Thursday, January 11, 2024





I am coming soon.  Hold fast what you have that no man take your crown.   This admonishment by Jesus was to the Philadelphia church, the church directly preceding the Laodicean.  In Matthew 25:1-13 .  These five foolish virgins are the Laodiceans.  They both have grieved and quenched the Holy Spirit and need to buy either oil or gold.  When the bridegroom came neither were ready and both were shut out, the door was shut.  The Philadelphia church is the one with an opened door and when their number is fulfilled that door will be shut.  Today that door is yet open but for how long ?

We know that this crown is the symbol of the elect in glory as kings and priests.  The above scripture indicates it is possible to lose this crown.  We also know that this is what happens to the Laodiceans. 

Revelation 7:13-14  there is a white robe but no crown.

1 Corinthians 3:10-15 ,  being neither cold or hot, not making your calling an election sure, having wood, hay and stubble on your foundation is the condition of a Laodicean.  We know that the Laodiceans must experience the horror of the great tribulation with no protection from God.  They must buy God gold tried in the fire, the fire of the great tribulation . Both the Philadelphia and Laodicean churches are alive during the great tribulation and the fire will prove what foundation they have.  Even though the Laodiceans suffer loss by losing their crown they are yet saved by martyrdom. Isaiah 49:10 , Isaiah 25:8-9 , by their foundation tried in the fire and the wood, hay and stubble burned up.  Laodiceans must refuse the mark of the beast.  Revelation 20:4 , Revelation 14:13 , Revelation 13:15

Revelation 12:6  is the elect alive and remaining with the seal of God.  This is not carnal Israel but spiritual Israel, that woman through Abraham to whom the promises were made and was the church in the wilderness that gave birth to the male child.  This faithful end time remnant is attacked by Satan with a flood of lies to deceive them,  Matthew 24:24 , but this remnant cannot be deceived but the Earths people swallow up all the lies and deceit to follow after the beast. Satan the becomes enraged and goes after the Laodiceans, the Jews and all others who will not take the mark.

The scriptures below speak about the crown.

1 Corinthians 9:25 , Revelation 2:10 ,  2 Timothy 2:5 , Proverbs 4:9 , Isaiah 62:3 , Isaiah 28:5

Since we know these things we must search ourselves to see if we have any wood, hay or stubble on our foundations,  having any false doctrine,  sins we have not addressed, being to much of and in the world, perusing physical rather than spiritual things, not loving with Gods love and not taking this great election seriously.  

We need to help one another, love one another, pray for one another, fellowship with one another;  Hebrews 10:19-25  

No one should want to be a Laodicean but a Philadelphian.  The Apostle Paul knew that he would receive a crown. 2 Timothy 4:8 .  There is more good advice from Paul , 2 Corinthians 13:5 .

Also in by the Prophets , Lamentations 3:40 , Psalm 119:59 , Psalm 139:23-24  .   At present we all went through the gate and travel on that narrow road knowing that at its end is the kingdom of God ,  but only those who endure to that end, hold to the faith, live the gospel and continually examine themselves will arrive.  Make your calling and election sure,  2 Peter 1:10-11 .

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  Many read Matthew 24:36 and conclude that it is totally impossible to have any idea of when Jesus will return.  The following scriptures...