Monday, January 22, 2024


                     CLUES FROM SOLOMON 

1 Kings 10:19-21   Six steps led up to Solomons throne and on each side of those steps was a lion.

6 lions, 6 steps, 6 lions

1 Kings 10:14  six hundred three score and six talents of gold, in todays money would be over a billion dollars.  

Solomon was the son of David, the king of Israel, Solomons reign was one of peace, his name actually means peace, so he was viewed by many in Israel as the prince of peace and the messiah.  Solomon built the temple and on the day of its dedication fire came down from heaven, 2 Chronicles 7:1,  Revelation 13:13 , 1 Kings 18:38. 

Solomon became a man of sin. 2 Thessalonians 2:3 , 1 Kings 11:1-8   The beast and false prophet are cast into the lake of fire, the second death , a final everlasting punishment for anyone committing the unpardonable sin.  These two were once converted, like Solomon, but they blasphemed the Holy Spirit .

Solomon was exceedingly rich.  Daniel 11:43

The dream of every Jewish person is the coming of their idea of a messiah even in Christs day.  Acts 1:6   The Jewish people long for the glory days of Solomon when Israel was the premier nation on Earth.  1 Kings 10:23  All other nations paled in comparison to Israel thus giving us an important clue into the identities of the 8 kings in Revelation 17:10-11   The eighth king is one of the previous seven who each in their day was the preeminent nation on the Earth, Solomons Israel was definitely one of these seven and in the future be the eighth king.  The Jewish people in that day will think the antichrist is their promised messiah, the false Christians will think he is Jesus, perhaps the Islamics will think he is the Mahdi , their version of the messiah.  The kingdom of the antichrist is not Rome or Babylon, Iraq or united Europe, it is the resurrected Israel. The beast/ antichrist a Solomon figure.  Thus antichrist creates an image of the beast, the one that rises up out of the sea, symbolic of the worlds people, where their population made Aliyah or return to Israel.  Israel a beast, a nation, that was, is not and yet is, the only nation in history that totally disappeared only to return again.  The ten horns of the beast are ten nations antichrist will enter with into a covenant and the seven heads are the seven mountains, not hills, that are around Jerusalem. One of these heads or mountains suffered a deadly wound but the wound is healed, the temple on Mount Moriah was destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD but a third temple will be built and begin again the sacrifices made.  Then a beast out of the Earth a false prophet Elijah who calls fire down from heaven to deceive.  The harlot is the capital of Israel , Jeremiah 3:3  Revelation 17:5 , who controls the beast nation and from where the antichrist will rule as a king and priest.  Exodus 13:9-16 ,  Deuteronomy 6:8 , Deuteronomy 11:18 

Antichrist will bring the people under the law of Moses, denying Jesus, this is why there is a temple with sacrifices.  The mark of the antichrist is like the head and hand tyings of the ancient Israelites.

The revival of the law is an excellent deception because it is biblically based, even today there are people who claim to be Christians that keep the law of Moses.   Once antichrist enters into the holy of holies and says he is God the Jews will instantly realize their error and reject antichrist thus bringing in the time of Jacobs trouble that spills over on to all nations. The harlot will be punished double for sins, Isaiah 40:2 , Revelation 18:6 .  In Jerusalem was found the blood of prophets and saints and the slain on EarthRevelation 18:24 , Matthew 23:5  This will be when the mark of the beast will be demanded.  This will be the great tribulation, a time unmatched in history for its horrors.  

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