Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Sometimes speaking in a parable can be a good thing. 

Here is one I hope you enjoy and understand.

The church is like the cattle in a cattle drive in the days of the old west. The owner of the heard is GOD and the trail boss is Jesus.  The owner had selected, elected all the cattle and has empowered the trail boss to guide them to KOG . The journey to KOG is one that is very straight and narrow and only those cattle that follow the trail boss will make it to KOG.  Along the way there are rustlers who try to get the cattle to follow them and entice the cattle with words of deceit.  They claim to be sent by the the owner and the trail boss and even present papers, diplomas and titles to prove it.   Those who are truly the owner’s cattle will not listen to the voices of the rustlers because they only obey the voice of the trail boss.  When the trail drive is over the cattle will be in KOG and never fear again of being slaughtered and will live in joy inexpressible forever.  

Have you ever noticed that when Jesus returns the only people cast into the lake of fire, the second death, are the beast and false prophet ? At this time the church, the Israel of GOD, spiritual Israel, the elect 144000, the first fruit, the redeemed of the Earth, the twelve tribes scattered abroad, the little flock, the few chosen will be immortal and impeccable spirit beings in KOG, the kingdom of GOD.  This reveals that no true Christian will fail along the way during the cattle drive.  

People who do not obey the trail boss will not be in KOG and this is because they were never elected, selected in the first place by the owner.  John 10:26,27,28,29,30   Here Jesus uses sheep but I used cattle there is no difference in the meaning.  

What all true Christians must know is the difference between the trail boss and the rustlers.  It appears that at present many do not.  The day will come when they see the rustlers for who they really are.  

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