Wednesday, November 1, 2023



What is the only answer to all the horrible things we see in this world ?   Should we vote for better leadership ?  Should we become involved in a group or organization to fight these evils ?

Should we March in demonstrations to protest these evils ?  Should we give money to groups or organizations that want to address and solve these evils ?  How about starting our own organization to address these evils ?  

All these things have been tried for many years and none of them have eliminated these evils, they are all still with us and seem to be growing.   As Christians we see all these horrible things and our hearts are broken over them but we should know that we have no power or authority to change any of it.  All the evil we see was prophesied to happen by the Prophets, Jesus and the Apostles but we should know that whatever Satan has done God can and will undo.  Revelation 7:17 ,  Revelation 21:4   This is the Christian hope, not only for themselves but for all people.  In this current evil world we can do nothing and the desire to become an activist will only lead to folly.  We should never attempt to intervene into things that only God has the power to change because if we do we become part of the problem rather than the answer.  The answer, as I have said in other posts is, thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven.  When Moses was a young man he already knew that God was going to use him , Acts 7:22-29 to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt and Moses thought his brethren understood this but they did not.  Moses jumped the gun, acted when God was not ready to act.  What we see in the world now is not for us to act upon because God is not ready yet to act.  It was after 40 years that God was ready and we read,  Acts 7:30-36 .  

The time for us to act will be when Christ returns and our part in that event is recorded in Psalm 149:1-9 .   Luke 21:19 , is good advice given by Jesus to the elect saints, we must have patience and wait and continue our struggle despite all the evil around us without losing the hope that is within us.   

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...