Wednesday, June 12, 2024



The scriptures, especially the Old Testament writings, many times present GOD in a way that makes HIM seem human.  GOD asks questions, gets angry, gets jealous, has regrets and other seemingly human emotions.  There is a reason for this.  If you try to communicate with a two year old child would you do it the way you would an adult?

Adults must come down to the level of the child because the child cannot rise to the level of an adult.  In any communication involving inferior and superior beings the superior must come down to the level of the inferior.  Isaiah 55:8,9 ,  2 Samuel 7:9 ,  Psalm 139:1,2,3,4,5,6

The story of Job is not as many think, a demonstration of patience and resolve under intense pressure, but try seeing it as a man who thought he knew GOD only to find that he did not.  Job is like the unconverted of the world thinking they too know GOD.  Jobs final remarks are the true lesson of his story,  Job 42:1,2,3,4,5,6   Job was led to repentance by the experience he went through and so are we all.  The man Saul on his way to Damascus was sure that he knew GOD but would shortly meet HIS son and find out how very little he did know.  

GOD met these men in different ways and different times but the lessons learned from each of their experiences was the same, and so it is with all the saints.  GOD deals with each of us individually in our own circumstances , in order to bring all into unity.  Jesus was “one” with his GOD and that is our goal, our hope.  That GOD may be all in all, e pluribus unum, out of many one.    

The connection we have to GOD is spirit.  This is how we are in HIS image and likeness because HE is not flesh.  We are shadow images now because we are flesh.  We are a spirit in a temporary house of mortal flesh having a hope to become a righteous spirit in an immortal house of spirit.  

To communicate these things to the saints in times past GOD used an audible voice, angels and prophets but now only Christ . It is spiritual communication by way of thought, of mind, that is similar to the still small voice of Elijah. 1Kings19:9,11,12,13  It is easy to think the voice is your own until you realize that it informs you of things you were not thinking about, thoughts you never thought of before.  Matthew 17:11   Malachi 4:5,6  John 14:26  John 16:13,14 

This is how the saints are taught and led.  Jesus heard this voice constantly instructing him on what to say and do in his mind / spirit, let this mind be in you that Jesus had.  If the saints are in Jesus then we are one spirit with him.  Psalm 29:1-11  Psalm 68:33   Carnal evil people do not have GOD in their thoughts, Psalm 10:4  Psalm 27:8   1 Chronicles 28:9   Do not quench or grieve this spirits voice rather hunger and thirst to hear it .

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