Sunday, December 24, 2023


What are the end time elect supposed to do ?


The end time elect are living in a world filled with deception.  Satanic activity is ever increasing with violence, immoral behavior and perversion.  The ability of the elect to live peacefully and quietly is effected because the chaos has spread to unconverted family, friends , employers and all institutions of society.  In the midst of all of this some very few people are asking questions because they know this is not normal or right.  It may be that one of these asks you, “why are things this way, what is going on” ,  or they may ask , “is this the great tribulation “ .  By using your spiritual sense you can determine if the questioner is sincere or not.  If not keep quiet but if sincere then you should always be ready to give an answer.  The elect know that all of the 144000 have not yet been chosen.  God will finish that number before the tribulation.  It is very likely that God will use any of us as a tool to to stir up the mind or spirit of the one who asks us a question.  

During the tribulation according to Daniel, those who know their God shall instruct many, that’s you and me and all the elect who do the instructing.  Why then would we not think that we would do the same before the tribulation. All of the elect at this time should remember how God called and chose them.  In the parable of the talents we know that the talent symbolizes the portion of Gods spirit each elect receives, the spirit of God is the talent.  God gives to each of the elect a measure of His spirit in accordance to what He expects of them and to whom much is given much is required. In other words God expects a return on His investment in us.  God expects growth in the spirit from us no matter what measure of His spirit we were given.  We should be alert and ready always in the event God will require something from us.  Now, pre tribulation, to aid in the addition of an elect and in the tribulation aid in the teaching of the innumerable multitude.  This is a great honor for us to serve God in any way He desires.  

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