Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Matthew 24:21-22

In Matthew 24: 21-22  Jesus speaks about the great tribulation.  It will be the most horrific time in all human history.  In verse 22 Jesus makes an interesting comment “for the elects sake those days shall be shortened.” We know the antichrist is to make a covenant with ten nations, Revelation 17:12-13 ,  Daniel 7:24 .  This covenant is for seven years or 2520 days on the Hebrew calendar.  The great tribulation is to last 1260 days but Jesus said this time would be shortened.  In Daniel 8:14 a series of days is recorded and of these 2300 days .  In Daniel 8:13 a holy one asks how long it will take to fulfill the vision, one event being the surrender of the sanctuary.  In Daniel 8:14 the answer was 2300 days.  Some translations render it, “the sanctuary shall be cleansed.”   Daniel 8:17 confirms this vision is at the time of the end and Daniel 8:25 mentions the prince of prince’s referring to Jesus who will destroy the antichrist but not with human power.  All these things culminate at the 2300 day mark.  Therefore the great tribulation will be cut short by 220 days because the time was 2520 days but events actually happen at 2300 days, a difference of 220 days.  This is a very plausible explanation of what Jesus said in Matthew 24:22 .  This would also indicate that when the antichrist makes the seven year covenant with ten nations 2300 days later Jesus will return.  The tribulation is yet future but if we watch that day and other days will not come upon us unawares, 1 Thessalonians 5:4 , Mark 13:37 .  At the time when these things take place there will be a remnant of Gods people who are alive and remain under Gods protection and they will be able to know much better than now the timing of prophetic events.  The key event to look for is that covenant antichrist makes because that is what starts the clock ticking.

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