Thursday, November 2, 2023



The Elijah to come will restore all things. Matthew 17:11  It will be necessary to restore what massive deception by Satan has done since Jesus preached the gospel. John 14:15-16 , the spirit of truth. The world cannot receive the Spirit of truth because the church is not of the world and has the Holy Spirit. The world has 55,000 churches that are separated by their beliefs which was caused by Satan.  John 14:25-26 , the Spirit teaches you all things, restores all things and reminds the saints of everything Jesus said.  John 15:26 , the Holy Spirit from the Father testifies about Jesus.  John 16:7-11 Jesus had to ascend and be glorified in order to send the Elijah to come, the Holy Spirit.  Jesus was not glorified when raised from the dead but when he ascended because the Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified. John 7:39  The Spirit will do all the things in verses 8 through 11.  John 16: 12-15 , the Spirit of truth , not some preacher, will guide you into all truth and expose all the great deception that is in all the worlds churches.  The Spirit will declare what is to come and glorify Jesus.  Zechariah 4:6 , it is the Spirit of the Father not the might or power of men that will accomplish Gods will.  The shepherds of Israel, in this prophecy spiritual Israel, will be removed from feeding the flock, the church.  Read Ezekiel 34: 1-19 with this in mind.  When Ezekiel wrote this prophecy both Israel and Judah were in captivity;  this is not about carnal Israel but to the 12 tribes scattered abroad. James 1:1   The carnal Jewish people deny Jesus as the son of God and messiah. 2 John 1:7 , 1 John 4:3 , 1 John 2:22  Messianic Jews believe Jesus is the messiah and God the Son.  The deception in the world is tremendous but God has called and chosen a small remnant of believers who do not associate with the worlds deceived churches as Gods call is to come out of the synagogues of Satan  John 4:21-24 ,  Revelation 3:9  remember how Paul defined a true Jew, Romans 2:29 , this is describing the church.  Worldly churches have preachers that think they can do what only the Holy Spirit can do.  This post should speak to those of the Israel of God .

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