Monday, December 4, 2023




Do you think God in His appearance looks like you ?  If you look into a mirror are you seeing what God is ?  Is God composed of flesh and blood with head, arms and legs ?   What this way of thought does is make God in our image rather than we in His image because the image God created us in is spiritual not physical.  Humans have a human spirit, God is spirit.  Humans are sentient and so is God but to an infinite level whereas human extremely lower.  Humans were given dominion over the Earth but God has dominion over everything.  So then, humans are similar to God but on an extremely lower level.  According to Gods likeness.  The above explanation of image is the facts of how God made humans and this  “according to” is confirming those facts.  The Hebrew phrase image of God is, tzelem Elohim, Strongs concordance article # H6754 defines image as an illusion or phantom a vain show.  We humans were created as only a shadow of what God is.  That part of our soul called the breath of life is this shadow, our bodies are not of this shadow.  The human spirit is the shadow of Gods spirit.  Scripture confirms that humans are a spirit in a fleshly body. Job 32:8 ,  there is a spirit in man and the breath of the Almighty gives man understanding.  It is the spirit part of us that can think and reason, have understanding not our fleshly brain.  Our physical life is only possible because of this human spirit, Job 33:4 , Job 38:6 , 1 Corinthians 2:11 , Proverbs 20:27   Genesis is telling us that God created humans incomplete spirits in a mortal fleshly body. When we enter the kingdom of God we will be changed into the completed image of our God with an immortal spirit body.  Jesus was spiritually complete, one with his God, but in a mortal fleshly body.  Jesus was the fulfillment of what God said, let us make man after our image and according to our likeness, not in shadow but in spirit.  While we are flesh we walk as Jesus walked but when we are spirit, in the kingdom, we will also walk as Jesus, who is in that kingdom. All human beings are a spirit in a mortal body with free will fleshly intelligence.  If God calls and chooses us we are given a portion of His Spirit and become a new creation in Christ because we are now joined spiritually to God.  1 Corinthians 6:17 , Romans 8:9  We have hope that when Jesus returns that we will undergo a drastic twofold change or transformation; our flesh will be discarded and replaced with spirit and our human spirit given the divine nature in all fullness.  Jesus was the very first human to experience all that we yet hope for.  Jesus is the first born of many, the beginning of the real and true creation of his God.  

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