Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Leviticus 23:5  Passover begins on the 14th day of the first month at sunset.  Leviticus 23:6  the first day of unleavened bread is the 15th day , the very next day after sunset on the 14th or after Passover ends.  This festival of unleavened bread had two annual sabbaths, the first on the 15th and the second on the 22nd ,  no work was to be done and Israel ate only unleavened bread during all seven days.  The wave sheaf offering was to be on the day after the weekly sabbath.  Leviticus 23:11  then Israel was to count seven weekly sabbaths or 49 days and after sunset on the 49th day would be Pentecost that always falls on the first day of the week we call Sunday.  Christ is known to have been the fulfillment of all the Passover symbolism.  The wave sheaf ceremony confirmed that Jesus was the first of the first fruits.  Jesus was raised from the dead by the FATHER very near to sunset on the weekly sabbath and only a very short time later fulfilled the symbolism of the wave sheaf.  If there was a Friday crucifixion and Sunday resurrection the wave sheaf would be on the next day, Monday,  but scripture plainly states that the wave sheaf was to be on the day after the sabbath.  Leviticus 23:11  This proves a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection is wrong.  So then if the count of days to determine the day of Pentecost starts on the first day of the week and numbers 7 weekly sabbaths for a total of 49 days then the next day or Sunday is Pentecost.   Some people think it’s humorous when I state that the day Christ was raised from the dead can be determined by counting backwards from Pentecost, they are simply ignorant of the the law, the shadow of Christ.  It follows that when counting forward from one fixed point in time to arrive at another fixed point in time that the process can be reversed.  We have the day after the sabbath, fixed point number one, then the day of Pentecost, fixed point number two ,  so then counting backwards 50 days brings you back to the starting point. From Pentecost Sunday back one day to the weekly sabbath is one day, you do not count Pentecost as a day, a day is 24 hours, it is the time from Pentecost to the sabbath that is one day.  Continue counting 50 days and it will bring you to the weekly sabbath when very near to sunset , Jesus was raised from the dead.  

So then, during the passion week there were two sabbaths; the first day of unleavened bread followed by the weekly sabbath. As shown above the crucifixion could not have been on Friday.  The crucifixion was on Wednesday the Passover, the first day of  the annual sabbath of unleavened bread was the next day, a Thursday.  Then the day of preparation, Friday when the women could buy and prepare linen and spices to anoint the body of Jesus.  Then the women rested on the sabbath according to the fourth commandment of the law.  Very near to the end of the sabbath, very close to sunset, the time days ended in the first century, the women came to the tomb and Christ was already resurrected and gone.  Modern day translations are extremely bad in the rendering of the actual timing of events due to ignorance of how time was calculated in the first century and of the law of Moses.  You have to think like a Jew to have proper comprehension of just what happened in that last week of the life of Christ.  John 19:31  the high day mentioned by John is the first day of unleavened bread, a high day,  an annual sabbath.  The day of preparation was the day previous or Passover.  Many do not know that Passover is not a sabbath and not a holy convocation demanding rest.  Translators that were either pagan biased or totally ignorant are responsible for what you read in modern translations of scripture.  In Luke 24:1 there are six translation errors;  the word one is removed, the word first was added, the word day was added, the word week was added, Sunday added in some bibles.  The Vulgate , the Concordant Literal Version (CLT) , the Google translation, the DeepL translation  and about 147 other translations have recorded the women at the tomb on the sabbath.  The hatred of the Jewish people for the murder of Christ is why translators changed the language to accommodate a Sunday morning resurrection of Christ.  

Now, the law demanded a full day in the celebration of all sabbaths, that’s a full 24 hours, from sunset to sunset.  There was the Passover, the first day of unleavened bread, the Friday day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath and the weekly sabbath and each had to be a full day according to the law.  Leviticus 23:32  The thinking that the three days and three nights were only parts of days is going against what the law demanded.  When Jesus said three days and three nights he meant just that.  The reason why the Catholic Church changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and eliminated the fourth commandment from scripture and have the third saying the lords day or Sunday is because of their hatred for the Jews.  The second Commandment against idols is removed as well.

As some of you know I was formerly a member of the Worldwide Church of GOD . While in this church I learned the law extremely well, we all did.  At that time we kept the law better than most Jews did.  The mistake of the WCG was to think Christians were under the law.  We were like modern day Galatians.  Most of you never lived under the law the way I did.  This is why the Jewish converts had an advantage over gentiles. Romans 3:1,2  the oracles of GOD, the shadow of the good things to come in Christ, the lesson of the schoolmaster, I learned all these things I know now because that law led me to Christ.  Paul actually had to teach the gentiles about the law in order to show them that they along with Israel were condemned to death by the law and how Jesus rescued them by providing a new covenant apart from the law. Romans 3:9,19    

The wave sheaf offering is only one thing that the law can teach you when the light of Christ shines on it. 

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