Sunday, June 30, 2024



There are scriptures that on the surface are true but by themselves do not give the complete truth .  John said,  John 1:17 ,  was the law given by Moses not the truth ?  Paul said,  Romans 7:12  ,  On the surface this seems to be a contradiction.  In order to understand how these two verses do not contradict but actually clarify and confirm a foundational biblical truth.  Hebrews 10:1   Colossians 2:17   Jeremiah 31:31,32,33,34   So then, the law was given to be a physical symbolic shadow of the work of GOD through HIS son the Christ who showed the fulfillment of the law to be his GODS love and righteousness that was created in him by his GOD and FATHER .  The law was given to define good and evil, to serve as a deterrent to sin, to kill sinners and physically reward its followers, to truly convict all of humanity of sin and consign them all to death so that each human being in the order GOD will determine be given HIS spirit and first and only opportunity for salvation and finally as a schoolmaster to lead broken contrite human spirits to GODLY sorrow delivering them to Christ for repentance, forgiveness, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit.   There is much more I could add but I hope the point was made.

Another scripture,  John 3:13 ,  no man ascends to heaven.  This agrees with 1 Corinthians 15:50 .  If you have the knowledge that a human is a soul, the combination of dust and breath or body and human spirit and that at death the body returns to dust but the human spirit returns to GOD who gave it.  The reality of what a human is is spirit.  We are all a human spirit in a fleshly body.  For the reason of salvation flesh is worthless as it is the spirits of just humans that are made perfect.  This human spirit is the real you and your flesh is a temporary dwelling, tent or earthen vessel that has no value to GOD . We are like the nut inside the shell.  So then all people saint or sinner at death go to GOD but without a body there is no life.  These spirits wait to be assigned by GOD a time for resurrection, some to immortality in a spirit body and some to mortal life in a fleshly body.  So then, everyone goes to heaven when they die but in a complete and total unconscious state.

Another scripture,   Matthew 6:9 ,  this gives the reader the impression that GOD is in a place called heaven.  Who created space or place ?  Time, space, matter and energy were all created by GOD.  GOD is not and cannot be contained by something HE created or by anything as HE is omnipresent or present in all things, places, times after HE created them all.  Heaven cannot be a place.  It the condition and state of existence of GOD HIMSELF.  See and carefully read Strongs article G1722 “the condition or state in which something operates from within” .   GOD inhabits eternity which is timelessness unending unbeginning everpresentness.  GODS presence is in all that exists else it would not exist.  To be in “heaven” is to be aware of being in the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY. 

These were only a few examples of how truth can be in parts or segments like a puzzle.  Often many try to reshape a piece of the puzzle to fit their narrative and make the puzzle picture unrecognizable.  They do not search diligently enough and have stopped short of finding how the puzzle pieces fit.  Rather than alter the puzzle pieces they need to alter their ideas and thoughts to be spiritual and not carnal.  GOD designed scripture to correct us, we don’t correct scripture.  

Therefore we all go to heaven when we die and if we fulfilled the law while alive be raised from the dead an immortal impeccable spirit being ruling with Christ in the kingdom of GOD. 

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