Wednesday, December 20, 2023




The title above was the response given to an article that I posted.  The man was obviously upset about something I wrote and most definitely did not agree.  This is his right as I do not demand neither do I expect what I write to be understood.  The members of this forum are a mix of difference theologies from different perspectives and many have been seriously injured psychologically by organizations they formerly belonged to.  I understand this and have compassion for them as I too experienced the same from my former organization.  A big difference between myself and others is that my conversion happened 30 years ago and from what I gather for most if not all of you it has been much less.  I came to this forum about a year ago, not to teach or get a following but to share.  Paul says we should edify, share what we have been given , to lift up others to whom it has been given to understand.  I have said that every true Christian today is directly taught by God through Jesus by divine revelation just as the Apostles were.  This means that all the saints today are prophets and prophetesses.  There is no human ministry because the anointing we have is our teacher.  Now I can say this is the truth but I do not think anyone here would agree. This has been for the most part the response to all my articles and it is exactly what I expected.  The world is a mass of spiritual confusion with so many voices and most in opposition to each other over doctrine.  This makes it impossible for the truth of God to be heard because it would be viewed as just one more voice among many.  In one of my articles I wrote about the 144,000 and deliberately left out information because I knew it would not be believed.  I did the same with all of the articles I have written as sort of a test to see if anyone would respond by including what I left out.  This would be to me the sign of a mature Christian.  I am falsely perceived by blah, blah, blah  as arrogant and less inspired than he when the reverse is true.  He has a very long way to go but with his cocky attitude he is in for a fall.  I have noticed that everyone of you has put some man you esteem as a great man of God over you in the Lord even though some of you deny this.  I view all Christians, after the death of the Apostle John, to have no man on Earth as their leader or teacher because this has been the mistake made ever since the days of the Apostles.  Today the churches are being controlled by a modern day Diotrephes. The Apostles were real men of God and once they all died their office died with them the woman was attacked by the serpent and driven into the wilderness while false churches usurped the name Christian.  This is the world we live in today but the level of deception has grown and truth has been cast to the ground  and trampled.  I wrote about the Elijah to come that Jesus told us about, I explained in detail with scripture that this is the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus .  The false shepherds, human ministry, are completely removed and God took total control of His church;  but how many of you understood, how many even read it.  I have warned you that if you have a man as a shepherd you are deceived but you do not hear.  I explained that an excellent deception contains elements of both truth and lies and I gave proof to you  of how one of your shepherds has deceived you.  Again, I was not expecting any of you to even get a glimmer concerning what I have written but there are a few of you that I think may have had some eye salve.  I do not say things to insult, injure, hurt or to be thought of by you as arrogant, conceited or haughty;  I have written the truth in love, going to great lengths to use edifying words, to use my gift to aid you. 

I have traveled that straight and narrow way far longer than any of you and I have not buried my talents but I asked, I sought and I knocked and the Philadelphian door was open for me and not for me alone but for all of Gods elect saints.  This has been the most amazing event in my life, I have found that good part and it will not be taken from me. 

Matthew 12:30  describes the false shepherds like Diotrephes, who are in control of what calls itself Christianity.  These are against Christ and do not gather but scatter scatter the sheep.  They feed themselves by fleecing the sheep and feed the sheep lies and false doctrine.  The sheep were scattered into many different false churches when there is to be only one church. God has removed these shepherds from tending HIS flock and HE will do the calling, choosing, teaching and leading.  The Lord is my shepherd and with HIM I have no want but was spiritually starved to death by the false shepherds.  Come out of them, be separate, have nothing more to do with these unclean shepherds and I will receive you.  This is the prophecy of Ezekiel 34 .  Isaiah 40:11 , John 10:8-11 ,  Jeremiah 23:1  These scriptures are all prophetic and describe what happened to the church of Pentecost.  Evil men waxed worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and usurped the name of Christian and grew in great numbers.  While this was taking place God was calling out a remnant of true believers to add to those HE had already elected since the day of righteous Able until this day and when GOD completes , fulfills the number of 144,000 ,the open door will be shut.   Anyone who reads these words and in truth understands them, blessed are you little flock, do not be afraid, for it is your Fathers good pleasure to give you the kingdom. 

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