Wednesday, November 8, 2023




Paganism is defined by the Century Dictionary as any religious belief, opinion, worship and conduct which is not Christian, Jewish or Islamic as in the worship of idols or false gods, polytheism.

Of three religions mentioned above the easiest one to prove false is Islamic. Anyone who is not Islamic but is familiar with its teachings should instantly recognize Islam as a product of Satan. What about Christianity ?  Anyone who has truly been called and chosen by God and is made a Christian by Him should be able to identify worldly Christianity as pagan by the definition given above.  According to Jesus there is only one true God and that Jesus is the messiah, the prophetic fulfillment of the man who would be the second Adam. Modern worldly Christianity’s teachings concerning God, Jesus and the gospel are all wrong and have their origin in paganism.  Judaism is no better.  The Jews according to the Apostle Paul are enemies of the gospel, Romans 11:28 , Matthew 21:43 , Acts 13:45-46 .  The Apostle Johns definition of antichrist fits the Jews.  1 John 4:2  .

This is the world you live in. Currently all three of these religions are at war with each other in the Middle East.  One big happy family.  It is always fitting to speak or write the truth. The truth has two possibilities, it will either offend you or set you free.  Jesus offended many people by speaking the truth. Do you think he should have kept quiet?  The world is a spiritual Babylon, a confusing mess of different opinions all being false.  The only answer to this seemingly hopeless situation is to come out of it, give up on men and go to God.  When God said, come out of her my people He was saying come out of Babylon, come out of the unclean things, the churches of this world.  Many are called but few are chosen because they refuse to come out.  This is a shadowy repeat of when Ezra and Nehemiah under the decree of Cyrus led the Israelites out of Babylon and back to Jerusalem.  Most of the Israelites stayed in Babylon because they were rich and increased with goods and had need of nothing so only a small percentage returned.  This was a physical shadow of a future spiritual event.  When that day arrives it will be to late, the decision to come out of Babylon must be made prior to the time of its rise.  

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