Thursday, December 14, 2023



Would you belong to a church that you knew was not the true church ?  With about 55,000 different churches today which one is the true ?  This article is intended for those people who have read and studied scripture seriously on their own or perhaps in a small group.  I hope you know the scriptures very well so that I do not have to baby you and write them out.  This article is for those who are willing to diligently search, to ask, seek and knock so that the door of revelation knowledge can be opened for you.  If you are a person content with modern day churchianity and question nothing but just believe the pastor then not only are you deceived but are also willingly ignorant.  Church is people communicating about spiritual things as an orderly group in which all members may participate.  Church is not a one man show.  Church is not a live band playing music while the people dance and wave their hands.  Church is not about money, tithes and offerings.  Church is not about the great commission or winning souls for Jesus.  What is recognized and accepted today as church is not the true church.  All of the pomp and circumstance in the worlds churches is an attempt to mimic what they think scripture says about the church.  When a person with some biblical knowledge examines the church of the scriptures and compares that to the churches of this world they will see no comparison at all.  The true church that is here in this world is not of the worlds ways.  The true church conducts itself in such a way as to be totally unknown by the the worlds churches.  The true church is to be a light to the world and not a blast horn in the dark.  Worldly churches are carnal minded spiritually ignorant 501C3 organizations referred to in Revelation as synagogues of Satan.  There exists now on Earth a remnant of true believers that were called and chosen by the Father and drawn to the son for salvation at the second advent.  These are the elect saints that total in number 144,000 from the time of righteous Able to when the door is shut.  The worlds churches are pretenders that are ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.  This causes them to fill in with carnal thinking what the think the truth is.  At this time these charlatans have dominated the minds of all that is falsely called Christianity.  In reality they combine certain elements of Christianity with paganism resulting in either whole lies or half truths.  The true church is taught by the Father through Jesus, each member contributes what is revealed to them, there is order and mutual love and respect with an attitude of being thankful if shown wrong about any topic being discussed rather than taking offense.  The false churches together have billions of members but the true church has extremely few.  If you know your scripture you should know that.  A person who is an elect saint of God is somewhat like being invisible to the world, not sight wise but in understanding and acknowledgement as to who they are the world hasn’t a clue.

The world’s churches are what God calls people out of not into. They were never a part of true Christianity but are deceived by Satan to think they are.  The revealing of this great deception will be in the future but for now it is what is.  No one can join the true church, it is God who puts you in it.  Once God does this then His Spirit is your only teacher and Jesus is your only mediator and leader.  

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