Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Jesus did not have GODS wrath on him because of his sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus paid the penalty for our sins but GOD did not make Jesus responsible for them.  

Jesus knew what man is spiritually.  John 2:25   Man took on the nature of the god Adam chose.  1 John 3:10   Humanity was not created by GOD with the nature we all have now, our current nature was acquired from Satan, and when born into the world we are all cut off from GOD and are children of the devil.  We are all condemned to everlasting death because we are all sinners.  Romans 11:32  Jesus was born into this world, a world of evil.  The virgin birth was to separate Jesus from sinners, prevent Adams sin from being on him and GOD was his FATHER and Jesus the second Adam.  Jesus was very different from us spiritually but exactly like us biologically.  People often bring Jesus down to their level rather than seeing they must rise to his level.  Ephesians 4:13 In their minds they make Jesus too human forgetting that his FATHER was GOD and the divine nature and GODLY character of GOD that Jesus was totally immersed in, he and the FATHER dwelled in each other, they were one.  All other humans were evil and condemned to death.  Jesus had emotions but he never lost control of them as we do, and making Jesus too human and dragging him down to our evil level is an example of uncontrolled emotion.  People who do this see a Jesus exactly like they are spiritually that gives them a false sense that their spiritual condition is secure thus deceiving themselves.   They see a Jesus who tried to escape the crucifixion, a Jesus who could have sinned and view the times that Jesus did show emotion as the same as their own emotions.  How is it possible to grow spiritually to match the stature and fullness of Christ when you view him as being identical to yourselves ?  Even with the Holy Spirit Christians still sin.  Unitarians refuse to credit Jesus with his spiritual superiority in all things far above us because they fear that doing so would make him GOD.  Jesus was the reflection of GOD in a man, the brightness of GODS glory in a man.  Hebrews 1:3   People that try to make Jesus as human as we are do not know Jesus at all.   You cannot mature and grow spiritually if your view of Christ is too much like your carnal self.  Spiritually mature saints know that Jesus, in all things, was far above them spiritually, and they need to be changed by GODS spirit to be more like Jesus.  Thinking that Jesus was too much like you is carnal minded and self deception.  You were born an evil child of Satan but Jesus a righteous son of GOD.  This difference is as high as the heavens are above the earth.  The son, the exact copy of GODS righteousness, glory and love is nothing like you and me even if we are a saint we  still have a very long way to go to be his equal.  

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