Monday, June 17, 2024



The time of the gentiles.  Peter was given a vision,  Acts 10:9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19  the lesson Peter learned from this experience was that GOD was going to include the gentiles in HIS plan for salvation.  Peter never acted on this vision, he did not go to the gentiles and this is why GOD called Saul, Paul, to be the apostle to the gentiles.  Have you noticed that from the time Paul came along the Bible seems to focus on Paul’s mission over that of Peters.  Most of the New Testament is Paul’s writings.  There is a reason for this.

Ephesians 3:6   The mystery was the calling of the gentiles.  Take careful note, gentiles are heirs together with Israel.  This is not referring to carnal Israel but the Israel of GOD, spiritual Israel.  Romans 11:7   Carnal Israel did not obtain but the elect among them, some named in Hebrews 11 did and the rest, carnal Israel, was hardened.  This hardening was because,  Romans 10:3 , and Israel still does to this today.  The unbelieving carnal Israelites were broken off of the olive tree and the gentiles were grafted in making them a part of spiritual Israel. Romans 11:7  is the result for carnal Israel.  Carnal Israel was given a spirit of stupidity, hardened, blinded and deaf to the message of the gospel. Romans 11:8,9,10  this is the same today.   Romans 11:25  This hardening of carnal Israel will continue until the last of the gentiles come in, or be brought into the church.  

This information proves that the 144000 cannot be carnal Israelites   converted before the tribulation, they have been blinded or hardened.   It also proves that there is indeed a spiritual Israel called the elect of GOD, the Israel of GOD and the twelve tribes scattered abroad,  James 1:1 ,  and the remaining number of the 144000 have been converted gentiles since the day Paul revealed the mystery of the gentiles in the first century.  

Put things together;  the olive tree, the saints in Hebrew 11,  the elect among Israel obtained but the carnal did not, the gentiles grafted into the elect who attained in Hebrews 11 olive tree and carnal Israel remains blind to this day until the last of the gentiles are called into the church.  

When the last of the gentiles are in the church the  total number of the 144000 will be completed and they will be sealed as Revelation 7:4  records.

This is why Jesus said,  Matthew 20:16  Matthew 8:11,12   The nation of Israel’s history had been one of continuous rebellion against GOD and the final straw was when they killed GODS son,  1 Thessalonians 2:14,15,16   Acts 2:23    Acts 7:52   Therefore GOD has shut carnal Israel out of the kingdom of GOD until after Christ returns and then they will say,  Matthew 23:37,38,39   GOD will yet have mercy on carnal Israel.

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