Monday, June 10, 2024



The government of men or the government of YAHWEH.  

1 Samuel 8:7,8,9   Israel wanted a human being to rule over them.

This was Israel sowing the seeds of their own destruction.  The future kings  of Israel , some good and some evil, eventually caused the end of the nation.  This will be true for all nations.  The U.S.A. Is no different than ancient Israel.  A good or evil king is no different than a good or evil president.  1 Samuel 8:10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18  the king of Israel sounds like rulers of all other nations regardless of what type of government they have.  Notice 1 Samuel 8:18  this is a prophecy of Solomons son, king Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:1  and the people demanded relief from the high taxation of Solomon.  1 Kings 12:4   Rehoboams answer to this demand is, 1 Kings 12:13,14,15   This all led to a dividing of Israel.  1 Kings 12:16,17,18,19  

All this is politics no matter what form of government man contrives and it is all motivated by human desire that YAHWEH not be their king.  In the church the saints have a citizenship in a heavenly country with YAHWEH ruling over them through HIS appointed king, Jesus Christ.  The saints did not cast votes in this arrangement,  YAHWEHS government is not a democracy or republic.  I hope it can be seen that human governments, all of them, are nothing more than humanity not wanting YAHWEH as their king through Christ.  Satan has been given rulership of Earth by the will of YAHWEH due to Adams sin.  All human rulers are subject to satanic influences that cause humanity’s woes.  So then , there is a choice of governments set before us, that of YAHWEH or that of Satan.  Once a choice is made you are stuck with it.  If you choose YAHWEH then you cannot include any part of Satan but if you choose Satan you cannot have any part of YAHWEH.  What ever you sow you will also reap.  YAHWEH will allow people to decide but will hold them responsible for their decisions.  Why do the kingdoms of this Earth need to become the kingdom of YAHWEH and HIS messiah?  Revelation 11:15   This is done by force because men do not want to give up power they have under Satans rule. Psalm 149:1-9  focus on verses Psalm 149:6,7,8,9   In the future the saints will bind kings, presidents, emperors and dictators and execute the judgment written against them and this is a great honor.  

When called and chosen we have to have loyalty to the one who chose us. Are we of this world?  Is our citizenship of this world?  How much of our table should we share with demons?  How much darkness should we include with light?  The answers to these questions will determine your future. 

I realize that scripture says the saints should submit to whatever government they are under but how far should we take it.  President Biden has insisted that all citizens approve of homosexuality and transgenderism along with abortion and surgical sex alterations of children.  The scriptures would not condone any of this, would they?  Is YAHWEH approving of the governments of Cuba, China, North Korea?  Did YAHWEH set up these governments?  Did YAHWEH set up Hitler, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Un,  Stalin or Pol Pot ?  The obvious answer is no.

Proverbs 29:2  Spiritual wisdom needs applied to arrive at the truth of how far the saints should go in the instructions given by Paul, Romans 13:1  and Peter , 1 Peter 2:13   For the Lords sake,  John 19:11  Christ set the example of this by allowing government to crucify him.  It is by the will of YAHWEH that any human government exists but YAHWEH did not design or implement them as that was Satans doing.  

Satan tempted Christ, Luke 4:5,6,7  Satan was not lying, YAHWEH granted the rulership of Earth to Satan as god of this world in whom Jesus had no part of and neither should the saints.  We all need to sharpen our senses to determine good from evil and then decide if we obey man’s governments or YAHWEH. 

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