Sunday, January 28, 2024



No Other Name

When I was in the Worldwide Church of God I hung on to every word that was taught by Herbert W. Armstrong.  Everything he and his ministry taught I believed.  I know that many here on Simply Christian have had the same or similar experience.  After coming out of this deception more than 30 years ago I realized that Armstrong was my idol, Romans 6:16 , Romans 6:21 , Matthew 6:24 , 1 Kings 18:21 ,  the churches today, 1 Kings 17:41 are in this fleshy program , Galatians 1:10 . 

Did you realize this ?  I know now that Armstrong was an unconverted man because a truly converted man will tell you the truth, that God is your teacher and Christ is your leader and not puffing himself up as though he was.  Who was your Baal, your Armstrong? Or do you still have one ? Plug his name in as a false god, false Christ, false minister.  If we were deceived it wasn’t God and Christ who deceived us was it ?  When I realized what I was doing I repented and asked God through Christ to forgive me, did you ?  I did not go out and again follow some other man, did you ?  How can you possibly begin a new life without making peace between you and your Creator?  We’re you baptized in the one true baptism?  Did you have hands laid upon you to receive the Holy Spirit ?  Have you died with Christ to your former life of sin ?  Have you, like Elijah, slain your prophet of Baal ? If so, plug his name in here ,  @#@#&$%#$ .  If not, get out your two edged sword and have the courage to slay him.  To totally eliminate the enemy and his ministers posing as angels of light you need to rely on Yahweh and Christ only.  Can we take fire to our bosom and not be burned ?  How many times do we allow ourselves to be burned ? To many seem to think that they need another mediator in addition to Christ, another teacher in addition to the Holy Spirit of the Father.  Jesus gave his life so that each of us can through him have a relationship with the Father.  In this personal relationship there is no room for some other pretender.  We are told to work out our own salvation in fear and trembling.  Philippians 2:12

It says your own salvation.  We do this with God and Christ no one else.  There is no other name given , under heaven, this means some other name on Earth, under heaven is the Earth, by which we must be saved.  Acts 4:12  So then if we include some other name what are we doing ?   We are forgetting that there is no other name.

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