Sunday, June 30, 2024



There are scriptures that on the surface are true but by themselves do not give the complete truth .  John said,  John 1:17 ,  was the law given by Moses not the truth ?  Paul said,  Romans 7:12  ,  On the surface this seems to be a contradiction.  In order to understand how these two verses do not contradict but actually clarify and confirm a foundational biblical truth.  Hebrews 10:1   Colossians 2:17   Jeremiah 31:31,32,33,34   So then, the law was given to be a physical symbolic shadow of the work of GOD through HIS son the Christ who showed the fulfillment of the law to be his GODS love and righteousness that was created in him by his GOD and FATHER .  The law was given to define good and evil, to serve as a deterrent to sin, to kill sinners and physically reward its followers, to truly convict all of humanity of sin and consign them all to death so that each human being in the order GOD will determine be given HIS spirit and first and only opportunity for salvation and finally as a schoolmaster to lead broken contrite human spirits to GODLY sorrow delivering them to Christ for repentance, forgiveness, baptism and receiving the Holy Spirit.   There is much more I could add but I hope the point was made.

Another scripture,  John 3:13 ,  no man ascends to heaven.  This agrees with 1 Corinthians 15:50 .  If you have the knowledge that a human is a soul, the combination of dust and breath or body and human spirit and that at death the body returns to dust but the human spirit returns to GOD who gave it.  The reality of what a human is is spirit.  We are all a human spirit in a fleshly body.  For the reason of salvation flesh is worthless as it is the spirits of just humans that are made perfect.  This human spirit is the real you and your flesh is a temporary dwelling, tent or earthen vessel that has no value to GOD . We are like the nut inside the shell.  So then all people saint or sinner at death go to GOD but without a body there is no life.  These spirits wait to be assigned by GOD a time for resurrection, some to immortality in a spirit body and some to mortal life in a fleshly body.  So then, everyone goes to heaven when they die but in a complete and total unconscious state.

Another scripture,   Matthew 6:9 ,  this gives the reader the impression that GOD is in a place called heaven.  Who created space or place ?  Time, space, matter and energy were all created by GOD.  GOD is not and cannot be contained by something HE created or by anything as HE is omnipresent or present in all things, places, times after HE created them all.  Heaven cannot be a place.  It the condition and state of existence of GOD HIMSELF.  See and carefully read Strongs article G1722 “the condition or state in which something operates from within” .   GOD inhabits eternity which is timelessness unending unbeginning everpresentness.  GODS presence is in all that exists else it would not exist.  To be in “heaven” is to be aware of being in the presence of GOD ALMIGHTY. 

These were only a few examples of how truth can be in parts or segments like a puzzle.  Often many try to reshape a piece of the puzzle to fit their narrative and make the puzzle picture unrecognizable.  They do not search diligently enough and have stopped short of finding how the puzzle pieces fit.  Rather than alter the puzzle pieces they need to alter their ideas and thoughts to be spiritual and not carnal.  GOD designed scripture to correct us, we don’t correct scripture.  

Therefore we all go to heaven when we die and if we fulfilled the law while alive be raised from the dead an immortal impeccable spirit being ruling with Christ in the kingdom of GOD. 

Saturday, June 29, 2024



I came to Simply Christian a little over a year and a half ago.  I joined only to share with others what I have received.  I have no hidden agenda, I do not want to lead or teach nor can I,  I do not want you to join a church, I do not want your money.  

Everyone hear is seeking truth, understanding of spiritual things.  It is good for a people to do this.  Along the way there have been disagreements and agreements which is normal and expected.  No one knows absolutely all the truth because GOD does not reveal it all.  To know all would eliminate faith.  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen.  We can only know in part, we see through a glass darkly.  We can only know those things YAHWEH reveals.  Even though the scriptures have errors, some accidental and some deliberate, the spirit of the FATHER is still able to teach us the truth.  In ancient times there was no bible, no writings.  People who had YAHWEHS spirit were taught by divine revelation. These ancient people knew more than what most people do today that claim to be Christians.  This is still how we learn today.  It is how everyone has learned .  The Bible is a collection of  writings by different writers who received the words they wrote from YAHWEH.  Scriptures were written in such a way as to actually hide the truth from those who did not have YAHWEHS spirit.  Scripture is written in tongues you might say, a spiritual language know only to those of the spirit.  Here a little there a little precept upon precept line upon line.  Only to Christians are given the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD, but not to the world.   It is extremely important to think spirituality because to be carnally minded is death and to compare spiritual things with spiritual otherwise you will learn nothing.  The ancient Christians listed in Hebrews 11 are the root of the olive tree in Romans 11.  The branches that were broken off are the rebellious unbelieving carnal Israelites and the branches grafted into Israel are the gentiles.  The Apostle to the gentiles explains that the carnal branches are not grafted back in if they remain in unbelief which means in the future when Christ returns they will say, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.  This also means that carnal Israel will remain blinded and hardened until the full number of gentiles are added to the 144,000 elect.  If a person is a Christian today then they are one of the 144,000.  Most of the 144,000 are dead and only a small remnant will be alive and remaining at the return of Christ.  GOD is not the GOD of the dead but of the living and all the dead elect along with the remnant will be changed in two ways;  they will have 100% spirit bodies just like the angels and they will be sealed in GODLY righteousness and love making it impossible for them to sin as they are now born of GOD.   Jesus had this same seal on him as a man.  The holy angels were sealed after the Satanic rebellion.  

Today is not the only day of salvation.  During the tribulation the innumerable multitude, the Laodiceans, are also in the first resurrection along with the 144,000.  People that repent during the tribulation live into the millennium and after the millennium the second resurrection.  GOD alone determines who will be in each of these situations.  

I write these things but do not demand you believe and will not be offended if you do not.  As I said before I am not your teacher or leader.  I am someone searching just like you and simply sharing what I have found.  Simply Christian I think has the potential to accomplish much more than it’s creator, Lori Jane, may have realized.  I encourage all members to engage in loving conversations with the common goal of discovering truth and growing spirituality, to not be easily offended but hear a matter out before you judge.  We are all at different stages of growth and we need to be kind and gentle, compassionate and caring.  

The number one sign Jesus gave to know a true Christian,  John 13:35  ………….

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Speaking of the future as though it is the present.

Romans 4:17  GOD speaks this way.  This style of speaking or writing is called prophetic perfect tense. Paul wrote and spoke this way too.  Things Paul said like;  we are a new creation, we are sons of GOD, be transformed by the renewing of your minds and things that concern our future are not yet but when we enter the kingdom.  What we are now is a shadow of the glory that is to be revealed later.  Romans 8:18.  The certainty of these things are so sure to happen that it is put forward as if it already has but it has not.  Philippians 1:6   It is a future hope put forward as a current reality.  Many of the spiritual promises to us we know are future and as Paul also said , we do not hope for that which we already have.  Being converted is just the beginning not the ending.  We need to be changed in oder to have those things spoken of as if we already had them. If this seems confusing it is because it is supposed to be.  If you are understanding this then it has been given to you to understand but if not then you will not understand.  Only the saints have been given the opportunity to know the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD and all others will not know. Matthew 13:11 This is why the world perceives our faith as foolishness.  1 Corinthians 1:27  This is why we know a fellow Christian because we understand each other.  We do not speak as the world speaks so the world cannot hear us. 1 John 4:6   This is in its self a mystery how GOD has hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them unto babes. Matthew 11:25   



Jesus did not have GODS wrath on him because of his sacrifice for our sins.  Jesus paid the penalty for our sins but GOD did not make Jesus responsible for them.  

Jesus knew what man is spiritually.  John 2:25   Man took on the nature of the god Adam chose.  1 John 3:10   Humanity was not created by GOD with the nature we all have now, our current nature was acquired from Satan, and when born into the world we are all cut off from GOD and are children of the devil.  We are all condemned to everlasting death because we are all sinners.  Romans 11:32  Jesus was born into this world, a world of evil.  The virgin birth was to separate Jesus from sinners, prevent Adams sin from being on him and GOD was his FATHER and Jesus the second Adam.  Jesus was very different from us spiritually but exactly like us biologically.  People often bring Jesus down to their level rather than seeing they must rise to his level.  Ephesians 4:13 In their minds they make Jesus too human forgetting that his FATHER was GOD and the divine nature and GODLY character of GOD that Jesus was totally immersed in, he and the FATHER dwelled in each other, they were one.  All other humans were evil and condemned to death.  Jesus had emotions but he never lost control of them as we do, and making Jesus too human and dragging him down to our evil level is an example of uncontrolled emotion.  People who do this see a Jesus exactly like they are spiritually that gives them a false sense that their spiritual condition is secure thus deceiving themselves.   They see a Jesus who tried to escape the crucifixion, a Jesus who could have sinned and view the times that Jesus did show emotion as the same as their own emotions.  How is it possible to grow spiritually to match the stature and fullness of Christ when you view him as being identical to yourselves ?  Even with the Holy Spirit Christians still sin.  Unitarians refuse to credit Jesus with his spiritual superiority in all things far above us because they fear that doing so would make him GOD.  Jesus was the reflection of GOD in a man, the brightness of GODS glory in a man.  Hebrews 1:3   People that try to make Jesus as human as we are do not know Jesus at all.   You cannot mature and grow spiritually if your view of Christ is too much like your carnal self.  Spiritually mature saints know that Jesus, in all things, was far above them spiritually, and they need to be changed by GODS spirit to be more like Jesus.  Thinking that Jesus was too much like you is carnal minded and self deception.  You were born an evil child of Satan but Jesus a righteous son of GOD.  This difference is as high as the heavens are above the earth.  The son, the exact copy of GODS righteousness, glory and love is nothing like you and me even if we are a saint we  still have a very long way to go to be his equal.  

Wednesday, June 19, 2024



Sometimes speaking in a parable can be a good thing. 

Here is one I hope you enjoy and understand.

The church is like the cattle in a cattle drive in the days of the old west. The owner of the heard is GOD and the trail boss is Jesus.  The owner had selected, elected all the cattle and has empowered the trail boss to guide them to KOG . The journey to KOG is one that is very straight and narrow and only those cattle that follow the trail boss will make it to KOG.  Along the way there are rustlers who try to get the cattle to follow them and entice the cattle with words of deceit.  They claim to be sent by the the owner and the trail boss and even present papers, diplomas and titles to prove it.   Those who are truly the owner’s cattle will not listen to the voices of the rustlers because they only obey the voice of the trail boss.  When the trail drive is over the cattle will be in KOG and never fear again of being slaughtered and will live in joy inexpressible forever.  

Have you ever noticed that when Jesus returns the only people cast into the lake of fire, the second death, are the beast and false prophet ? At this time the church, the Israel of GOD, spiritual Israel, the elect 144000, the first fruit, the redeemed of the Earth, the twelve tribes scattered abroad, the little flock, the few chosen will be immortal and impeccable spirit beings in KOG, the kingdom of GOD.  This reveals that no true Christian will fail along the way during the cattle drive.  

People who do not obey the trail boss will not be in KOG and this is because they were never elected, selected in the first place by the owner.  John 10:26,27,28,29,30   Here Jesus uses sheep but I used cattle there is no difference in the meaning.  

What all true Christians must know is the difference between the trail boss and the rustlers.  It appears that at present many do not.  The day will come when they see the rustlers for who they really are.  


 What is a subcontract ?  It is a contract by one party to pay another to have work done.  With respect to salvation it is turning over responsibility of a persons salvation to another person.  What is salvation ?  Salvation is the hope of immortality and impeccability as a spirit being in the kingdom of GOD provided by GOD through HIS son Jesus Christ.  This salvation GOD offers is precious beyond words to describe and it is the responsibility of each person who is offered salvation to “work it out in fear and trembling.”  Philippians 2:12  2 Corinthians 7:15   Psalm 2:11   Many years ago I came to the understanding, the realization that human shepherds have absolutely nothing to do with anyone’s salvation.  Scripture tells us plainly that we must “work it out” ourselves and not subcontract it out to another.

Without realizing it this is exactly what the vast majority do.  Even the Apostles told the people that their personal salvation was their responsibility.  Jesus Christ gave his life so that we could through him have a relationship with the FATHER.  This is the truth.  I ask, then why do we need subcontractors ?  The Apostle John explains this clearly in 1 John 2:27  and Johns words agree with Jesus,  John 14:26 .

Why do so many not believe this ?  Why do so many think they need a subcontractor ?  Look at all the churches ,  are they all truly Christian ? What is the the primary method Satan uses to deceive ?  Is it not wolves in sheep’s clothing, men who come in the name of Jesus saying that Jesus was indeed the Christ but at the same time deceive many ?  Is there great deception in the world ?  Is there a roaring lion loose ?  Why anyone would trust a man with their salvation is credulous.  

Why is it that people do not use the gift of the Holy Spirit to communicate with GOD through the only mediator Jesus ?  Why do people think they need human guidance, teaching and leadership when GOD and Christ provide all these things ?  How many mediators do we need ?  The understanding of any spiritual knowledge cannot come by a man, it comes by GOD through Christ.  John 6:45  1 Corinthians 2:10,11   Matthew 11:25   Galatians 1:11,12  the way Paul received his knowledge and understanding of the gospel was by revelation from Christ and I submit to you that this is the way all Christians learn as well, by revelation from Christ.  Do you see how deception is eliminated when you bypass men and go straight to GOD and Christ ? These subcontractors you hire, because you pay them money, will flee.

John 10:11,12,13,14,15,16   Do you understand what Jesus was saying in these verses ?  The hired hand is your pastor, minister, preacher and the hired Hand is not the shepherd.  The hired hand is your paid subcontractor.  Jesus was speaking about all the false churches and false ministers that present themselves as men of GOD but fill your minds with lies.  Any man who views himself to be a leader or teacher usurps GOD and Christ because GOD and Christ are the real leaders and teachers.  What do the scriptures say about putting your trust in a man ?

Jeremiah 17:5   Psalm 118:8   Isaiah 2:22   Psalm 40:4   1 Corinthians 2:5   1 Timothy 4:10   John 2:23,24,25   John 14:1   

When you are a true Christian you are like on the sea in a ship alone.  GOD is the admiral and Christ the captain.  If you are guided to a port and you allow others to come aboard how would the admiral and captain respond ?   The ship is your salvation and GOD and Christ are the wind in its sails guiding you to the final port of the kingdom .  The others you allow on board are preachers, ministers and pastors you have paid to guide your ship.  If that is your choice GOD will withdraw the wind from the sails.  Then where will you be ?

The organized ministry of the first century existed for only a short time.  Satan attacked the woman who brought forth the man child and the true church was scattered to the four winds.  We should know that the church is still scattered to this day to the four winds because when Jesus returns that is where he gathers them from.  Matthew 24:31.  Revelation 7:1 During this entire time of being scattered GOD and Christ took over the operations of the church and are in complete and total control.  There are no more human shepherds, no more subcontractors but we have those who claim they are shepherds that are in reality wolves in sheep’s clothing. We were warned about this.  2 Corinthians 11:13,14,15   Acts 20:30   Galatians 2:4    Titus 1:10,11   3 John 1:9,10    Isaiah 66:5   Luke 6:22   Take note that in most of these scriptures it is men who caused problems.  Today it is the subcontractors, the hired hands, the ministers of Satan disguised as a sheep.   No matter how much they seem to be a minister of righteousness they are darkness.  Jude warns all the saints about this,  Jude 1:3,4   The scriptures cry out concerning the works of the subcontractors and warn about following them.  

Take a really good look at who you may have invited aboard your ship of salvation.  If it is a subcontractor then you are in great danger of losing the wind in your sails.  

Monday, June 17, 2024



The time of the gentiles.  Peter was given a vision,  Acts 10:9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19  the lesson Peter learned from this experience was that GOD was going to include the gentiles in HIS plan for salvation.  Peter never acted on this vision, he did not go to the gentiles and this is why GOD called Saul, Paul, to be the apostle to the gentiles.  Have you noticed that from the time Paul came along the Bible seems to focus on Paul’s mission over that of Peters.  Most of the New Testament is Paul’s writings.  There is a reason for this.

Ephesians 3:6   The mystery was the calling of the gentiles.  Take careful note, gentiles are heirs together with Israel.  This is not referring to carnal Israel but the Israel of GOD, spiritual Israel.  Romans 11:7   Carnal Israel did not obtain but the elect among them, some named in Hebrews 11 did and the rest, carnal Israel, was hardened.  This hardening was because,  Romans 10:3 , and Israel still does to this today.  The unbelieving carnal Israelites were broken off of the olive tree and the gentiles were grafted in making them a part of spiritual Israel. Romans 11:7  is the result for carnal Israel.  Carnal Israel was given a spirit of stupidity, hardened, blinded and deaf to the message of the gospel. Romans 11:8,9,10  this is the same today.   Romans 11:25  This hardening of carnal Israel will continue until the last of the gentiles come in, or be brought into the church.  

This information proves that the 144000 cannot be carnal Israelites   converted before the tribulation, they have been blinded or hardened.   It also proves that there is indeed a spiritual Israel called the elect of GOD, the Israel of GOD and the twelve tribes scattered abroad,  James 1:1 ,  and the remaining number of the 144000 have been converted gentiles since the day Paul revealed the mystery of the gentiles in the first century.  

Put things together;  the olive tree, the saints in Hebrew 11,  the elect among Israel obtained but the carnal did not, the gentiles grafted into the elect who attained in Hebrews 11 olive tree and carnal Israel remains blind to this day until the last of the gentiles are called into the church.  

When the last of the gentiles are in the church the  total number of the 144000 will be completed and they will be sealed as Revelation 7:4  records.

This is why Jesus said,  Matthew 20:16  Matthew 8:11,12   The nation of Israel’s history had been one of continuous rebellion against GOD and the final straw was when they killed GODS son,  1 Thessalonians 2:14,15,16   Acts 2:23    Acts 7:52   Therefore GOD has shut carnal Israel out of the kingdom of GOD until after Christ returns and then they will say,  Matthew 23:37,38,39   GOD will yet have mercy on carnal Israel.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024



The scriptures, especially the Old Testament writings, many times present GOD in a way that makes HIM seem human.  GOD asks questions, gets angry, gets jealous, has regrets and other seemingly human emotions.  There is a reason for this.  If you try to communicate with a two year old child would you do it the way you would an adult?

Adults must come down to the level of the child because the child cannot rise to the level of an adult.  In any communication involving inferior and superior beings the superior must come down to the level of the inferior.  Isaiah 55:8,9 ,  2 Samuel 7:9 ,  Psalm 139:1,2,3,4,5,6

The story of Job is not as many think, a demonstration of patience and resolve under intense pressure, but try seeing it as a man who thought he knew GOD only to find that he did not.  Job is like the unconverted of the world thinking they too know GOD.  Jobs final remarks are the true lesson of his story,  Job 42:1,2,3,4,5,6   Job was led to repentance by the experience he went through and so are we all.  The man Saul on his way to Damascus was sure that he knew GOD but would shortly meet HIS son and find out how very little he did know.  

GOD met these men in different ways and different times but the lessons learned from each of their experiences was the same, and so it is with all the saints.  GOD deals with each of us individually in our own circumstances , in order to bring all into unity.  Jesus was “one” with his GOD and that is our goal, our hope.  That GOD may be all in all, e pluribus unum, out of many one.    

The connection we have to GOD is spirit.  This is how we are in HIS image and likeness because HE is not flesh.  We are shadow images now because we are flesh.  We are a spirit in a temporary house of mortal flesh having a hope to become a righteous spirit in an immortal house of spirit.  

To communicate these things to the saints in times past GOD used an audible voice, angels and prophets but now only Christ . It is spiritual communication by way of thought, of mind, that is similar to the still small voice of Elijah. 1Kings19:9,11,12,13  It is easy to think the voice is your own until you realize that it informs you of things you were not thinking about, thoughts you never thought of before.  Matthew 17:11   Malachi 4:5,6  John 14:26  John 16:13,14 

This is how the saints are taught and led.  Jesus heard this voice constantly instructing him on what to say and do in his mind / spirit, let this mind be in you that Jesus had.  If the saints are in Jesus then we are one spirit with him.  Psalm 29:1-11  Psalm 68:33   Carnal evil people do not have GOD in their thoughts, Psalm 10:4  Psalm 27:8   1 Chronicles 28:9   Do not quench or grieve this spirits voice rather hunger and thirst to hear it .

Monday, June 10, 2024



The government of men or the government of YAHWEH.  

1 Samuel 8:7,8,9   Israel wanted a human being to rule over them.

This was Israel sowing the seeds of their own destruction.  The future kings  of Israel , some good and some evil, eventually caused the end of the nation.  This will be true for all nations.  The U.S.A. Is no different than ancient Israel.  A good or evil king is no different than a good or evil president.  1 Samuel 8:10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18  the king of Israel sounds like rulers of all other nations regardless of what type of government they have.  Notice 1 Samuel 8:18  this is a prophecy of Solomons son, king Rehoboam, 1 Kings 12:1  and the people demanded relief from the high taxation of Solomon.  1 Kings 12:4   Rehoboams answer to this demand is, 1 Kings 12:13,14,15   This all led to a dividing of Israel.  1 Kings 12:16,17,18,19  

All this is politics no matter what form of government man contrives and it is all motivated by human desire that YAHWEH not be their king.  In the church the saints have a citizenship in a heavenly country with YAHWEH ruling over them through HIS appointed king, Jesus Christ.  The saints did not cast votes in this arrangement,  YAHWEHS government is not a democracy or republic.  I hope it can be seen that human governments, all of them, are nothing more than humanity not wanting YAHWEH as their king through Christ.  Satan has been given rulership of Earth by the will of YAHWEH due to Adams sin.  All human rulers are subject to satanic influences that cause humanity’s woes.  So then , there is a choice of governments set before us, that of YAHWEH or that of Satan.  Once a choice is made you are stuck with it.  If you choose YAHWEH then you cannot include any part of Satan but if you choose Satan you cannot have any part of YAHWEH.  What ever you sow you will also reap.  YAHWEH will allow people to decide but will hold them responsible for their decisions.  Why do the kingdoms of this Earth need to become the kingdom of YAHWEH and HIS messiah?  Revelation 11:15   This is done by force because men do not want to give up power they have under Satans rule. Psalm 149:1-9  focus on verses Psalm 149:6,7,8,9   In the future the saints will bind kings, presidents, emperors and dictators and execute the judgment written against them and this is a great honor.  

When called and chosen we have to have loyalty to the one who chose us. Are we of this world?  Is our citizenship of this world?  How much of our table should we share with demons?  How much darkness should we include with light?  The answers to these questions will determine your future. 

I realize that scripture says the saints should submit to whatever government they are under but how far should we take it.  President Biden has insisted that all citizens approve of homosexuality and transgenderism along with abortion and surgical sex alterations of children.  The scriptures would not condone any of this, would they?  Is YAHWEH approving of the governments of Cuba, China, North Korea?  Did YAHWEH set up these governments?  Did YAHWEH set up Hitler, Mao Zedong, Kim Jong Un,  Stalin or Pol Pot ?  The obvious answer is no.

Proverbs 29:2  Spiritual wisdom needs applied to arrive at the truth of how far the saints should go in the instructions given by Paul, Romans 13:1  and Peter , 1 Peter 2:13   For the Lords sake,  John 19:11  Christ set the example of this by allowing government to crucify him.  It is by the will of YAHWEH that any human government exists but YAHWEH did not design or implement them as that was Satans doing.  

Satan tempted Christ, Luke 4:5,6,7  Satan was not lying, YAHWEH granted the rulership of Earth to Satan as god of this world in whom Jesus had no part of and neither should the saints.  We all need to sharpen our senses to determine good from evil and then decide if we obey man’s governments or YAHWEH. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Matthew 13:24,25,26,27,28,29,30  

Jesus spoke this parable and it concerns the kingdom of GOD .

Later Jesus explained the parable.

Matthew 13:36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43

He who has ears let him hear.

The preaching of the gospel by Jesus is the sowing of the seeds.  The field is the world of people needing to hear that gospel.  The good seed are the sons of the kingdom, the saints, the elect according to grace.  The weeds are the sons of the devil, the unconverted of the world.  The one who sowed the evil seed is the devil.  The harvest at the end of the age is the first resurrection at the return of Jesus and the angels are the harvesters.  Notice that both wheat and tares are all to grow in the same field until the time of the harvest.  At the harvest the angels collect the the tares and burn them in the fire at the end of this age.  The angels will remove every tare out of the kingdom of GOD , everything that is sin and lawlessness.  It is the fiery furnace for the tares and they will weep and gnash their teeth.  The righteous elect saints of GOD will shine like the sun in the kingdom of GOD. 

Look at the world today.  Even in what calls itself Christianity are all tares.  The good seed are extremely few, many called few chosen.  The devil has sowed his tares throughout the centuries since Christ spoke this parable .  Look at all the divisions all the false doctrines of the human led churches.  Is it any wonder why scripture says,  Revelation 12:9 

Jesus never gave any indication that millions or billions would be saved in this age, it was always few.  Now, the age to come, in the millennium there will be people who have repented during the tribulation and live into the millennium.  For ten generations all these people will have the Holy Spirit and their first opportunity to hear the gospel and have the same hope of the kingdom that the good seed had before them.  Later, after the 1000 years there will be a resurrection of all the dead who never had been converted and they too will have the Holy Spirit and the same hope as those in the millennium and the good seed.  

The sower of the tares, the evil seed, is still sowing today and the proof is the condition of the world today.  

In Matthew 13:33  Jesus explains these three different times when salvation will be offered.

The three measures of meal represents these three times.  As leaven spreads through dough the spirit of YAHWEH will spread through people until the whole is leavened, or converted.  Leaven is not the symbol of sin, but of spirit; the spirit of YAHWEH or the spirit of Satan.  In this parable the woman is the church of YAHWEH in three different times.  Matthew 16:18  the church will go on forever constantly supplying humans with the hope of being glorified and entering the gates to the city of YAHWEH.  Does it not say; Isaiah 9:7 ,  Luke 1:33 

The reason that the number of saved in this current age is so small is that if YAHWEH called all now many would perish and YAHWEH is not willing for that to to happen;  2 Peter 3:9   Everyone will have opportunity to repent and love and obey YAHWEH and only YAHWEH knows what time is best for each person.  This is also why the saints should not think of their unconverted loved ones as being damned or forever being rejected by YAHWEH.  

The time we call today is for us, the elect called and chosen saints of GOD.  We must see to our own salvation with fear and trembling, clinging to the hope set before us. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024


 Leviticus 23:5  Passover begins on the 14th day of the first month at sunset.  Leviticus 23:6  the first day of unleavened bread is the 15th day , the very next day after sunset on the 14th or after Passover ends.  This festival of unleavened bread had two annual sabbaths, the first on the 15th and the second on the 22nd ,  no work was to be done and Israel ate only unleavened bread during all seven days.  The wave sheaf offering was to be on the day after the weekly sabbath.  Leviticus 23:11  then Israel was to count seven weekly sabbaths or 49 days and after sunset on the 49th day would be Pentecost that always falls on the first day of the week we call Sunday.  Christ is known to have been the fulfillment of all the Passover symbolism.  The wave sheaf ceremony confirmed that Jesus was the first of the first fruits.  Jesus was raised from the dead by the FATHER very near to sunset on the weekly sabbath and only a very short time later fulfilled the symbolism of the wave sheaf.  If there was a Friday crucifixion and Sunday resurrection the wave sheaf would be on the next day, Monday,  but scripture plainly states that the wave sheaf was to be on the day after the sabbath.  Leviticus 23:11  This proves a Friday crucifixion and a Sunday resurrection is wrong.  So then if the count of days to determine the day of Pentecost starts on the first day of the week and numbers 7 weekly sabbaths for a total of 49 days then the next day or Sunday is Pentecost.   Some people think it’s humorous when I state that the day Christ was raised from the dead can be determined by counting backwards from Pentecost, they are simply ignorant of the the law, the shadow of Christ.  It follows that when counting forward from one fixed point in time to arrive at another fixed point in time that the process can be reversed.  We have the day after the sabbath, fixed point number one, then the day of Pentecost, fixed point number two ,  so then counting backwards 50 days brings you back to the starting point. From Pentecost Sunday back one day to the weekly sabbath is one day, you do not count Pentecost as a day, a day is 24 hours, it is the time from Pentecost to the sabbath that is one day.  Continue counting 50 days and it will bring you to the weekly sabbath when very near to sunset , Jesus was raised from the dead.  

So then, during the passion week there were two sabbaths; the first day of unleavened bread followed by the weekly sabbath. As shown above the crucifixion could not have been on Friday.  The crucifixion was on Wednesday the Passover, the first day of  the annual sabbath of unleavened bread was the next day, a Thursday.  Then the day of preparation, Friday when the women could buy and prepare linen and spices to anoint the body of Jesus.  Then the women rested on the sabbath according to the fourth commandment of the law.  Very near to the end of the sabbath, very close to sunset, the time days ended in the first century, the women came to the tomb and Christ was already resurrected and gone.  Modern day translations are extremely bad in the rendering of the actual timing of events due to ignorance of how time was calculated in the first century and of the law of Moses.  You have to think like a Jew to have proper comprehension of just what happened in that last week of the life of Christ.  John 19:31  the high day mentioned by John is the first day of unleavened bread, a high day,  an annual sabbath.  The day of preparation was the day previous or Passover.  Many do not know that Passover is not a sabbath and not a holy convocation demanding rest.  Translators that were either pagan biased or totally ignorant are responsible for what you read in modern translations of scripture.  In Luke 24:1 there are six translation errors;  the word one is removed, the word first was added, the word day was added, the word week was added, Sunday added in some bibles.  The Vulgate , the Concordant Literal Version (CLT) , the Google translation, the DeepL translation  and about 147 other translations have recorded the women at the tomb on the sabbath.  The hatred of the Jewish people for the murder of Christ is why translators changed the language to accommodate a Sunday morning resurrection of Christ.  

Now, the law demanded a full day in the celebration of all sabbaths, that’s a full 24 hours, from sunset to sunset.  There was the Passover, the first day of unleavened bread, the Friday day of preparation for the weekly Sabbath and the weekly sabbath and each had to be a full day according to the law.  Leviticus 23:32  The thinking that the three days and three nights were only parts of days is going against what the law demanded.  When Jesus said three days and three nights he meant just that.  The reason why the Catholic Church changed the sabbath from Saturday to Sunday and eliminated the fourth commandment from scripture and have the third saying the lords day or Sunday is because of their hatred for the Jews.  The second Commandment against idols is removed as well.

As some of you know I was formerly a member of the Worldwide Church of GOD . While in this church I learned the law extremely well, we all did.  At that time we kept the law better than most Jews did.  The mistake of the WCG was to think Christians were under the law.  We were like modern day Galatians.  Most of you never lived under the law the way I did.  This is why the Jewish converts had an advantage over gentiles. Romans 3:1,2  the oracles of GOD, the shadow of the good things to come in Christ, the lesson of the schoolmaster, I learned all these things I know now because that law led me to Christ.  Paul actually had to teach the gentiles about the law in order to show them that they along with Israel were condemned to death by the law and how Jesus rescued them by providing a new covenant apart from the law. Romans 3:9,19    

The wave sheaf offering is only one thing that the law can teach you when the light of Christ shines on it. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024



Many churches say that Jesus is still a human being now in heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:16,17   GOD created human beings in HIS image, according to HIS likeness.  Is GOD flesh and blood ? Is GOD a spirit ?   

The way humans are in GODS image and likeness must be spirit.  GOD is a spirit and humans have a human spirit, this is what is meant by being in the image and likeness of GOD.  1 Corinthians 5:1  tells us plainly that our body of flesh is destroyed and replaced by a body not made by human hands or not of flesh and this confirms the meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:49,50   

To believe that you will be yet human or that Christ is still human in the kingdom is to not understand the end product of your salvation.

Jesus is not now human in heaven and you will not be human either in the kingdom.  This confusion began with the mistaken belief that Jesus was raised from the dead glorified.  Jesus told his disciples that he HAD TO GO AWAY ELSE THE HELPER, THE HOLY SPIRIT, WOULD NOT COME.  John 7:39   Do you see that Jesus had to go away or ascend and be glorified in order to send the Holy Spirit. 

In 1 John 3:2   John says plainly that what we will be has not been revealed but when Jesus returns we will be like him, FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS.  John was an eyewitness of the risen Christ and if Christ was glorified then why would John say , “what we will be has not yet been revealed” ?   Even what all humans are right now is a human spirit in a tent, a temporary house of clay, mortal for this very reason.  This false idea of glorified flesh sounds a lot like the immortal soul lie.  

It is not the fleshly body that GOD is interested in, but the human spirit, it is the SPIRITS of just men made perfect, Hebrews 12:23 .  Being glorified means becoming a spirit being, the flesh profits nothing.  It is the inner man not the outer man.  Would we truly be a new creation if we were yet human?  Joel 2:2  describes the invasion of the Earth by the army of GOD led by Jesus Christ and with him angels and the glorified saints, Psalm 149:6,7,8,9   Is another account of the same event, all HIS  saints, the church, now in this Psalm glorified.   

The glorified flesh or still being human idea is incorrect.  Prove it for yourself.  

Monday, June 3, 2024



In the past, before 1971, the U.S. dollar had been backed by gold and silver, but president Nixon ended this and the dollar became a fiat currency.  This means that the dollar is now only as good as the nation’s economy, and its ability to tax its citizens and pay its debts.  U.S. citizens must by government decree use the fiat dollar.  It is not only the U.S. that has fiat currency, all nations on Earth do as well, following the lead of the U.S.   

Since World War Two the dollar has been the worlds reserve currency .  All nations desiring to trade in the world must convert their currencies into dollars.  The BRICS nations are a challenge to the U.S. dollar as the reserve currency.  The U.S. has weaponized the dollar by not exchanging it for a nation’s currency if that nation does not comply with the U.S. government.  This is one reason the BRICS nations are attempting to dethrone the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.  Since 2006 the BRICS nations now control 42% of global GDP or gross domestic product.  

This is proving to be a serious threat to the dollar.  Printing to many dollars causes inflation because there are too many dollars and only a limited amount of goods and services causing supply and demand problems.  Printing money devalues the money already in circulation.  U.S. debt is now close to 35 trillion dollars and is now at the point where the interest payments on the debt exceed the military and social security budgets.  About every 100 days the debt grows by 1 trillion dollars making this problem unsustainable with a realistic result being a total economic collapse.  In plain English the worst depression ever may be on the horizon.  

The U.S. government is lying to the citizens with phony economic numbers;  unemployment, GDP, inflation, money supply and other government statistics are all lies in an attempt to hide the very serious trouble the nation is in.  There have been a few politicians that have told the truth about this problem but their warnings fall on deaf ears.  

What can you do to prepare for the probability of an economic collapse?  I recommend storing non perishable food, water, medicines, and other special needs you may have.  Purchase what gold or silver you can afford, even if a very small amount.  Have some way to generate electricity, like solar panels, wind turbines or gas generators.

While I do not know when this collapse will happen I do believe it will.  I believe that this collapse will be the false tribulation that will produce the antichrist who will appear to be the savior that rescues the world from the collapse and produces a false millennium where people will say peace and safety and be rich and increased with goods needing nothing.  These events are the first 3 1/2 years of the seven year covenant that antichrist makes with ten nations.  Because Satan copies GODS outline of the last days but makes them happen sooner,  he will think to change times and laws.  All this leads antichrist to then demand worship as GOD.  This is what starts the great tribulation, the time of Jacobs trouble.  

There are other articles I have written that go into more detail.  You may want to read them.  

Sunday, June 2, 2024



The worlds churches do what they do.  What does the elect remnant of the 144000 do ?

They keep no days

They do not pay tithes or give offerings 

They have no ministry except YAHWEH and Christ 

They are not formally organized but are scattered to the four winds

They are not participating in politics 

The partake of the bread and wine whenever they have opportunity 

They live quiet and peaceable lives loving GOD and neighbor 

They know who they are and that GOD made them who they are

They know the entire carnal world, including the churches, are under control of Satan

They do not try to fulfill the great commission 

They are meek and humble

While yet still sinners they understand the gospel message of grace

They can repent but the world cannot 

They have a connection to YAHWEH through Christ but the world is yet cut off from YAHWEH

They have the spiritual truths and are free

They are all prophets and prophetesses 

They are all taught the same things by the same spirit of GOD through Christ

They do not speak in tongues 

They do not put on public display of their faith except in GODS love

They have no fellowship spirituality with the world

They have a good understanding of prophecy 

They hear the voice of Christ in their human spirit 

Their hope is not just for themselves but see a future where everyone will in GODS assigned time be given opportunity for salvation 

They know that the majority of the 144000 are dead and that they are the faithful remnant alive and remaining when Christ returns 

They know that the world cannot distinguish them or acknowledge them for who they are because they are spiritually invisible to the world 

This is who the elect 14400 are and what they do and do not do.  Anyone reading this article who understands these things e-mail me at 



Scripture mentions two different ways to think; carnally or spiritually.  To be carnally minded or think carnally is death but to be spiritually minded or think spiritually is life and peace. Romans 8:6  Carnal people cannot understand things of the spirit and see them as foolishness because spiritual things can only be understood by the spirit. 1 Corinthians 2:14 . Any comparisons that are made in the study of scripture must not compare carnal with spiritual. 1 Corinthians 2:13 .  

I have encountered people who frown on being spiritually minded and say that we should not spiritualize everything.  This in itself is carnal and is death.  To often these people bring a spiritual thought only part way then end it with a carnal conclusion.

An example of this is that they know angels are spirit beings, that are composed entirely of spirit.  Then they claim the change Paul describes in 1 Corinthians 15:52 is to glorified flesh but Jesus says we will be as the angels in Mark 12:25 .  Then Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15:44 that there is a natural body and a spiritual body.  The carnal minded believe in GOD but define GOD carnally by confusing who Father, son and Holy Spirit really are when the scriptures are clear as to the identities but their minds can’t comprehend it.  Carnal minds think that because a doctrine is very old and is believed by the vast majority it must be true.  There are many more pagan  religions in the world than Christian and some of them as old as Christianity.  

It is the way spiritual knowledge and truth is acquired that is important.  Everyone born into the world is a child of Satan, completely cut off from GOD.  They cannot choose GOD, GOD must choose them and of all the people since Adam, GOD will choose 144000.  The scriptures give the names of many before Christ that were saints, having the Holy Spirit, knowing the gospel and desiring the appearance of the messiah and hoped for the kingdom of GOD. There were very few in the time before Christ that met these conditions.  After Christ, the church may have reached about ten to fifteen thousand members at its peak but persecution and deception entered and the church declined.  False churches came in to replace the true church and the false became great in number while the true was exceedingly small in number.  What people think is Christianity is actually Satanic, synagogues of Satan.

This situation is what GOD calls people out of.  Most people have been called but ignored it or do not recognize it and this is why few are chosen.  YAHWEH calls out the elect but the rest of humanity  remains blinded because only to the elect are the mysteries of the kingdom of GOD revealed and are not given to the world.  The strong delusion mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:11 is misunderstood as GOD causing delusion or deception which HE does not, that is Satans doing, GOD simply allows the deception to keep the uncalled and unchoosen in ignorance rather than they having the truth and turning from it. 2 Peter 2:21. Hebrews 6:4,5,6   Therefore it is as Jesus said, Matthew 13:11  and this is why in this age there are so very few called and chosen.  This is why scripture says, 2 Peter 3:9  Isaiah 30:18    Ezekiel 33:11    1Timothy 2:3   

Carnal minds cannot grasp what GOD has done and why GOD does them in the way HE does.  Carnal minds think GOD is trying to save the entire world at this time when HE only saves a few.  GOD loves all people and wants them to have the very best opportunity to have salvation but in HIS omniscient mind has in eternity known who will be in HIS kingdom and who will not.  Is there not a lambs book of life that was written,  Revelation 21:27   Exodus 32:32,33  Luke 10:20   Revelation 3:5   Revelation 13:8   Revelation 20:12,15   In the final analysis it has always been that YAHWEH has been in charge, has always known all things and has always had all power to accomplish HIS will.  

Ezekiel 34:10,11,12   Just as the carnal nation of Israel failed their GOD so has carnal Christianity.  The false shepherds of both were removed and the good shepherd has taken over.  John 10:11,12,13,14,16   The hired hand is the pastor, preacher, minister, or any other person who thinks they are shepherds but are not.  Verse 16 he says I have other sheep not of this fold shows us this is not the only day of salvation.  Isaiah 40:11  Psalm 23:1 

YAHWEH has appointed Jesus to be the shepherd that guides HIS people to HIM.  John 14:6  

Saturday, June 1, 2024


The 144000


Hosea 1:9  Jeremiah 15:1  Jeremiah 11:14  Deuteronomy 31:9  Romans 11:7,8,9,10,25 

Isaiah 65:1-25  is the rejection of carnal Israel and GOD replacing them with another people,  Isaiah 65:15 ,  Isaiah 62:2 ,  Romans 11:14

Now look at what GOD calls the church.

1 Peter 1:1,2  Romans 11:5,7  Romans 8:23  Revelation 14:4  James 1:18  1 Peter 2:9  Isaiah 55:5

The carnal nation of Israel continually rebelled against GOD .  In the new covenant GOD would do a new thing.  HE would call the Gentiles and blind Israel until the number of gentiles that come to Christ is fulfilled.  This was the great mystery Paul spoke about.  The Israelites were the first persecutors of the church and Paul said they were responsible for the death of Christ,  1 Thessalonians 2:14,15,16  Luke 24:20  Acts 7:52 

The carnal Israelites are not converted to become the 144000. When the 144000 are mentioned in Revelation 7 & 14  all the word clues are there to identify who they are.  They are the church of GOD from righteous Able to the ones alive and remaining when Christ returns .  Hebrews 11 mentions by name some of the church before Christ.  From Pentecost in Acts 2 and forward the gentiles and ministry of Paul became the focus of scriptures.  The truth of the 144000 people will not believe because they cannot accept that the number saved in this age is so few.  Well Jesus always said the number saved would be few. Remember I said in this age, that means from Adam until the sealing of the 144000 in Revelation 7.  Now the great crowd, a totally separate group, will suffer the tribulation while the 144000 are sealed.  This great crowd suffers martyrdom but when Jesus returns will be resurrected with the 144000.  It is extremely difficult to understand all that has been written in this article but the spirit of GOD must interpret the information for you as I can teach you nothing, the Spirit is the teacher just as Christ told us.   

In the near future the carnal Israelites will ally themselves with the antichrist who will convince the world to keep the law.  This is why there will be a third temple with sacrifices during the tribulation.  We know the law does not provide salvation which is why antichrist establishes the law.  This deception is biblically based which makes it all the more deceitful.  The elect saints will see right through but the whole world will swallow it hook, line and sinker. It will only be when antichrist says he is GOD that the carnal Israelites will realize their mistake.  This will begin the time of Jacobs trouble, the great tribulation that will spill over into the world. The true church of GOD will be miraculously protected but all others will experience the horror of the tribulation.  I have written many articles about these things. 

I want to emphasize again that I cannot give you the understanding of the scriptures as only GOD is able to open your mind to understand.  I do not expect you to believe me and it would actually surprise me if you did.  


  The United States has not won a war since the Second World War. In   Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan we spent billions of dollars and lost ...