Saturday, June 29, 2024



I came to Simply Christian a little over a year and a half ago.  I joined only to share with others what I have received.  I have no hidden agenda, I do not want to lead or teach nor can I,  I do not want you to join a church, I do not want your money.  

Everyone hear is seeking truth, understanding of spiritual things.  It is good for a people to do this.  Along the way there have been disagreements and agreements which is normal and expected.  No one knows absolutely all the truth because GOD does not reveal it all.  To know all would eliminate faith.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.  We can only know in part, we see through a glass darkly.  We can only know those things YAHWEH reveals.  Even though the scriptures have errors, some accidental and some deliberate, the spirit of the FATHER is still able to teach us the truth.  In ancient times there was no bible, no writings.  People who had YAHWEHS spirit were taught by divine revelation. These ancient people knew more than what most people do today that claim to be Christians.  This is still how we learn today.  It is how everyone has learned .  The Bible is a collection of  writings by different writers who received the words they wrote from YAHWEH.  Scriptures were written in such a way as to actually hide the truth from those who did not have YAHWEHS spirit.  Scripture is written in tongues you might say, a spiritual language know only to those of the spirit.  Here a little there a little precept upon precept line upon line.  Only to Christians are given the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD, but not to the world.   It is extremely important to think spirituality because to be carnally minded is death and to compare spiritual things with spiritual otherwise you will learn nothing.  The ancient Christians listed in Hebrews 11 are the root of the olive tree in Romans 11.  The branches that were broken off are the rebellious unbelieving carnal Israelites and the branches grafted into Israel are the gentiles.  The Apostle to the gentiles explains that the carnal branches are not grafted back in if they remain in unbelief which means in the future when Christ returns they will say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  This also means that carnal Israel will remain blinded and hardened until the full number of gentiles are added to the 144,000 elect.  If a person is a Christian today then they are one of the 144,000.  Most of the 144,000 are dead and only a small remnant will be alive and remaining at the return of Christ.  GOD is not the GOD of the dead but of the living and all the dead elect along with the remnant will be changed in two ways;  they will have 100% spirit bodies just like the angels and they will be sealed in GODLY righteousness and love making it impossible for them to sin as they are now born of GOD.   Jesus had this same seal on him as a man.  The holy angels were sealed after the Satanic rebellion.  

Today is not the only day of salvation.  During the tribulation the innumerable multitude, the Laodiceans, are also in the first resurrection along with the 144,000.  People that repent during the tribulation live into the millennium and after the millennium the second resurrection.  GOD alone determines who will be in each of these situations.  

I write these things but do not demand you believe and will not be offended if you do not.  As I said before I am not your teacher or leader.  I am someone searching just like you and simply sharing what I have found.  Simply Christian I think has the potential to accomplish much more than it’s creator, Lori Jane, may have realized.  I encourage all members to engage in loving conversations with the common goal of discovering truth and growing spirituality, to not be easily offended but hear a matter out before you judge.  We are all at different stages of growth and we need to be kind and gentle, compassionate and caring.  

The number one sign Jesus gave to know a true Christian,  John 13:35  ………….

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