Sunday, November 5, 2023

Matthew 10:28


Matthew 10:28 “Fear not those who can kill the body  but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell fire”

The above verse was incorrectly translated due to the translator’s ignorance of the fact that the soul is the complete human being composed of spirit and body. A person, a human being is a soul. The soul is not a third part but the whole man.  James 2:26 (first part) As the body without the spirit is dead…….  The spirit is what gives life to the flesh or body.  John 6:63 The spirit gives life, the flesh profits nothing.   The verse Matthew 10:28 should read; “fear not those who can kill the body but cannot kill the spirit. Rather fear Him who can destroy both body and spirit in hell fire.”  At death the human spirit also called the breath of life returns to God while the body returns to dust.  The body is destroyed but the spirit is not. In this sense only we all came from heaven and return there at death. 2 Corinthians 5:1 “For we know that if this body we live in is destroyed we have a body from God an everlasting body in heaven not built by human hands.” The human spirit is the real you and the body is temporary.  Your spirit in heaven is totally inoperative because it must have a body in which to operate.  In the first resurrection your spirit will have a spirit body to live in forever.  The destruction of both body and spirit in hell fire refers to the lake of fire reserved for those who commit the unpardonable sin.  To destroy the soul  would be destroying the complete person both body and spirit but destruction of only the body has the spirit remaining. Most churches believe that man is three parts; body, soul and spirit and then compare this to the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit saying this is how man was made in the image of God. In Genesis 1:27  the word “image” is in Strongs concordance article #H6754 and the Hebrew word is “teslem” and that means a phantom or illusion a resemblance, a representative figure, an idol.  Adam was created to be the Elohim of the world, a god with the little “g”.  God gave Adam dominion over the Earth. Genesis 1:26  In this sense only was Adam “in Gods image”. Satan became the Elohim or god of this world when Adam sinned against God and rendered himself to obey Satan and eat the forbidden fruit. 2 Corinthians 4:4  Adam lost dominion and Satan gained it.  Luke 4:6 , Romans 6:16   Adam harkened to the voice of his wife rather than of his God because Adam loved Eve more than God.  Eve was deceived but Adam was not and yet he still knowingly sinned.  This proves that neither Adam or Eve had the Holy Spirit as their sin would have been unpardonable.  Also the Holy Spirit was in the tree of life from which they were cut off from after they sinned.  Adam and Eve when first created had no knowledge of what good and evil is.  Adam only knew it was wrong to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree.  It was only after Adam ate of the forbidden fruit that the eyes of both of them were opened in spite of the fact that Eve ate first. Genesis 3:6   Adam was present during the entire conversation Eve had with the serpent and at that time while still having dominion could have ordered the serpent out of Eden, but he did not.  Adam failed to be the leader and use the authority God gave him to protect his wife.  In everything Adam failed to do and everything Eve failed to do God would command them both to do by assigning them their roles and responsibilities as man and woman.  These commands apply to all , even to this day.  The nature of innocence was the original nature of Adam and Eve but the human nature humans have today is from Satan. Acts 26:18  1 John 3:10  Matthew 13:38  2 Corinthians 4:4 .   It is a fact of history that the New Testament scriptures fell into the hands of pagans masquerading as Christians who crept in unawares bringing with them damnable heresies thus giving birth to what claims to be the Christian churches today.   A Catholic priest was asked what he thought about Protestants.  He replied, they are just bad Catholics.  The Catholic Church is a bad tree and over the years was recognized as such by those of the Protestant reformation and in spite of this Protestants failed to identify all the false doctrines of Catholicism therefore how should Protestantism be viewed ?  Here is how Jesus judged on this matter.  Matthew 7:17-23  the evil tree, Catholicism produced Protestantism or as that priest said, bad Catholics.  From the reformation forward splinter groups formed by the thousands, about 55,000 last time I checked.  What should this tell you about the worlds churches ?  

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