Sunday, December 24, 2023


What are the end time elect supposed to do ?


The end time elect are living in a world filled with deception.  Satanic activity is ever increasing with violence, immoral behavior and perversion.  The ability of the elect to live peacefully and quietly is effected because the chaos has spread to unconverted family, friends , employers and all institutions of society.  In the midst of all of this some very few people are asking questions because they know this is not normal or right.  It may be that one of these asks you, “why are things this way, what is going on” ,  or they may ask , “is this the great tribulation “ .  By using your spiritual sense you can determine if the questioner is sincere or not.  If not keep quiet but if sincere then you should always be ready to give an answer.  The elect know that all of the 144000 have not yet been chosen.  God will finish that number before the tribulation.  It is very likely that God will use any of us as a tool to to stir up the mind or spirit of the one who asks us a question.  

During the tribulation according to Daniel, those who know their God shall instruct many, that’s you and me and all the elect who do the instructing.  Why then would we not think that we would do the same before the tribulation. All of the elect at this time should remember how God called and chose them.  In the parable of the talents we know that the talent symbolizes the portion of Gods spirit each elect receives, the spirit of God is the talent.  God gives to each of the elect a measure of His spirit in accordance to what He expects of them and to whom much is given much is required. In other words God expects a return on His investment in us.  God expects growth in the spirit from us no matter what measure of His spirit we were given.  We should be alert and ready always in the event God will require something from us.  Now, pre tribulation, to aid in the addition of an elect and in the tribulation aid in the teaching of the innumerable multitude.  This is a great honor for us to serve God in any way He desires.  

Wednesday, December 20, 2023




The title above was the response given to an article that I posted.  The man was obviously upset about something I wrote and most definitely did not agree.  This is his right as I do not demand neither do I expect what I write to be understood.  The members of this forum are a mix of difference theologies from different perspectives and many have been seriously injured psychologically by organizations they formerly belonged to.  I understand this and have compassion for them as I too experienced the same from my former organization.  A big difference between myself and others is that my conversion happened 30 years ago and from what I gather for most if not all of you it has been much less.  I came to this forum about a year ago, not to teach or get a following but to share.  Paul says we should edify, share what we have been given , to lift up others to whom it has been given to understand.  I have said that every true Christian today is directly taught by God through Jesus by divine revelation just as the Apostles were.  This means that all the saints today are prophets and prophetesses.  There is no human ministry because the anointing we have is our teacher.  Now I can say this is the truth but I do not think anyone here would agree. This has been for the most part the response to all my articles and it is exactly what I expected.  The world is a mass of spiritual confusion with so many voices and most in opposition to each other over doctrine.  This makes it impossible for the truth of God to be heard because it would be viewed as just one more voice among many.  In one of my articles I wrote about the 144,000 and deliberately left out information because I knew it would not be believed.  I did the same with all of the articles I have written as sort of a test to see if anyone would respond by including what I left out.  This would be to me the sign of a mature Christian.  I am falsely perceived by blah, blah, blah  as arrogant and less inspired than he when the reverse is true.  He has a very long way to go but with his cocky attitude he is in for a fall.  I have noticed that everyone of you has put some man you esteem as a great man of God over you in the Lord even though some of you deny this.  I view all Christians, after the death of the Apostle John, to have no man on Earth as their leader or teacher because this has been the mistake made ever since the days of the Apostles.  Today the churches are being controlled by a modern day Diotrephes. The Apostles were real men of God and once they all died their office died with them the woman was attacked by the serpent and driven into the wilderness while false churches usurped the name Christian.  This is the world we live in today but the level of deception has grown and truth has been cast to the ground  and trampled.  I wrote about the Elijah to come that Jesus told us about, I explained in detail with scripture that this is the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus .  The false shepherds, human ministry, are completely removed and God took total control of His church;  but how many of you understood, how many even read it.  I have warned you that if you have a man as a shepherd you are deceived but you do not hear.  I explained that an excellent deception contains elements of both truth and lies and I gave proof to you  of how one of your shepherds has deceived you.  Again, I was not expecting any of you to even get a glimmer concerning what I have written but there are a few of you that I think may have had some eye salve.  I do not say things to insult, injure, hurt or to be thought of by you as arrogant, conceited or haughty;  I have written the truth in love, going to great lengths to use edifying words, to use my gift to aid you. 

I have traveled that straight and narrow way far longer than any of you and I have not buried my talents but I asked, I sought and I knocked and the Philadelphian door was open for me and not for me alone but for all of Gods elect saints.  This has been the most amazing event in my life, I have found that good part and it will not be taken from me. 

Matthew 12:30  describes the false shepherds like Diotrephes, who are in control of what calls itself Christianity.  These are against Christ and do not gather but scatter scatter the sheep.  They feed themselves by fleecing the sheep and feed the sheep lies and false doctrine.  The sheep were scattered into many different false churches when there is to be only one church. God has removed these shepherds from tending HIS flock and HE will do the calling, choosing, teaching and leading.  The Lord is my shepherd and with HIM I have no want but was spiritually starved to death by the false shepherds.  Come out of them, be separate, have nothing more to do with these unclean shepherds and I will receive you.  This is the prophecy of Ezekiel 34 .  Isaiah 40:11 , John 10:8-11 ,  Jeremiah 23:1  These scriptures are all prophetic and describe what happened to the church of Pentecost.  Evil men waxed worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and usurped the name of Christian and grew in great numbers.  While this was taking place God was calling out a remnant of true believers to add to those HE had already elected since the day of righteous Able until this day and when GOD completes , fulfills the number of 144,000 ,the open door will be shut.   Anyone who reads these words and in truth understands them, blessed are you little flock, do not be afraid, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 

Monday, December 18, 2023



The Apostle Paul wrote about conscience, the inner feeling or voice acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of our behavior. In Christian life this concerns spiritual things, the things of God and Christ.  1 Corinthians 8:1-13 is scripture addressing conscience and so is 1 Corinthians 10:27-32 .  Those who are strong in the faith should bear the weak and be willing to limit their freedom in Christ for the sake of all people.  The strong know they can eat anything, even food sacrificed to idols and that all days are indeed alike. However this knowledge is not in all people.  Paul’s letter to the Galatians shows Paul’s anger over them keeping days, months, seasons and years. God, who is spirit cannot be worshipped in this way because it uses the physical to worship a God who is to be worshipped in spirit. No physical thing is to be used to worship God or His son because physical things are not spirit.  Colossians 2:6-8  makes it very plain that deception based on human traditions and the spiritual forces (Satan) of the world ,  2 Corinthians 4:4 , are not of God and Christ. Even weak Christians are not to remain weak but rather grow in grace and knowledge to become strong.  Strong Christians have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather reprove them, expose them for what they are to the weak Christian but not to the world because they will turn and rent you to pieces.  Ephesians 5:6-7 .  We can associate with people of the world but it is very wise to not get involved in their spiritual practices.  You could find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation.  Do we not know the Father is the only true God but most people in the worlds understanding say Jesus is God too.  They think God died for them.  The world has its ways and the church has its ways, which of these ways do you think are of God ?  

Proverbs 1:10 , Romans 13:12 , 2 Corinthians 6:14 ,  Romans 12:2

Yes, we are to love God and our neighbors but should we love our neighbors more than God.  This is a question that should be easy to answer but with a babe in Christ it may not.  A babe only recently was converted and needs to grow and God is able to make him Stand or fall as he is the Lords servant not ours.  The strong can help the weak in love, careful not to offend their developing conscience in the Lord who in time will strengthen them.  Politics and religion are said to be things not to discuss as both have the potential to produce bad results. We know this ,so why open ourselves up to even that possibility.  Matthew 7:6 is the chance your taking when you mix it up in the worlds politics or religion. Years ago, before I learned this lesson I got myself into numerous troubles, Jesus was right, they rent me into pieces. Wisdom is learned over time and through experiences. 1 Peter 2:2 

When a person is unconverted all they have is carnal consciousness and are only able to operate in man’s wisdom, it is only when converted that a person’s consciousness is linked to YAHWEH.  This link enables them to think spiritually, to come to the knowledge of the truth, to be taught of YAHWEH through Christ.  The faith carnal people have is carnal, they are carnal minded.  The faith of a Christian is spiritual, a gift and a fruit of the spirit of YAHWEH.  

Carnal people say they cannot go against their conscience when they make decisions and so their decisions will be carnal.  Christians become engaged in a spiritual warfare with this carnal conscience to defeat it, overcome it and become more like Christ.  

Christians are to die to their pre-converted self , their carnal conscience and carnal thinking so to be transformed into the spiritual.  

Christians are bought with a price and are not their own, they belong to YAHWEH who demands total love and obedience from HIS saints.  Christians are not to become involved in this carnal world’s religions, governments, politics or causes.  How can anyone claim to be not of this world when they are neck deep in it ?   If your consciousness is not linked to YAHWEH then you are not a Christian.  The old carnal saying is to let your conscience be your guide , that is your unconverted conscience, but with a Christian YAHWEHS spirit is your guide.  Lean not to your own understanding, your own conscience,  Proverbs 3:5,6   Christians are to have the mind, conscience, of Christ who had the mind of YAHWEH.  Christians must be of one mind, spirit and conscience awareness by being in Christ who is in YAHWEH.   The truth of YAHWEH is revealed to our conscience by the spirit of YAHWEH though Christ.  A Christians conscience in the truth is confirmed by YAHWEH.  Romans 9:1   Galatians 1:20   2 Corinthians 4:2  Romans 2:15   2 Corinthians 1:12   

Your human spirit is your mind, your consciousness and when unconverted is totally cut off from YAHWEH.  Let this mind which was in Christ be in you, we are to have the mind, the consciousness of Christ who was one with his GOD.  

I am very aware that the subject of conscience is ,for a babe in Christ, a difficult thing to grasp but babes are to grow, mature, increase in spiritual knowledge to come to see that they cannot allow their former carnal conscience to guide them, they must become a new creation, not of this world.  

Thursday, December 14, 2023



Would you belong to a church that you knew was not the true church ?  With about 55,000 different churches today which one is the true ?  This article is intended for those people who have read and studied scripture seriously on their own or perhaps in a small group.  I hope you know the scriptures very well so that I do not have to baby you and write them out.  This article is for those who are willing to diligently search, to ask, seek and knock so that the door of revelation knowledge can be opened for you.  If you are a person content with modern day churchianity and question nothing but just believe the pastor then not only are you deceived but are also willingly ignorant.  Church is people communicating about spiritual things as an orderly group in which all members may participate.  Church is not a one man show.  Church is not a live band playing music while the people dance and wave their hands.  Church is not about money, tithes and offerings.  Church is not about the great commission or winning souls for Jesus.  What is recognized and accepted today as church is not the true church.  All of the pomp and circumstance in the worlds churches is an attempt to mimic what they think scripture says about the church.  When a person with some biblical knowledge examines the church of the scriptures and compares that to the churches of this world they will see no comparison at all.  The true church that is here in this world is not of the worlds ways.  The true church conducts itself in such a way as to be totally unknown by the the worlds churches.  The true church is to be a light to the world and not a blast horn in the dark.  Worldly churches are carnal minded spiritually ignorant 501C3 organizations referred to in Revelation as synagogues of Satan.  There exists now on Earth a remnant of true believers that were called and chosen by the Father and drawn to the son for salvation at the second advent.  These are the elect saints that total in number 144,000 from the time of righteous Able to when the door is shut.  The worlds churches are pretenders that are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  This causes them to fill in with carnal thinking what the think the truth is.  At this time these charlatans have dominated the minds of all that is falsely called Christianity.  In reality they combine certain elements of Christianity with paganism resulting in either whole lies or half truths.  The true church is taught by the Father through Jesus, each member contributes what is revealed to them, there is order and mutual love and respect with an attitude of being thankful if shown wrong about any topic being discussed rather than taking offense.  The false churches together have billions of members but the true church has extremely few.  If you know your scripture you should know that.  A person who is an elect saint of God is somewhat like being invisible to the world, not sight wise but in understanding and acknowledgement as to who they are the world hasn’t a clue.

The world’s churches are what God calls people out of not into. They were never a part of true Christianity but are deceived by Satan to think they are.  The revealing of this great deception will be in the future but for now it is what is.  No one can join the true church, it is God who puts you in it.  Once God does this then His Spirit is your only teacher and Jesus is your only mediator and leader.  

Tuesday, December 12, 2023




Romans 7:20 is perhaps a puzzling verse to some.  What does it mean ? “ Now if I do what I do not want to do it is no longer I who do it but it is sin that  dwells in me.”  A true Christians mind , their human spirit,  is greatly desiring to obey God to fulfill the law with Gods love as Jesus did.   Even having the Holy Spirit does not eliminate sin instantaneously but sin is overcome as we live our lives in Christ.  1 John 1:10 “If we say we have not sinned we make Him a liar and His truth is not in us.”  Hebrews 12:1 (focus on this part of the verse) “and the sin which so easily ensnares us” .  1 Peter 4:18 (focus on) “And if the righteous scarcely be saved…).   All true Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare because our flesh desires what is contrary to the spirit.  Galatians 5:17 ,  Romans 7:15,  Romans 7:18 .  Our human spirit is joined to the Lord and is one spirit with Him, however we are weak because of our flesh in which is no good thing.  This is why God will not glorify the fleshly body but replace it with a body composed totally of spirit.  Romans 8:8  If we have the Holy Spirit we have the helper, we can repent and ask for forgiveness and God sees our faith and pours upon us His grace and covers us with His righteousness.  This is why we have the final victory because Jesus already won it.  God knows the thoughts and intents of our human spirit and He will know if our desire is to obey Him but because of the weakness of the flesh we actually go against our inner desire to obey and that is why it is no longer us that sin but sin that dwells in us.  Therefore,  Philippians 2:13 we become Gods work, 1 Corinthians 12:6 .  We must continue in the faith and grace of the gospel message and where sin abounds Gods grace abounds much more and mercy will triumph over judgment.  Yes, we are very weak now but in the resurrection that will change,  1 Corinthians 15:43 , raised in glory and power.  God looks at what our inner will and desire truly is and knows us.  Proverbs 20:27   Remember these things next time the sin in you sins .

Monday, December 4, 2023




Do you think God in His appearance looks like you ?  If you look into a mirror are you seeing what God is ?  Is God composed of flesh and blood with head, arms and legs ?   What this way of thought does is make God in our image rather than we in His image because the image God created us in is spiritual not physical.  Humans have a human spirit, God is spirit.  Humans are sentient and so is God but to an infinite level whereas human extremely lower.  Humans were given dominion over the Earth but God has dominion over everything.  So then, humans are similar to God but on an extremely lower level.  According to Gods likeness.  The above explanation of image is the facts of how God made humans and this  “according to” is confirming those facts.  The Hebrew phrase image of God is, tzelem Elohim, Strongs concordance article # H6754 defines image as an illusion or phantom a vain show.  We humans were created as only a shadow of what God is.  That part of our soul called the breath of life is this shadow, our bodies are not of this shadow.  The human spirit is the shadow of Gods spirit.  Scripture confirms that humans are a spirit in a fleshly body. Job 32:8 ,  there is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives man understanding.  It is the spirit part of us that can think and reason, have understanding not our fleshly brain.  Our physical life is only possible because of this human spirit, Job 33:4 , Job 38:6 , 1 Corinthians 2:11 , Proverbs 20:27   Genesis is telling us that God created humans incomplete spirits in a mortal fleshly body. When we enter the kingdom of God we will be changed into the completed image of our God with an immortal spirit body.  Jesus was spiritually complete, one with his God, but in a mortal fleshly body.  Jesus was the fulfillment of what God said, let us make man after our image and according to our likeness, not in shadow but in spirit.  While we are flesh we walk as Jesus walked but when we are spirit, in the kingdom, we will also walk as Jesus, who is in that kingdom. All human beings are a spirit in a mortal body with free will fleshly intelligence.  If God calls and chooses us we are given a portion of His Spirit and become a new creation in Christ because we are now joined spiritually to God.  1 Corinthians 6:17 , Romans 8:9  We have hope that when Jesus returns that we will undergo a drastic twofold change or transformation; our flesh will be discarded and replaced with spirit and our human spirit given the divine nature in all fullness.  Jesus was the very first human to experience all that we yet hope for.  Jesus is the first born of many, the beginning of the real and true creation of his God.  

Wednesday, November 29, 2023



The truth can hurt but it’s still the truth.  Truth is the only thing that can set you free.  Many are offended by the truth like a fool is but a wise person rejoices in being free from lies and deception.  No lie is of the truth. Only God through Jesus the mediator can teach the truth.  With all this in mind the following is going to offend many and be refused and rejected.  There will be many fools .

All churches , ALL OF THEM , are deceived by Satan.  They all have false doctrine mixed with a little truth.  But no lie is of the truth.  None of these churches are growing spiritually in grace and in knowledge.  None of these churches will repent even when someone shows them their errors.  Their ministry supplants the Holy Spirit of God and are nothing more than a barrier to the truth.  The churches false shepherds feed themselves and not the flock and long ago God removed them all from His true church.

None of the churches know God, Christ, the gospel, what salvation is, the law, grace or even what a human being is.  None of the ministry or the congregation has the Holy Spirit, they are carnal children of Satan who is their god.  The only hope they have they do not even know.  They are in the world cut off from God and condemned to everlasting death for their sins.  The go about in pride of what they think they are but a huge fall awaits them.  These are they who say Lord, Lord but the Lord will say, I never knew you, depart from me you who practice lawlessness.  The wonderful works they do are of their own self righteous selves and not by the power of God.  They are just like the scribes and Pharisees for by their works the deny both God and Christ.  They are the ungodly children of disobedience.  HOWEVER , they will be shown mercy in the millennium and second resurrection when they will know the truth, having their very first opportunity for the hope of salvation.  

Sunday, November 26, 2023



Acts 2:5-11  These verses describe clearly what speaking in tongues is.  It is not glossolalia, speaking in gibberish.  It is the miracle of speaking in a spiritual language which all people can understand in their own language .  Interpretation of tongues is the explanation of what was said.  An example; if you speak in tongues to a group of people who all are of different languages they will hear what you say in their own language but not necessarily understand the message.  A tongues interpreter is then needed to reveal what the message is.  If no one is available to do this then the one to whom the message was given should keep silent.  If you said in tongues, “ If I had known that there was so little time I would have made every second count “.  What does this mean ?  If you are able to interpret this message then you may say, “ In my mortal life with Christ that is so brief I must not waste a second. “  This is only an example but I hope it suffices.

Tongues is not needed today because the church is so scattered that the small groups of saints are of the same nation and language, also the Holy Spirit is the teacher through Jesus the mediator and you have no need for anyone to teach you.  If one in the group receives an understanding and shares it with the others the Holy Spirit will enable them to understand the same thing that was revealed to you. In this way the Holy Spirit of the Father is the only teacher and God receives all the glory. 

 People in some of the false churches attempt to imitate tongues without knowing things of the Spirit of God and make a pitiful spectacle of themselves.  They do this with all the things of the Spirit.  

Tuesday, November 21, 2023




Matthew 26:53-54   Jesus could have called on his Father to prevent the mob from arresting him and eventually crucifying him by sending 12 legions of angels , that is 72,000 angels.  Earlier in the garden of Gethsemane Jesus asked the Father to, “ let this cup pass from me” ,  but 12 legions of angels did not appear.  If Jesus was asking to not go to the cross then why didn't God send the angels ?  It is because that is not what Jesus was asking.  Jesus was asking for relief from the Satanic attack that he felt would kill him. Matthew 26:38   God did send one angel to strengthen Jesus, to end this attack, Luke 22:43 then Jesus told Peter,  Matthew 26:56 , these things must be to fulfill the scriptures. Jesus made a statement before these events in John 12:27 ,  at no time did Jesus want to avoid the cross but actually Jesus had the exact opposite mind set,  Hebrews 12:2 , for the joy set before him he endured the cross despising the shame and is now at the right hand of God.




Many churches are, because of current events in the world, convinced that the rapture could happen at any moment.  John 17:15   Jesus prayed that his God and Father would not take the saints out of the world but protect them from the evil one.  This means no rapture will happen as many falsely believe.  Another prophetic event is when Gog & Magog appear.  Many think that it is very soon.  In Revelation 20:7-9  you only have three verses about this event.  In Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39 you have two chapters that go into greater detail.  Ezekiel 38:8  says, “a land that has recovered from war, it’s people gathered from many nations, they dwell securely “.  Ezekiel 38:11 says that these people have no walls, gates or bars and are a tranquil people.  Now the timing of this event is, “in the latter days”.  Many say this event occurs before Christ returns but to get a correct timing you must go to Ezekiel 37:1-14 .   This is the prophecy of the valley of dry bones.  Verses 4 to 6 describe a physical resurrection of the whole house of carnal Israel.  This is the second resurrection, a mortal fleshly resurrection as it speaks of bones, breath, tendons and skin. Verse 14 says God will put His Spirit in them and settle them in their own land.  Carnal Israel will be converted at this time and all the tribes will be joined together.  Ezekiel 37:24 says that King David will be their king.  King David was resurrected from the dead 1,000 years beforehand in the first resurrection so this must be the second resurrection where Israel is raised.  Notice in Ezekiel 37:25 says they will live there FOREVER and David their prince FOREVER .  Ezekiel 37:26-28  says God will make an everlasting

covenant of peace with them, FOREVER.  These are the conditions that exist when Gog and Magog hatch the plan to invade which the account of is in the next two chapters of Ezekiel 38 & 39 .  Just as Satan has a false messiah, prophet, tribulation and millennium he could possibly have a false Gog & Magog event.  Satan copies Gods prophesied events making them appear to happen sooner than they actually do; Satan will change TIMES and LAWS, Daniel 7:25 .  This is part of the end time great deception before Jesus returns.  We have seen though that the Gog & Magog event happens after the millennium and second resurrection when Satan is released to again deceive.  

Saturday, November 11, 2023



  11 /11/23

Predestination is God's ability to know and effect events that have not yet happened.  An example, Jesus was predestined and before his existence and was a prophetic figure. The church, the elect saints or 144,000 were predestined.  The Church existed before Pentecost,  before Jesus , as people were called and chosen, had the Holy Spirit and knew the gospel.  PreChrist saints were looking forward to Jesus post-Christ saints look back but both in faith. All these will be in the first resurrection,  along with another group called the innumerable multitude; they will not be made perfect without us. People who repent during the great tribulation will live into the millennium and will have the Holy Spirit and their first opportunity and hope of salvation.  They are not in the kingdom of God but are ruled over by it.  A thousand years later is the second resurrection, a first opportunity for those people then.  All of these groups were predestined but at different times.  So being one of the 144,000 is not the end of God's salvation plan, it is the beginning.  This is why scripture calls them the first fruits of God.  In those days before Jesus , God alone called and chose, there was no human ministry and this is how it is today as the church, the elect are in the wilderness once again as false Christianity now dominates the world.  

God indeed predestined all these groups and He also knows who will not be in His kingdom, example; the beast and false prophet  the later at the great white throne. Humanity has free will and even with the Holy Spirit a few will blasphem the Spirit.  Only those who commit the upardonable sin will either be thrown into the lake of fire at the great white throne or never be resurrected. I believe that the ultimate number who are saved will greatly outnumber those who are not.  In truth, all things were predestinated when you understand Gods attributes.

Friday, November 10, 2023



When born into the world we are all cut off from God and under sentence of everlasting death.  Under this situation we cannot of ourselves using our free will contact God.  No man can come to the Father or Jesus unless God draws him .  Just because God has absolutely all knowledge does not mean He causes everything that happens to happen. God can allow things to happen as He knows the would or He can intervene,  however these interventions were also pre-planned in eternity.  Before God created anything He knew the end from the beginning of all of what He would create. Even the interventions were pre-planned.   Even converted saints need a mediator so what about those who have none  ?   God created us with free will and we are responsible for our sins.  God did not make us sinners. However in eternity God knew what all our sins would be.  Omniscience literally means knowing all things but if you say He does not then you deny God. God has eternally been omnipotent and omnipresent but you say not omniscient.  This idea amounts to a false God because you are not worshipping Him in Spirit and in truth.  Your knowledge of the most high is lacking.  King David in Psalm 149 speaks of God's omniscience,  how can God give us the sure word of prophecy with His words coming to pass exactly as He said  ?  God says there is nothing to hard for Him, Jesus said with God all things are possible.   What about our hope of salvation if we have a God who is not truly and totally omniscient?

This false idea casts doubt on everything God has said and destroys faith. We are to believe in faith what God has said, how do we do that when we limit Him ?

You cannot believe that God in eternity knew who would and wouldn't be in His kingdom.  You think God's will is unfair because you think being predestined to everlasting life or death is beyond God's abilities. This thought terrifies you. That's good because we should fear Him who can destroy body and spirit in hell fire.

God predestined those, who He new in eternity ,that would commit the unpardonable sin, to everlasting death and those who would love and obey Him to everlasting life. The actual spiritual reality of all this has already been done but we live in a bubble called time where it seems to us that these things happen in the passing of time. God is not bound by time, He speaks and it is done His words accomplish what He sent them to do and do not return to Him void. Your error is thinking you can know absolutely everything about God then judge God when you think He is wrong. You do the same to those saints that do know God better than you because they have diligently sought Him.  It is possible to know some of the deep things of God but not by denying His total and complete omniscience. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023




by Doug Batchelor


The 12 apostles were a type of special-forces unit during the time of Jesus' first coming. After three and one-half years of intensive personal training with Jesus, God was able to use them to achieve great victories. They were able to penetrate Satan's dominion and  fulfill the great commission.

The book of Revelation tells us of another special-forces unit that will do a mighty work in the last days.  Daniel 11:32   Known as the 144,000, they have a critical mission to prepare the world for Jesus' second coming. They enjoy a special relationship with the Lamb, sing a special song, and are sealed with a special name. Who is this holy army? To find out, let's first look at the two main passages that describe this grand assembly.

Who Are They?
Revelation 7:1-4 states: "After these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."

Then the Scripture lists 12,000 from each of the following 12 tribes: Judah, Reuben, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, Simeon, Levi, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin.

The next main passage that describes the 144,000 is Revelation 14:1-5: "And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion [Mount Zion], and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father's name written in their foreheads. And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps: And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.  Romans 8:23 And in their mouth was found no guile [deceit]: for they are without fault before the throne of God."

I should mention that when we explore these things, we venture on holy ground. I share the following study with confidence, but I also realize and respect that others may have a different interpretation.

The Twelve Tribes
Perhaps one of the first things we should ask is whether or not the 144,000 are actually 12,000 literal Israelites from each of these respective tribes. I don't want to be tedious, but to really understand this subject we should briefly review what the Bible says about the Old Testament tribes. First, there were actually 13 tribes. Twelve tribes came from the 12 sons of Jacob, who the Lord renamed Israel. But because Joseph was sold into slavery by his older brothers, he was separated from his family for many years. After Joseph finally reunited with his father, Jacob promised to compensate by adopting Joseph's two sons as his own, to be numbered with his sons in place of Joseph. "Now thy two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, which were born unto thee in the land of Egypt before I came unto thee into Egypt, are mine; as Reuben and Simeon, they shall be mine." Genesis 48:5. Hence, Joseph would be numbered twice through his sons. Josephs two sons were born to a gentile mother.

One reason you still find only 12 tribes mentioned throughout the Bible is that after the Levites were chosen to be the priests for Israel, they were excluded from receiving a specific territory inheritance (Deuteronomy 10:8, 9; 18:1) and from census figures (Numbers 1:49). Instead, they were to spread out among all the tribes as teachers and priests.

There are several reasons why the tribes mentioned in Revelation chapter 7 can't possibly be literal Israelite tribes. The Old Testament reveals that 10 of the 12 tribes were carried away by the Assyrians in 722 B.C. "In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes." 2 Kings 17:6.

History records that long before the time of Jesus, some of the 10 tribes returned to Samaria after intermarrying with the Assyrians. Their descendants, known as Samaritans, were hated by the Jews because they were no longer "pure" Israelites in blood or religion. In fact, because the 10 tribes have been so thoroughly scattered around the world and absorbed by their host nations, today a person would be hard pressed to find even one pure descendant from the tribe of Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Manasseh, or Simeon-much less 12,000 of them!   Also God divorced Israel and would choose another people Jeremiah 3:8-10 the calling of the gentiles was to provoke Israel to jealously and Israels unbelieving branches would be broken off the olive tree and gentiles grafted in thus making them Israel just as Israel adopted Josephs sons.

Another strong clue that Revelation is not speaking of the literal Israelite tribes is that in the Old Testament, the 12 tribes were very unequal in population numbers. Judah was very large, while Benjamin was very small. God divided the promised land in proportion to each tribe's needs. But the 144,000 is composed of 12,000 per tribe, right across the board.

So who does make up this group? I believe the answer to this question lies in the fact that God's promises to literal Israel now apply to spiritual Israel. Since the year A.D. 34, the prophecies and attention of Scripture have focused on the children of faith-either Jew or Gentile. "For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit." Romans 2:28, 29. "And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." Galatians 3:29.

What's in a Name?
My first clue that there must be a spiritual meaning to the 144,000 was the way in which the tribes are listed in Revelation 7:5-8. This is the only time in Scripture that the names of the tribes appear in this order. Reuben, the firstborn of Jacob, is listed as second while Judah, fourth in birth order, is listed as first. Joseph and Levi are included, while Ephraim and Dan are left out. Why?

Because "Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder [viper] in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward" (Genesis 49:17), and "Ephraim is joined to idols: let him alone" (Hosea 4:17).

In the Bible, a serpent is a symbol of Satan. The critical, backbiting nature of Dan aligned this tribe with the kingdom of Satan instead of the kingdom of God. Likewise, the tribe of Ephraim had forsaken the God of Israel and had embraced paganism. Hence, Ephraim and Dan are left out of the 144,000.

Jewish names always had a meaning that depicted some characteristic of the child or an event connected with his birth. For example, Genesis 29:32-35 says: "Leah conceived, and bare a son, and she called his name Reuben: for she said, Surely the Lord hath looked upon my affliction; now therefore my husband will love me. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Because the Lord hath heard that I was hated, he hath therefore given me this son also: and she called his name Simeon. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and said, Now this time will my husband be joined unto me, because I have born him three sons: therefore was his name called Levi. And she conceived again, and bare a son: and she said, Now I will praise the Lord: therefore she called his name Judah."

In fact, Rachel and Leah made prophetic statements for all 12 of Jacob's sons. Here are the names of the tribes that make up the 144,000 (in the order listed in Revelation chapter 7), together with the meaning of each name:

1. Judah   =   "I will praise the Lord"
2. Reuben   =   "He has looked on me"
3. Gad   =   "Granted good fortune"
4. Asher   =   "Happy am I"
5. Naphtali   =   "My wrestling"
6. Manasseh   =   "Making me to forget"
7. Simeon   =   "God hears me"
8. Levi   =   "Joined to me"
9. Issachar   =   "Purchased Me"
10. Zebulun   =   "Dwelling"
11. Joseph   =   "God will add to me"
12. Benjamin   =   "Son of His right hand"

Now notice what happens when the meaning of the names are combined, in the same order, into a paragraph:

"I will praise the Lord for He has looked on me and granted good fortune. Happy am I because my wrestling God is making me to forget. God hears me and is joined to me. He has purchased me a dwelling. God will add to me the Son of His right hand." (The words in italics are supplied to complete each thought.)

These names describe the story of the church's struggle, redemption, victory, and marriage to the Lamb.

How Many?
Now let's address the next big question. Is 144,000 a literal number? Well, perhaps I should answer that question with another question. Are the other numbers in Revelation literal? Will there be 12 gates and 12 foundations in the holy city? Are there really 12 different kinds of fruit on the tree of life? Yes, of course. Our understanding of the dimensions of the New Jerusalem is likewise based upon the assumption that these numbers are real.

Even the numbers used to describe prophetic time periods in the book of Revelation are precise measures. The numbers would be useless for reckoning if they were merely symbolic.

Although the number of the 144,000 may be exact, it will be humanly impossible to identify the individuals who make up this special group. When Jesus walked the earth, it was easy to determine His 12 most devoted followers. But the 144,000 in the last days are spiritual Jews, scattered across the circle of the earth.

Now some may be thinking, "How can you say that the names are symbolic but the number is literal?" It's simple. Jesus did. He did not seem to care which tribes the 12 apostles came from, but He did purposely choose 12 of them. Also remember that all of the numbers in Revelation depict a specific value, while all the proper names in Revelation are symbols (the Lamb, the Dragon, the Lion, Balaam, Jezebel, etc.).

For these reasons and others, I believe the number 144,000 is a precise figure. Just as there were actually 12 literal tribes in the Old Testament and exactly 12 apostles in the New Testament, there will be 12 times 12,000 spiritual apostles in the last days.

Many have wondered, "If this number is not just a symbol, then will the 144,000 be the only ones saved in the last days? And if only 144,000 will be saved, then what are my chances?"

Let's do some simple figuring. The ratio of 144,000 to six billion (the approximate world population at the present time) would mean that one person in 41,666 alive would be saved if Jesus were to come today. This statistic is much better than the odds offered by most state lotteries, but we would all agree that it's pretty slim for the hope of salvation.

The Bible does not teach that the 144,000 are to be the only ones saved in the last days. Immediately after listing the tribes of the 144,000, the prophet sees that "a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands." Revelation 7:9.

In verse 13, one of the 24 elders asks John who these people are that are clothed in white robes, and from where they came. Then in verse 14, he answers his own question: "These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb."

  The "great tribulation" must refer to the time just before Christ's second coming, as referred to in Daniel 12:1, 2: "And there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt."


The Number Twelve
The key to understanding the 144,000 may be the number itself. In the Bible, the number 12 almost always represents leadership of the church. There were 12 patriarchs from Seth to Noah, then 12 from Shem to Jacob. Twelve spies led the way to the promised land, and there were 12 judges from Othniel to Samuel.

 God's church is also pictured in Revelation 12:1, which says: "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars." The 12 stars above the woman's head are a symbol of the inspired leadership of the church (1 Corinthians 11:10).

Exodus 39:14 tells us that there were 12 precious stones on Aaron's breastplate, "according to the names of the children of Israel, twelve, according to their names, like the engravings of a signet, every one with his name, according to the twelve tribes." These stones appear to be identical to the foundation stones of the New Jerusalem (see Revelation 21:19, 20). "That great city, the holy Jerusalem ... had a wall great and high, and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel." "And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb." Revelation 21:10, 12, 14.

The number 12 appears time after time throughout Scripture. King David appointed 24 groups of 12 (a total of 288) to lead music of praise in the temple (1 Chronicles chapter 25). Similarly, Revelation 4:4 describes two groups of 12 (a total of 24) elders who sit around the throne of God. This represents the 12 tribes of the Old Testament and the 12 apostles of the New Testament.

Jesus promised His disciples, "Ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Matthew 19:28. And in Revelation, Jesus makes a similar promise to some who will come out of the last age of the church, known as Laodicea (which means "judging the people"). He says, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne." Revelation 3:21.

In heaven, it seems there will be an expanding square formation around God's throne. First there is God Himself on His throne. Then the four creatures, then the 24 elders in a square around them with six on each side, then the 144,000 in a perfect square with 36,000 on each side, then the great multitude all around them. The perfect order and harmony of this assembly is astounding!

Their Mission
The 144,000 live during the last age of the church and share the experience of the early apostles.

At the time of His first coming, Jesus chose 12 men whose primary mission was to reach Israel. And as a result of the outpouring of the former rain during the Pentecost revival, the 12 apostles reached thousands. Matthew 10:5, 6 says: "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

In the last days, Jesus will use 144,000 (12 times 12,000) spiritual apostles, whose primary mission is to reach the world with the news of His second coming. The great multitude spoken of in Revelation chapter 7 includes those converted by the influence and preaching of the 144,000 following the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the latter rain.

The prophet Joel referred to both of these events when he wrote: "And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit." Joel 2:28, 29.

Please keep in mind that the 144,000 are not the only ones preaching the gospel in the last days. Just as the 12 apostles were part of a larger group of 120 disciples leading out in the Pentecostal event, so the 144,000 are leaders in the end-time event, but not the only ones preaching.

I believe it is also significant to note that Jesus chose the 12 apostles from ordinary Jews, not the priesthood. In the same way, the 144,000 will be composed only of the church. 

Acts chapter 1 describes an interesting sequence of events that took place just before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the former rain. First, the disciples focused on Jesus (verses 10, 11). Then they prayed and put aside their differences (verses 13, 14). Finally, they chose Matthias to replace Judas, the apostle who had died (verses 16-26). Notice that as soon as the number 12 was complete, the Holy Spirit was poured out in the Upper Room (Acts chapter 2).

Even now, Jesus is training an army of special forces to lead in this final mission of rescuing God's children, who have become Satan's prisoners of war. Revelation 14:4 proclaims of the 144,000: "These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth."

It is God who calls and chooses the 144,000, only God added to the church such as should be saved. From the time of Jesus until today many men have crept in unawares and have defiled the church causing confusion and chaos that produced one splinter group after another. The degree of deception is immense, far beyond what people know.  Even during the days of the Apostles the deception was growing as Paul, Jude and John wrote about.  It was necessary for God to take over the church and teach His people directly by divine revelation as Ezekiel and Joel prophesied.  This act by God is what Jesus called the Elijah to come and restore all things, it had to be done because of the great deception in the world. Revelation 12:9  God has provided four opportunities for salvation; today, during the great tribulation, in the millennium and finally the second resurrection. Currently God and Christ are working to call and choose the elect saints, the 144,000, and when this number is achieved only then can the great tribulation begin. 






Wednesday, November 8, 2023




Paganism is defined by the Century Dictionary as any religious belief, opinion, worship and conduct which is not Christian, Jewish or Islamic as in the worship of idols or false gods, polytheism.

Of three religions mentioned above the easiest one to prove false is Islamic. Anyone who is not Islamic but is familiar with its teachings should instantly recognize Islam as a product of Satan. What about Christianity ?  Anyone who has truly been called and chosen by God and is made a Christian by Him should be able to identify worldly Christianity as pagan by the definition given above.  According to Jesus there is only one true God and that Jesus is the messiah, the prophetic fulfillment of the man who would be the second Adam. Modern worldly Christianity’s teachings concerning God, Jesus and the gospel are all wrong and have their origin in paganism.  Judaism is no better.  The Jews according to the Apostle Paul are enemies of the gospel, Romans 11:28 , Matthew 21:43 , Acts 13:45-46 .  The Apostle Johns definition of antichrist fits the Jews.  1 John 4:2  .

This is the world you live in. Currently all three of these religions are at war with each other in the Middle East.  One big happy family.  It is always fitting to speak or write the truth. The truth has two possibilities, it will either offend you or set you free.  Jesus offended many people by speaking the truth. Do you think he should have kept quiet?  The world is a spiritual Babylon, a confusing mess of different opinions all being false.  The only answer to this seemingly hopeless situation is to come out of it, give up on men and go to God.  When God said, come out of her my people He was saying come out of Babylon, come out of the unclean things, the churches of this world.  Many are called but few are chosen because they refuse to come out.  This is a shadowy repeat of when Ezra and Nehemiah under the decree of Cyrus led the Israelites out of Babylon and back to Jerusalem.  Most of the Israelites stayed in Babylon because they were rich and increased with goods and had need of nothing so only a small percentage returned.  This was a physical shadow of a future spiritual event.  When that day arrives it will be to late, the decision to come out of Babylon must be made prior to the time of its rise.  

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Matthew 10:28


Matthew 10:28 “Fear not those who can kill the body  but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell fire”

The above verse was incorrectly translated due to the translator’s ignorance of the fact that the soul is the complete human being composed of spirit and body. A person, a human being is a soul. The soul is not a third part but the whole man.  James 2:26 (first part) As the body without the spirit is dead…….  The spirit is what gives life to the flesh or body.  John 6:63 The spirit gives life, the flesh profits nothing.   The verse Matthew 10:28 should read; “fear not those who can kill the body but cannot kill the spirit. Rather fear Him who can destroy both body and spirit in hell fire.”  At death the human spirit also called the breath of life returns to God while the body returns to dust.  The body is destroyed but the spirit is not. In this sense only we all came from heaven and return there at death. 2 Corinthians 5:1 “For we know that if this body we live in is destroyed we have a body from God an everlasting body in heaven not built by human hands.” The human spirit is the real you and the body is temporary.  Your spirit in heaven is totally inoperative because it must have a body in which to operate.  In the first resurrection your spirit will have a spirit body to live in forever.  The destruction of both body and spirit in hell fire refers to the lake of fire reserved for those who commit the unpardonable sin.  To destroy the soul  would be destroying the complete person both body and spirit but destruction of only the body has the spirit remaining. Most churches believe that man is three parts; body, soul and spirit and then compare this to the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit saying this is how man was made in the image of God. In Genesis 1:27  the word “image” is in Strongs concordance article #H6754 and the Hebrew word is “teslem” and that means a phantom or illusion a resemblance, a representative figure, an idol.  Adam was created to be the Elohim of the world, a god with the little “g”.  God gave Adam dominion over the Earth. Genesis 1:26  In this sense only was Adam “in Gods image”. Satan became the Elohim or god of this world when Adam sinned against God and rendered himself to obey Satan and eat the forbidden fruit. 2 Corinthians 4:4  Adam lost dominion and Satan gained it.  Luke 4:6 , Romans 6:16   Adam harkened to the voice of his wife rather than of his God because Adam loved Eve more than God.  Eve was deceived but Adam was not and yet he still knowingly sinned.  This proves that neither Adam or Eve had the Holy Spirit as their sin would have been unpardonable.  Also the Holy Spirit was in the tree of life from which they were cut off from after they sinned.  Adam and Eve when first created had no knowledge of what good and evil is.  Adam only knew it was wrong to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree.  It was only after Adam ate of the forbidden fruit that the eyes of both of them were opened in spite of the fact that Eve ate first. Genesis 3:6   Adam was present during the entire conversation Eve had with the serpent and at that time while still having dominion could have ordered the serpent out of Eden, but he did not.  Adam failed to be the leader and use the authority God gave him to protect his wife.  In everything Adam failed to do and everything Eve failed to do God would command them both to do by assigning them their roles and responsibilities as man and woman.  These commands apply to all , even to this day.  The nature of innocence was the original nature of Adam and Eve but the human nature humans have today is from Satan. Acts 26:18  1 John 3:10  Matthew 13:38  2 Corinthians 4:4 .   It is a fact of history that the New Testament scriptures fell into the hands of pagans masquerading as Christians who crept in unawares bringing with them damnable heresies thus giving birth to what claims to be the Christian churches today.   A Catholic priest was asked what he thought about Protestants.  He replied, they are just bad Catholics.  The Catholic Church is a bad tree and over the years was recognized as such by those of the Protestant reformation and in spite of this Protestants failed to identify all the false doctrines of Catholicism therefore how should Protestantism be viewed ?  Here is how Jesus judged on this matter.  Matthew 7:17-23  the evil tree, Catholicism produced Protestantism or as that priest said, bad Catholics.  From the reformation forward splinter groups formed by the thousands, about 55,000 last time I checked.  What should this tell you about the worlds churches ?  

Thursday, November 2, 2023



The media; television, newspapers and radio were to serve as a watchdog over the Federal government and report to the citizens anything government would do that was unacceptable.  The media is protected by the first article of the constitution. The media is to be unbiased, nonpartisan and fair and honest in their reporting. This is not the case today.  Without an honest media no nation will have freedom for long.

As the media is to be the watchdog the church is to be the moral conscience of a nation but this too has been discarded.  The Federal government now determines what a church is and has rules against the church speaking out against immorality in government or supporting any political party or cause.  According to the same article in the constitution that protects the media , article one, contains protection for religion or churches.  Government cannot interfere in churches or prevent them from expressing their faith and beliefs or establish a state religion. This however is a sham now because of unconstitutional government control. This government control of the churches is called 501 C3 under title 26 of the U.S. code of nonprofit organizations.  Without the church having the ability to directly be involved in a nations governance to act as a moral compass the government operates outside of morality and can lead a  nation into abominations and perversions.  This is what has happened in the U.S. and the world as it is very obvious to those who keep informed that the world is a cesspool of perversion and evil.  If a church would violate the 501 C3 rules their tax exempt status would be revoked and that church would be taxed on all monies and property that would in effect bankrupt them.  So then we have both the watchdog and the moral conscience of the U.S. , the media and the church under government control.  This is only part of the reason nations fall and the fall of the U.S. is near.  The church you attend, in order to be a recognized church, must be under the government’s 501 C3 rules.  To find out about your church go online and ask about your church by name and you will find that it is controlled by the government.  My church is the invisible church and it is not controlled by the government, it is controlled by Jesus by the will of God.  This church does not entangle itself in the affairs of men and has no man as their leader or teacher as God and Christ lead them and teach them.  Worldly politics and religion have no place in this invisible church because the invisible church is not of this world.  Their citizenship is in heaven.



The Elijah to come will restore all things. Matthew 17:11  It will be necessary to restore what massive deception by Satan has done since Jesus preached the gospel. John 14:15-16 , the spirit of truth. The world cannot receive the Spirit of truth because the church is not of the world and has the Holy Spirit. The world has 55,000 churches that are separated by their beliefs which was caused by Satan.  John 14:25-26 , the Spirit teaches you all things, restores all things and reminds the saints of everything Jesus said.  John 15:26 , the Holy Spirit from the Father testifies about Jesus.  John 16:7-11 Jesus had to ascend and be glorified in order to send the Elijah to come, the Holy Spirit.  Jesus was not glorified when raised from the dead but when he ascended because the Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified. John 7:39  The Spirit will do all the things in verses 8 through 11.  John 16: 12-15 , the Spirit of truth , not some preacher, will guide you into all truth and expose all the great deception that is in all the worlds churches.  The Spirit will declare what is to come and glorify Jesus.  Zechariah 4:6 , it is the Spirit of the Father not the might or power of men that will accomplish Gods will.  The shepherds of Israel, in this prophecy spiritual Israel, will be removed from feeding the flock, the church.  Read Ezekiel 34: 1-19 with this in mind.  When Ezekiel wrote this prophecy both Israel and Judah were in captivity;  this is not about carnal Israel but to the 12 tribes scattered abroad. James 1:1   The carnal Jewish people deny Jesus as the son of God and messiah. 2 John 1:7 , 1 John 4:3 , 1 John 2:22  Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the messiah and God the Son.  The deception in the world is tremendous but God has called and chosen a small remnant of believers who do not associate with the worlds deceived churches as Gods call is to come out of the synagogues of Satan  John 4:21-24 ,  Revelation 3:9  remember how Paul defined a true Jew, Romans 2:29 , this is describing the church.  Worldly churches have preachers that think they can do what only the Holy Spirit can do.  This post should speak to those of the Israel of God .

Wednesday, November 1, 2023



What is the only answer to all the horrible things we see in this world ?   Should we vote for better leadership ?  Should we become involved in a group or organization to fight these evils ?

Should we March in demonstrations to protest these evils ?  Should we give money to groups or organizations that want to address and solve these evils ?  How about starting our own organization to address these evils ?  

All these things have been tried for many years and none of them have eliminated these evils, they are all still with us and seem to be growing.   As Christians we see all these horrible things and our hearts are broken over them but we should know that we have no power or authority to change any of it.  All the evil we see was prophesied to happen by the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles but we should know that whatever Satan has done God can and will undo.  Revelation 7:17 ,  Revelation 21:4   This is the Christian hope, not only for themselves but for all people.  In this current evil world we can do nothing and the desire to become an activist will only lead to folly.  We should never attempt to intervene into things that only God has the power to change because if we do we become part of the problem rather than the answer.  The answer, as I have said in other posts is, thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  When Moses was a young man he already knew that God was going to use him , Acts 7:22-29 to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses thought his brethren understood this but they did not.  Moses jumped the gun, acted when God was not ready to act.  What we see in the world now is not for us to act upon because God is not ready yet to act.  It was after 40 years that God was ready and we read,  Acts 7:30-36 .  

The time for us to act will be when Christ returns and our part in that event is recorded in Psalm 149:1-9 .   Luke 21:19 , is good advice given by Jesus to the elect saints, we must have patience and wait and continue our struggle despite all the evil around us without losing the hope that is within us.   

Sunday, September 10, 2023


This post is written in response to anyone who teaches or believes that Jesus was a man just like us in every way.  Hebrews 2:17  is the verse that is used to say that Jesus could be tempted to sin and was capable of sin and that when faced with his death he did not want to go through with it. 

Both of these ideas are assumptions based on carnal thinking and not understanding scripture.

In every way.  This would mean he was born into sin and was child of the devil as we all are when we are born into this world. Acts 26:18  Jesus would be as weak as we are and ignorant of spiritual things.  Jesus would have been cut off from God and in need of a messiah just like we are.  Ephesians 2:12  It should be obvious that Jesus was not like us in every way but how then are we to interpret Hebrews 2:17 ? It should be clear that we should not take “in every way” in the way many have.  Hebrews 2:17 is only saying Jesus was a human being, he was a soul composed of body and human spirit and biologically exactly the same as we are, in every way physically.  It is the human spirit of Jesus, that while definitely human, that was created by his God and Father as our spirits will be when we are in the kingdom of God. 

Let’s review and compare the human spirit of Jesus to any other human.

When was the last time someone worshipped you ?  Matthew 14:33. When was the last time you said I and my Father are one ?  John 10:30. When was the last time you said, if you have seen me you have seen the Father ? John 14:9.  Were you born of a virgin ? Isaiah 7:14  Are you being used to heal the sick or raise the dead ?   Are you a mediator between God and men ?  When was the last time you walked on water ?  Can you tell me that in your entire life you have never sinned ?  Are you worthy of the same honor as God ?  John 5:23. Do you have direct access to God without a mediator ?  Have you been righteous since your mothers womb ?   Psalm 22:10   Could you go head to head one on one with Satan and win ?  John 14:30  Does this sound like an ordinary man ?   According to scripture there has never been a righteous man,  Romans 3:10-12 ,  Isaiah 53:11  ,  Jesus was the first and only righteous man who has ever lived.  The unrighteous are you and me and because of what God did through the man Jesus you and I can have the righteousness of God imputed to us because of faith in what Jesus did.  Do you know of anyone else that could have done all these things ?  Do you still think Jesus was exactly like us in every way ?  Hebrews 1:3 describes Jesus the man as the brightness of Gods glory and the express image of Gods person and Peter in 2 Peter 1:4  The divine nature, the nature of the Father was in the Christ and in the future will be in us when we enter the kingdom of God.  This is why it says in Revelation 3:14 , Jesus was the beginning of the creation of God. This is not about Genesis and Adam but of Genesis 2 and the second Adam.  All of the first Adams children are dead but all of the second Adams children are alive.  Jesus was not of the first Genesis, this world or creation but was the second Adam of what Gods will is for humanity.  John 8:23 ,  John 3:31 , John 17:14 ,  Hebrews 9:11 , 2 Corinthians 5:1   God’s ultimate will for man is to be recreated in the image of His son, Jesus the man, who is our example and model to follow.  Jesus is the first human to fulfill what God said in Genesis 1:26 , to truly be created, not recreated like you and me need to be, but created from his mothers womb the very first new man, the beginning of what God is doing.  You and I must follow this new man, put him on like a garment, Ephesians 4:22-24 , Colossians 3:2-4 ,   to say Jesus was exactly like us in every way is to assassinate his God given character.  We are to be transformed to be in the image of this man Jesus so then how can he be exactly like us in every way?  We need a change in both body and spirit to enter the kingdom.  Jesus only needed a change in body because his human spirit was already kingdom quality.  In the process of proving Jesus is not God but human men have gone to far and make the Christ himself one of those he came to save. They make Jesus to much like us spiritually.  Biologically Jesus was exactly like us in every way but spirituality Jesus was obviously far above us.  Can you not see this when reading the scriptures about him ?   Yes, Jesus was not God, but he was created in the image of the invisible God,  Colossians 1:15,  Jesus had the divine nature, character of his God that we hope to achieve by faith in Jesus.  Romans 8:29   We are to have the mind of this man Jesus who had the mind of his God.   To not understand these things is to not fully know the gospel , Christ or God.  Jesus was born a true son of God, you and I were not. We must be recreated in the image of Jesus who was  created in the image of the invisible God and have faith to believe this to have hope in our salvation.

Saturday, September 9, 2023


Restoration  ?


In many churches today there is a goal of restoring the church to what it was in the first century.  This can never happen because God has made changes to the church that these restorers do not know and would not believe even if someone told them.  The truth of pure doctrine to the church was foretold by Jesus when he said, “Elijah shall come and restore all things.”  Matthew 17:11   The obvious question is why restoration was needed. The answer to this question is Matthew 24:4-5 .  Many would come in the name of Jesus and deceive many.  This verse is not saying that many would come saying they were Jesus but that they would come IN HIS NAME preaching that Jesus is indeed the messiah but at the same time deceive many people.

Just think about it, how many churches do you know that preach false doctrines but do not deny that Jesus is the messiah?  Also if someone “comes in your name” do they claim to be you?

This is why God had to make changes in the organization of the church as Ezekiel 34:1-19 prophesied.  There are today in the Pentecost church no human ministry because God removed them totally and He and His son Jesus took over COMPLETELY.  This had to be done to combat the extreme deception that God knew would come and was also affirmed by the prophets and Apostles. Then Gods Holy Spirit would through Jesus the mediator teach the saints directly thus eliminating any opportunity for deception.  What is seen in all churches today is a very poor attempt to imitate what they think is the truth but all of it is Satanic deception of carnal minds.  In todays churches one person ,on a day they think is holy , is in charge. He or she speaks while the flock listens and obeys.  Deceive  that one person and the rest will follow.  No one in the churches can stand up and question or challenge what the pastor says.  They sing songs and perhaps pass the collection plate say some prayers then go home two fold more a child of the devil than when they went in. Satan and his ministers do not come with horns and a pitch fork but as angels of light as wolves in sheep’s clothing.  The churches are the synagogues of Satan that God calls people out of not into.  Scripture is very plain that near to the end of the age people will be deceived, Revelation 12:9 , but the people in the churches do not believe this. In that day there will be only a very small remnant of true Christians left alive that have the promise of Gods protection from the hour of trial that will come upon the whole Earth.  Revelation 3:10 .  There are some people who are beginning to understand that organizations of men are false but yet still have issues with making a clean break from them.  None will ever be truly free until they do.  Worldly churches have an extra mediator called pastor, preacher, minister or reverend who the people view as a spiritual guide that God uses to teach them. Do I need to show the scriptures that plainly disprove all of this ?  The first century church did have these offices but today they are gone and replaced by God and His Son and the saints taught and led by them only.  How valuable is your salvation to you ?  Most place their salvation into the hands of some man who comes in the name of Jesus but is a deceiver.  Would you give over your physical life to some man, why then your spiritual?

Hebrews 11:6   Do YOU diligently seek God, do you, or have you turned that over to some man.  Your faith should never be in any man to be the seeker for you.  You are to seek, you are to have faith and believe to be rewarded.  You nor I can subcontract out our responsibility to do these things, invest ourselves in them and hunger and thirst for them.  The Apostles, Prophets and Jesus all emphasized how we all have our own duty to seek God diligently because no one will ride into the kingdom on the coattails of some preacher or even any of the Apostles.  This is what a personal relationship with God and Christ is all about.    I have read posts here on Simply Christian where people have written how frustrated and helpless they feel when churches they had attended preached things they knew scripture refuted.  They ask, where can I go to receive Gods truth ?  The answer is to God and eliminating all human ministry.  God will teach you, His Elijah Spirit through Jesus will restore what has been lost from many years of false preaching.  It will require a lot of faith to do this because it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. Humble yourself, feel Godly sorrow about your sins and repent and in sincere prayer ask for forgiveness and for God to teach you His truth. Your choice is God or man, what will it be ?

Tuesday, September 5, 2023




Acts 13:22  Describes how God viewed King David

1 Samuel 13:14  Saul was rejected by God and David chosen as King

It seems that God had a high praise for David because of his not failing to keep any of Gods commands all the days of his life.  There was only one thing that was an exception, the case of Uriah the Hittite.   1 Kings 15:5   Why would this one act be a stain on an otherwise perfect record?  1 Samuel 18:7 indicates that David killed many people so why would Uriahs case be any different?  

The Ten Commandments define what sin is : 1 John 3:4 

The 6th commandment states; You shall not murder .  The Hebrew word for murder here is plain and the command in Hebrew is lo tirtach,  the word for killing is , harag and the word for murder is , ratzach.  Scripture has a different word and meaning for the words kill and murder.  Strongs #H7523 “ratzach” is the unlawful killing of a human by another human. Motives for murder are based is premeditated lust and hate.  This is the attitude that King David had when he plotted Uriahs murder but his other killings were, Strongs H2026, not murder .  In both killing and murder someone dies but what separates the two are the thoughts and intents of the killer or murderer.  All murder is killing but not all killing is murder.  Jesus told us to love all people and not to seek vengeance or retaliation but did Jesus teach that we must allow ourselves, a loved one or a stranger to be murdered while we stand by and do not resist.  The golden rule of do to others what you would want them to do to you is taught to the church but the world doesn’t operate like that, so in dealing with the world follow the advice of the Apostle Paul, Romans 12:18  the words , ”if it be possible “,  proves that in some circumstances it will not be possible to live at peace with all men.  Paul continues with exhorting us not to seek revenge and to love our enemies but not a word is said about allowing an evil person to murder us. 

Scripture has the account of Abraham and his killing of the army of Chedorlaomer, not murder but killing. Genesis 14:15-20 and the priest of the most high God blessed Abraham for his actions .  Elijah killed the prophets of Baal, 1 Kings 18:40  and also King David’s tens of thousands.  All these men and others killed but they did not murder, except David in the case of Uriah.  All these will be in the kingdom of God at the return of Jesus Christ.  The argument that some things changed in the transition from Moses to Christ with respect to this matter violates that basic understanding in the law and in the Fathers of the faith and in the prophets that murder is always a sin but killing for self defense or for defense of others has precedent that carries into the new covenant and due to this fact it never became necessary to directly state that self defense was acceptable when everyone knew it was from historical precedent just as there was no need to define the soul or what death is.  In this matter the actions of the saints will be judged by Christ on the thoughts and intents of our human spirit at the time we take the action to kill.  

Speaking for myself I would hope and pray that God would never allow me to be in a situation where I would have to take a life.  However if it did come to it I also pray that God would guide my spirit so that my actions would be justified and grant me victory over evil.  Just as God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, neither do I, but that the wicked would repent and turn from their evil ways, will they, if not God will kill the wicked and so will I.

Psalm 149:1-9 , Isaiah 66:16 , 1 Thessalonians 3:13 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Matthew 24:21-22

In Matthew 24: 21-22  Jesus speaks about the great tribulation.  It will be the most horrific time in all human history.  In verse 22 Jesus makes an interesting comment “for the elects sake those days shall be shortened.” We know the antichrist is to make a covenant with ten nations, Revelation 17:12-13 ,  Daniel 7:24 .  This covenant is for seven years or 2520 days on the Hebrew calendar.  The great tribulation is to last 1260 days but Jesus said this time would be shortened.  In Daniel 8:14 a series of days is recorded and of these 2300 days .  In Daniel 8:13 a holy one asks how long it will take to fulfill the vision, one event being the surrender of the sanctuary.  In Daniel 8:14 the answer was 2300 days.  Some translations render it, “the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”   Daniel 8:17 confirms this vision is at the time of the end and Daniel 8:25 mentions the prince of prince’s referring to Jesus who will destroy the antichrist but not with human power.  All these things culminate at the 2300 day mark.  Therefore the great tribulation will be cut short by 220 days because the time was 2520 days but events actually happen at 2300 days, a difference of 220 days.  This is a very plausible explanation of what Jesus said in Matthew 24:22 .  This would also indicate that when the antichrist makes the seven year covenant with ten nations 2300 days later Jesus will return.  The tribulation is yet future but if we watch that day and other days will not come upon us unawares, 1 Thessalonians 5:4 , Mark 13:37 .  At the time when these things take place there will be a remnant of Gods people who are alive and remain under Gods protection and they will be able to know much better than now the timing of prophetic events.  The key event to look for is that covenant antichrist makes because that is what starts the clock ticking.

Tuesday, August 15, 2023



August 15, 2023

People do not seem to understand that when they follow the teachings of any human being excluding the Prophets, Jesus or the Apostles, claiming to be a teacher and preacher they are deceived.  Romans 6:16-18 , Jeremiah 17:5 , Psalm 118:8 ,  Isaiah 2:22 When you surrender to their teachings you become their slave.  All of what pretends to be Christianity in the world is of the world and false.  Ezekiel 34 is a prophecy , verses 10-24  began after the death of the Apostle John.  The many antichrists that John wrote about, 1 John 2:18-23 , and Jude wrote about, Jude 1:3-4 are the people Ezekiel refers to. These many antichrists that crept in are those shepherds in Ezekiel 34. This Satanic attack on the church resulted in pagans taking over and preaching a false God, Christ and gospel.  God then took complete control of the true church away from men thus abolishing the ministry and maintaining only the office of prophet because through prophetic revelation is how God would by His Spirit teach His people hence as John wrote, 1 John 2:20-21 , 1 John 2:27 true Christians do not look to men for spiritual truth. John thought at the time he wrote these words that the return of Christ was near as verse 18 says, “this is the last hour”.   The true church would go into the wilderness while the pagan controlled counterfeit produced many harlot sisters for the whore of Babylon.  The true church is symbolically invisible to the world as they do nothing that would gain attention but rather live quietly and peacefully keeping themselves unspotted from the world.  Those who are alive at this time are extremely small in number and hope Jesus returns in their lifetime.  They are scattered to the four winds and will be gathered from the same. They are not trying to fulfill the great commission as the Apostles already did that. They know that Matthew 24:14 is for a time yet future when an angel will proclaim the gospel and then the end will come.  These people are the elect saints of God, called and chosen by God, having Gods Spirit and are taught by God.  Peter tells us that the prophets of old were not serving themselves but the church, 1 Peter 1:12. A few other examples of this are the book of Lamentations , Joel and Jeremiah 25. Look at this world, it is in confusion and chaos of religion because Satan blinds the eyes from understanding.  The time shortly before Christ does return is to be one of total deception. Revelation 12:9 , so how can the churches today be correct?  Jesus, the prophets and Apostles have all spoken of the end times and everyone is deceived except the elect saints.  After all this great cloud of witnesses people still refuse to see the truth being played out before their eyes.

There are some of these people that have seen the confusion and know there must be a church that is separate from the worlds churches and they call this church the invisible church.  They look honestly at the worlds churches and see the divisions and disagreements in doctrine and somehow instinctively know that none of them are the true church.  They describe this invisible church as the only one that has the truth and were elected by God to be His special people and that they have come from both old and new covenant times being composed of former Hebrews, Israelites and Gentiles but are now called the sons of God.  In this they are correct but their knowledge about them is limited and they would never believe who they are even if they met one.  The invisible church is taught directly by Gods Spirit, divine revelation, just as were the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles .  This was necessary because of all the deception of Satan who blinds the eyes of the visible churches causing all the confusion and division as God revealed to Ezekiel in chapter 34.  This is what the end of the age is to be like, a great deception of the world.  Revelation 12:9  Numerous Prophetic warnings in scripture testify to this fact.  Therefore if you are in the visible worlds churches you are deceived.  No one joins the true invisible church, it is God who puts you in it.  People of the world select a church they like and join it but in the true invisible church God selects you.  Gods call is to come out of them not join them but human minds have been seared with a hot iron.  1 Timothy 4:2 , Ephesians 4:19  

Most people who attend church do not even know what the teachings of that church are. Many people just inherit their religion from their parents. Would you want to belong to a church that was not the true church, so then these churches either think they are the true church or that all churches somehow are.  Either way they would take great offense if told they are unconverted, devoid of the Holy Spirit, under the law and condemned to death.  The reality of their situation is to much for them to handle for the  deceived do not know they are deceived therefore they continue in the broad way that leads to destruction.  The reason God does not call and choose them is that God knows they would fail, commit the unpardonable sin and perish forever, so in His love He has assigned them to another time because He is not willing that any should perish but rather come to repentance. This is not a respecting of persons on Gods part but a loving protection for them.  God preordained those who will be in His kingdom in eternity it is just that not all will inherit the kingdom at once but in stages, each in their own order.  The elect saints of the invisible church just happen to be the first.

Saturday, August 12, 2023

 Moral Decline


One of the common signs of a nation that is about to fall is moral decline, a steady downward spiral that usually begins with one or two sinful practices and over time adds more.  I remember a time when parents would have a daughter that got pregnant at 15 to 17 years of age and this was a great shame for the entire family but not today.  Premarital sex in 1940 was yet considered a sin but not today as parents get a hotel room for their children who go to their high school prom.  I remember when abortion was considered a horrifying evil but not today as many use it for birth control.  I remember when homosexuality was a great shame but not today and so transgenderism  is now acceptable.  What is next: beastiality, necrophilia, pedophilia ?  These perversions did not all show up at once but over time.  When a society accepts one perversion it will lead to others.   I am amazed at the great number of people that claim to be Christians yet accept and practice these abominations.  The truth, they are not Christians, their claims are empty words and are betrayed by their actions, they are hypocrites.  There is a growing movement in the world called progressive or liberal Christianity that believes modern social changes are to be accepted and that orthodox Bible believers are behind the times.  This church movement is a haven for people who do not want to repent of their sins but rather be accepted as normal.  This is calling good evil and evil good.  Someone who is a secret homosexual that would be expected to repent under orthodoxy need not under liberal Christianity.  The Bible’s orthodox teachings are heresy to liberal Christians.  If you doubt what I have written here look up liberal Christianity on the internet, you will get an eye full.  These LC’s have a goal to unify the Christian world with their teachings.  In truth they are in my view worse that many other groups as their stealth approach and $50.00 words confuse people as to their true motive.  It is good to remember the true words of scripture;  2 Peter 2:19 , 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 , Galatians 5:1 , Colossians 2:8   Try the spirit of liberal Christianity to see if it is of God or not.  


  We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communic...