.  John 6:63   Galatians 5:17   Romans 7:18 

Jesus was raised from the dead in the same body he was murdered in because by this he secured the hope of the second resurrection, that is life again in the flesh. Jesus could not do this in reverse, that is being raised glorified first as that would eliminate the second resurrection.  Therefore Jesus was not glorified at his resurrection but at his ascension.  The Apostle John saw the risen Christ and surely knew what body Jesus had, if Jesus was glorified when John saw him then why would John write the following,  1 John 3:2   Psalm 17:15    Philippians 3:21   Jesus could not be glorified until he went away, ascended, and then send the Holy Spirit.  John 7:39   Jesus confirmed Johns words, John 16:7   Therefore Jesus was not glorified by his resurrection but by his ascension.   

All the above information comes from the scriptures and is absolute fact.  To be guided by GOD spirituality a saint needs to search diligently to prove all things.  The error made by the glorified flesh believers is that they have failed to be diligent.  They made an assumption based on carnal thought not spiritual thought.  The future existence of the saints when their change comes is far beyond what we could ever imagine.  1 Corinthians 2:9   Job knew this about his future existence, now you and I do as well.  Job 14:14,15

1 Corinthians 15:51,52,53

Wednesday, July 24, 2024



Absolute fact.

1. If anyone is in a cult they are deceived and do not have the Holy Spirit.

2. GOD is the only one who can call you out of a cult.

3. If GOD calls you must answer in order to be chosen.

4. Many people in cults have been called but do not answer.

5.  Those who do answer need to be baptized and by laying on of hands receive the Holy Spirit.

6. People fresh out of a cult are babes and need to mature.

7. A good example of this entire process is in Acts 2:1-47  Peter preached the gospel to those Jews and they were “cut to the heart” , had GODLY sorrow ,  “what shall we do”  is answering the call .  Then Peter said, Acts 2:38   This same process is still to this day used by GOD to add to the church the elect, those being saved in this age before the second advent. Acts 2:47

8. When people are a Christian they are no longer under the law that previously condemned them to everlasting death and have passed over from death to life. 

9. Christians have by the spirit GODS love in them that fulfills the law.  They love GOD and neighbor, have continual access to grace because of their faith for forgiveness of sin.  

10. These Christians are the Israel of GOD, the true children of Abraham, the first fruits, the elect 144000, the little flock, the few that have been chosen, in the first resurrection as kings and priests with Jesus Christ.

11. Just as Jesus this church is in the world but not of the world.  They go unrecognized by strangers, family and friends and in this way are the invisible church that does not entangle themselves in the affairs of men.  They live peacefully and quietly while waiting for their change to come.  

12. At the return of Jesus they will be gathered from the four winds; the dead will rise along with the living to meet Christ and together with him and the holy angels will invade the Earth and conquer it for the kingdom of GOD.  Psalm 149:1-9   

13. Salvation is being in the kingdom of GOD as an immortal spirit being and changed in spiritual nature to have the nature of GOD.  2 Peter 1:3,4  

14. As long as a Christian does not commit the unpardonable sin they are guaranteed this future. Matthew 12:32   Hebrews 6:4,5,6

These 14 points are absolute fact.  They are the complete process that GOD brings every Christian through.  We have hope for others not called and chosen in this age through the millennium and second resurrection where they too will be going through the same process as we did before them.  It is GODS business only as to the who, where and when of each person’s salvation.  

Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Vice President Kamala Harris has suddenly been thrust into the lime light by President Biden dropping out of the race for president.  I have done a lot of research on Kamala Harris that is far to lengthy to go into here.  

Even though I am A political I still expect a nation to abide by its laws.  I expect the U.S. to abide by its constitution.  This however has not been the case in the United States for many years.  There is in the U.S. constitution the 14th amendment that defines who is a U.S. citizen.  It states, “All persons born or naturalized in the United States , AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF , are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.”  Many think that just being born on U.S. soil makes a person a citizen.  It does not.  I believe this idea cheapens what it means to be a U.S. citizen. The phrase, subject to the jurisdiction thereof, means total subjection .  No immigrant legal or illegal is to vote, serve in the military or hold any federal office thus they cannot be under full jurisdiction.  This definition is ignored by those who support citizenship by birth. With the illegal executive orders issued by president Biden, that violate numerous federal laws and also violates his oath of office,  the U.S. immigration and naturalization processes are now a complete disaster.

There are legal ways to immigrate to the U.S. which are also in federal law.  A person who desires to immigrate to the U.S. must apply for an immigrant visa and go through the established process to become a citizen.  

During the early 20th century many immigrants came to the United States legally and had the desire to be a good citizen.  Perhaps your parents or grandparents came here legally and went through the process to become a citizen.  The people who come illegally are an affront and insult to those who obeyed and respected our laws.  

Birth tourism is the practice of foreigners coming to the United States to have children so that the child is said to be a U.S. citizen.  Please look on Wikipedia for article Birth tourism for a detailed definition and description of this practice.  We have seen this practice escalate in last 20 years or more in the United States and it is causing many problems .  Jus soli is Latin meaning right of the soil and is the view that anyone born on U.S. soil is a citizen.  The results of this practice seen now for many years should cause us all to be deeply concerned.  Many nations have already changed their laws to end this jus soli idea because it led to what the U.S. has been and is currently experiencing.

There are different types of visas; tourist, work, diplomatic , student and immigrant.  If a foreigner desires to be a citizen they must file for immigrant status. All other visas have an expiration date that requires the holder of those visas to leave the United States or request an extension.  Again, because of president Bidens illegal executive orders, the entire system is in chaos.

  The parents of Kamala Harris both came to the U.S on a student visa with no intention of becoming a citizen. A student visa falls in the category of non immigrant visa that permits foreigners to be in the U.S. temporarily as in the case of a student visa.  They were not immigrants. After the birth of Kamala her parents divorced and the father went back to his native country.  The mother applied for a work visa to remain and work in the United States and did for a time.  Later Kamala’s mother moved to Canada to accept a job position there. Kamala was 12 years old.  Kamala graduated high school in 1981 in Canada.  Neither of Kamala’s parents were U.S. citizens and had no desire to be a U.S. citizen .  It did not matter that Kamala was born in California while her parents were attending college.  They were not subject to the full jurisdiction of the United States and were not citizens.  They were here on a student visa.

What this means is that Kamala Harris is not nor has she ever been a citizen of the United States.

Kamala was illegally elected as a senator and vice president and now may become president of the United States.  No one in the news media will report this information and anyone who brings it up is instantly canceled and condemned as a lunatic, sexist or racist.  

This is only one example of the United States not following its own constitution and laws.  In fact the U.S. isn’t even following the foundation of government that the founders created.  

Politics is filthy unclean dung.  I refuse to participate in it as I am not of this world and  only sojourn here as a type of ambassador of a kingdom that I hope arrives soon.  Only then will true righteousness, peace and love reign forever.

Saturday, July 20, 2024



John 6:44   John 14:6   Acts 2:39   Isaiah 54:13   John 6:45   Psalm 25:8,9    These are just a few scriptures that have a very powerful and profound message.  That message is;  GOD totally and completely controls who will be in HIS church.  GOD is the only one who can teach the truth.  GOD is the only one who can convert a person.  GOD has created and established Jesus Christ as the mediator between HIMSELF and humanity to accomplish all these things. 

NO MAN can do any of the things listed above, not even Jesus, the Apostles or prophets.  Jesus asked Peter, who do you say that I am,  Peter responded, you are the Christ the son of the living GOD.  Jesus did not take credit for Peters knowledge but gave the glory to his FATHER.  Matthew 16:15,16,17   Paul freely confessed that neither he nor Apollos could give the understanding of the things they preached.  1 Corinthians 3:6,7   It is not necessary that GOD use men to preach because the ancient saints before there was scripture, Jesus or Apostles  were taught directly by HIS Holy Spirit.  These saints were referred to by Stephen as, the church in the wilderness.  Acts 7:38   After the Pentecost church was attacked by Satan she fled into the wilderness. Revelation 12:13,14   The church was scattered to the four winds.  The church would be very few in number.  The church is today in the wilderness just as those ancient saints.  They are taught in the same way, directly by GODS spirit.  This was prophesied to happen by Ezekiel in Ezekiel 34:1-31  Study this chapter 34 very carefully and note all the similarities with the Christian church.  Examine in the writings of the Apostles and the words of Christ about the great deceptions that would come.  All the things in this article add up to one inescapable conclusion.  If you know what it is please reply.



Legislating morality.  If a person believes that moral behavior can be enforced by laws then they should be a staunch supporter of keeping the Ten Commandments.  The Ten Commandments are the moral authority given to ancient Israel by GOD through Moses.  Should Christians place themselves under the law, the Ten Commandments ?

Perfection is the goal of every Christian.  The law will not produce perfection.  Hebrews 7:19   The morality of a Christian is far above that of the Ten Commandments or the laws of any nation.  Mark 12:30,31   The “commandments”  Jesus gave are greater than the Ten Commandments that Moses delivered to Israel.  

The United States, in its constitution, had 10 articles called the bill of rights that listed the freedoms guaranteed to the citizens.  It follows that these rights have an opposite that opposes those rights and that would be a violation and immoral.  Ten Commandments and ten articles basically attempt to do the same thing, legislate morality.

If morality could be legislated then utopia should be the result.  Galatians 2:21   The laws governments create are nothing more than poor duplicates of the Ten Commandments but just as with the Ten Commandments laws need to be enforced if they are to be effective.  Violation of the Ten Commandments resulted in death.  Hebrews 10:28   Violations of U.S. laws seldom result in death.  There is no fear in a law that has no teeth.  Perfect love casts out fear.

Human politics is the same as the Ten Commandments but without the punishment in many cases.  What if there was in humanity a force or power that enabled them to never think of doing evil but always acting out of love ?  Wouldn’t this make laws unnecessary ?   Wouldn’t this render human governments unnecessary ?   Yes, it would.  The entire political system would be unnecessary.  This is the life a Christian is to be living now, not some far off tomorrow, but now.  Christians are to live now as though they were in the kingdom of GOD.  We are to walk as Jesus walked and to have the mind of Christ.  We are to think Spirituality not carnally, heavenly not Earthly.  Christians are not to be entangled in laws.  Galatians 5:1,2,3,4   Yes, while we are yet human we should obey the laws of the nation where we live but only to the degree where they do not violate the law of love.  We do not participate in the politics of any nation because we are not of this world, our citizenship is in heaven, we do not entangle ourselves in the affairs of men.  Politics is like a dog chasing a car, what would the dog do if he could catch it ?   Politics is an exercise in futility.  It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps.  Jeremiah 10:23   Proverbs 37:23   Isaiah 59:8,9    To truly think politics is acceptable you must put faith in politicians, in laws , in carnal men, in blind guides.    

The Passover is Christ .  We Passover all the laws of men and submit ourselves willingly to the government of GOD, an absolute righteous and benevolent monarchy where the only “law” is love.   Christians Passover their former life for a new life in Christ and become a new creation in Christ..  Christians die with Christ and are raised with Christ.  Was Jesus a republican, democrat or independent, conservative or liberal.  Did Jesus or the Apostles participate in politics ?  

Matthew 22:37,38   Luke 4:8  

Wednesday, July 17, 2024




Sin is a far more serious thing than we may have realized.  The cost of our grace, the mercy of GOD to forgive our sins, was very high.  It required the death of the only righteous man who ever lived, Jesus the messiah  son of the most high GOD.  This sacrifice paid for all the sins that we did before we were converted but also pays for sins we do after conversion.  This sacrifice also pays for the sin of Adam that passed on to all of us.  

The scripture has several definitions for sin;  1 John 3:4   Romans 14:23   1 John 5:17   Romans 3:23   When we closely examine these verses we could arrive at one true and complete definition for sin;  whatever is not of GODS love is sin.  The law, the glory of GOD, faith and righteousness are all of GODS love and without this love we are nothing.  Everything contained in the teachings of all scripture is nothing without GODS love, it is the greatest of all.

Jesus magnified the law to reveal to us that it is our human spirit that sins and we use our bodies to disclose the sin openly.  Under the law two human witnesses had to testify against a sinner by using the seeing of the eyes and hearing of the ears without any regard to the thoughts and intents of the human spirit.  Jesus revealed the true cause of sin.  Isaiah 11:3,4  it is the thoughts and intents of the human spirit.  Matthew 15:18,19,20   See how Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah.  Hebrews 4:10   Jeremiah 17:10

The Holy Spirit is the power of GOD in us that gives us, our human spirit, a portion of GODS love.  Romans 5:5  Even with all this we still sin and need to humbly and sincerely ask GOD to forgive us.  No matter how many times we sin if we obey the message of the gospel and are in the true faith GOD will forgive and count our faith in this as righteousness, not our righteousness but GODS.  Philippians 3:9   It is the righteousness of GOD by faith that we are saved by grace through faith.  It will be when we are in the kingdom that GOD will seal us in righteousness, change us to be incapable of sin and give us spirit bodies so that we will live forever.  Hebrews 12:23  

Contrary to what some say we will be spirit beings, no longer human just as Christ is no longer human. 2 Corinthians 5:16,17   Christ is now a life giving spirit, the first of a new creation.  1 Corinthians 15:45  The angels have a spirit body and we will have a spirit body too.  Mark 12:25  2 Corinthians 5:1    1 Corinthians 15:44 

All sins are common to us all,  1 Corinthians 10:13 ,  but GOD provides a way for us to endure.  The most dangerous thing is to not respond to the GODLY sorrow you feel, the guilt you feel, when you sin because this GODLY sorrow is what leads you to repent and ask for forgiveness.  2 Corinthians 7:10   Be happy, be glad for this type of GODLY sorrow as it is the correction of your loving FATHER  Hebrews 12:9   For any Christian to want to not feel guilty would produce no repentance therefore no forgiveness.  Luke 13:3   

The spirit GOD gives to us makes none of us spiritual giants because we are only sinners with access to GODS grace.  This by no means is a license to sin or cheap grace.  It is not once saved always saved neither is it universal salvation.  The spirit of GOD is sown in us ,  1 Corinthians 15:42,43,44 ,  we are perishable, dishonorable and weak.  We are corruptible mortals that must put on incorruption and immortality.  1 Corinthians 15:53  This change comes when Christ returns and until that day we must obey the message of the gospel.

It seems that our spiritual warfare is constantly losing battles with sin but the victory in the end will be ours if we remain faithful and endure to the end.  1 Corinthians 15:57   Where sin abounds grace abounds much more, mercy triumphs over judgment.  Matthew 9:13   Romans 5:20    

If any sin among the saints we have an advocate with the FATHER,  Jesus Christ the righteous;  1 John 2:1,2,3,4,5,6   

Walk as Jesus walked.





 A young man I know once told me that there was no such thing as absolutes. I asked him if he was absolutely sure. There are perhaps in this carnal world very few things that people consider absolute, like death and taxes. In the spiritual reality all there is is absolutes, everything is absolute. This is because there is an ALMIGHTY GOD who HIMSELF is absolute.

In Christianity the revealed spiritual knowledge is absolute. There is not one thing about GOD, Christ and the revelation knowledge of the truth that is not absolute. Isaiah 46:9,10 Our faith in these things must be firm, solid and unmoving. Romans 14:23 The scriptures make point blank statements about a variety of issues and with the helper, the Elijah to come, the Holy Spirit of the FATHER Christians are enabled to understand things the world cannot understand. No amount of talking, convincing or debating is able to change the mind of a worldly person. Only GOD can change a mind. No one decides to join GODS church, the ALMIGHTY GOD must choose you and bring you in through Jesus Christ. John 6:44 Jeremiah 31:3 John 6:39 John 6:45,65

The truth of GOD is not conveniently in outline form that lists all the doctrines with a detailed explanation. The truth is scattered from Genesis to Revelation, here a little there a little precept upon precept line upon line. Isaiah 28:9,10,11,12,13 There is a ton of spiritual knowledge in these five verses of Isaiah. Verse 9 , things revealed unto babes , 10 the truth is scattered , verse 11 is only my thoughts that this verse prophesied the gift of tongues and Verse 12 hints that the spiritual rest in Christ ended the physical rest (sabbath) of the law for believers. Verse 13 yes the word went to the world but to the world it was foolishness because the world didn’t have what the church did, the Holy Spirit. Therefore the world will stumble backwards, be injured, ensnared and captured. This is exactly what happened and is yet the current condition of the world.

The church of the LIVING GOD needs to concentrate on its own growth and not that of a world GOD is not calling at this time. GOD , since the Apostle John died , ended human ministry, shepherds. The gospel was preached by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles, it is all there in scripture, here a little there a little requiring the Holy Spirit to understand it. This is why you see 50,000 different churches in the world instead of just one. Do I need to explain why that is ? The world is Isaiah 28:13 .

It is only given to the church, the people with the Holy Spirit that GOD personally calls and draws to Christ, that can know spiritual things, it is not given to the world. Given the information I have recorded here examine yourselves, ask yourselves concerning the things we think, say and do asking why and then give ourselves an honest answer. Even Shakespeare said, “to thine own self be true “.
When hurt there is pain but when healed the pain is gone. If you continue to pick at the wound it will never heal. We must leave the past in the past and draw strength from GOD to get over it. We must move forward with our eyes focused on the kingdom of GOD. Matthew 6:33 . If we do not it will be our own folly. 1 Chronicles 29:9 just plug your own name in to replace Solomons.

Everything I have written here is absolute but not because I am so intelligent having letters after my name or am an expert in Greek and Hebrew or have some earthly title. I am just some former child of the devil that GOD had mercy for and called me out of darkness into HIS marvelous light. This is not just me it is all of us who are truly Christians. 1 Peter 2:9

Sunday, July 7, 2024



Jesus said,  Matthew 17:11 ,   “restore all things”.  This is the power of GODS spirit teaching the truth of all things to the people who would become GODS elect saints, that GOD chooses out of the world to become HIS saints, bypassing all false human shepherds.  These elect were formally in great deception and children of the devil.  Jesus says this very thing, Acts 26:18   I was once a child of Satan and so were we all.  Only by GODS mercy and love along with HIS eternal attributes selected, elected, a people ,  Ephesians 1:5,11  These saints have in eternity been know to GOD.  GOD draws these people to HIMSELF through Jesus.  John 6:44   John 14:6   

Notice that Elijah “restores” meaning to revive that which was lost, referring to the truth.  The level of deception in the world is enormous.

The devil has deceived many men and women to think they are ministers of light, shepherds of the truth.  2 Corinthians 11:13,14,15

This has been the way of the world of organized religion.  I have researched hundreds of these organizations and found them all false.  All 45 or 55 thousand of them are false.  If any organization is led by a human shepherd then it is false.   GOD removed all human ministers after the death of the Apostle John.  Men were and are the problem so GOD eliminated the problem.

Malachi 4:5,6   This Elijah comes before the day of the Lord.   John the Baptist didn’t restore anything.    This Elijah is GODS spirit.

Jesus knew the church would be overrun by false brethren and ministers and called the church the “little flock”.   Other words Jesus spoke concerning the church; many are called but few are chosen,  few there be that find it and where two or three are gathered together in my name indicate to us that the number of true Christians is very small..  The Elijah spirit became necessary in order to overcome false ministers, false doctrine and scriptural errors.   

No one could ever build a true foundation with the enormous degree of deception in this world.  The elect saints escape this deception by having GOD and Christ only lead, guide and teach them and this is why Jesus said that it was impossible to deceive the elect.  If people would only have the faith to come out of Babylon and touch not the unclean thing GOD would receive them.  GOD does not dwell in temples made by human preachers, GOD does not want your money and GOD will not lie to you.  These three things would make excellent stones for your foundation.  The Elijah spirit, the FATHER , is the teacher through Jesus Christ.  John 6:45  This is the chief cornerstone in anyone’s foundation.


Saturday, July 6, 2024



A spiritual foundation.  Each truth we are taught by GODS spirit is a stone in the building of our foundation.  Jesus is the chief cornerstone. Knowing who Jesus was and is reveals the FATHER.  Jesus came to reveal the FATHER by living his life in the same way GOD would if GOD was a man.  GODLY love, agape, is how Jesus lived and preached the gospel, fulfilled the law and was impeccable, that is incapable of sin, because he did indeed have the divine nature that we also partake of when in the kingdom.  All these things and many more are the chief cornerstone.  Knowing Jesus is to know the FATHER.

  Knowing humanity, that humans are mortal, a soul, the union of flesh and spirit, the shadow image of GOD.  Understanding what sin is.  Understanding what grace is, what repentance and justification is.  Understanding the enemy, Satan, and his methods.

  Understanding prophecy. That the church began with righteous Able and will be completed when the very last gentile is grafted into the olive tree.  That the church is the Israel of GOD, the elect and 144000.  That the harlot is Jerusalem and the antichrist an evil son of David who revives the law of Moses, the Temple and the sacrifices.  That he produces a false tribulation and false millennium , declaring himself GOD thus beginning the time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation.  The elect 144,000 are sealed and protected from the tribulation but the Laodiceans are not and become the innumerable multitude.  These and other prophecies are part of the foundation.

Everything GODS spirit teaches is part of our foundation and is what we draw upon to prove other revelations of truth as they are revealed.  No one else can build on your foundation but you and all the stones in your foundation will be the same truth in all who build, the church saints all have the same truth.  Gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay or stubble are in all foundations at first and it is our work to become a master builder to eliminate the latter three and retain the previous three.  If I do have some wood, hay or stubble in my foundation the fire of GOD will burn it away, I will suffer the loss but will not lose my salvation. This is just GOD cleaning up my foundation.

 Not everyone grows spiritually at the same rate but we are all expected to grow.  No matter how much we do grow a reward is given in equal measure.  To build a foundation takes time, dedication and commitment with a hunger and thirst to diligently seek after the GOD who created us.  We know in part now but in full at the return.  Until then we all need to make our foundations sure. We should never grieve or quench the Holy Spirit of the FATHER.  We must always repent of our sins and ask forgiveness.  We must love GOD and our neighbor.  

All Christians must grow, build their foundations, both babes and mature.  Through fellowship we can all be edified by sharing what the spirit has taught us with each other and that same spirit will open the understanding to all in the church.  When we fellowship Christ is there with us and by the power of his FATHERS spirit teaches us as we consider and study the scriptures.  If one of us has a revelation the others listen and use their foundations, drawing upon the already known truths, to discern the spirits to confirm the revelation is from GOD.  This eliminates Satan trying to deceive us.  The foundation is truth upon truth and no lie is of the truth.  Isaiah 28:16.  John 3:33. John 10:14   Matthew 24:24   1 John 4:1   Matthew 7:15   There are many deceivers today, men and women out to get money and a following after themselves that preach lies.  Having a sure foundation makes it impossible to deceive GODS elect.  

Thursday, July 4, 2024



Trinitarians say Jesus had two natures, one GOD and one human.  They say Jesus was GOD and human at the same time.  All humans have human nature only, just one nature that is not what GOD created Adam and Eve with because after Adam sinned his nature changed to be like his father the devil.  Before Adam sinned he had no knowledge of good or evil, he was a spiritual blank that needed filled in and the filling would be the result of which fruit from what tree he would ingest.  So then, for Jesus to be truly human he would have to have the nature of a human and be a child of the devil.  Jesus, being fully GOD presents a huge problem for how can a physical body be omnipresent?

The life of a child of the devil would certainly not be a proper sacrifice for sin so it follows the life of the GOD part would be.  This presents a problem as well because GOD can’t die so how can there be a sacrifice?  The pagan Romans had a two faced god named Janus, the god of beginnings, transitions and endings, sound familiar.  It maybe that the pagan primitive Catholic Church adopted this Janus as Jesus.

Janus is also god of doors, keeps evil spirits at bay, allows good spirits, he was the link between past and future and of duality.  See how closely this Janus is to the trinitarian idea of Christ?  

Many believe the Catholic Church is the outgrowth of the Pentecost church, well it isn’t.  The harlot of Babylon is the city of Jerusalem and Roman Catholicism is her eldest daughter followed by all the churches of organized Christianity.  If people do not know GOD, do not know Christ then how can they know the gospel?  The Protestants came later and while making some changes yet retained lies of the elder sister.  The lies, the persecution and division all began in Jerusalem and spread to the world.  The deception through the years has grown to great . Revelation 12:9. Now, to the church only, has the Elijah Spirit been restoring the truth.  


  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...