Thursday, January 18, 2024



The feast of unleavened bread began on the 15th day of Nisan.  Passover was not a day of unleavened bread or a holy day but was a preparation day for the first day of unleavened bread, the day the Jews did not want Jesus to be on the cross, a high day, John 19:31.  No Israelite was to eat or have leaven in their homes.  This feast lasted 7 days.  The first day the 15th of Nisan was an annual holy day and the last day the the 22nd was a holy day, these days were annual sabbaths or high days.  Now the nearly universal idea is that leaven always is symbolic of sin.  This is incorrect.  Leaven is symbolic of spirit.  What spirit are we leavened with, are we children of Satan or children of God. Luke 9:55  Matthew 13:33  Jesus compared the kingdom of God with leaven, how if leaven always symbolizes sin ?  The annual holy days of Israel were to remind the Israelites of their sins.  Hebrews 10:3  It was impossible for the blood of animals to forgive sin. Hebrews 10:4  So the carnal Israelites were always in their sins.  Jesus makes it possible for the saints to be clean, not unclean as the carnal Israelites were. Acts 10:15   Through Jesus the saints are leavened with the Holy Spirit made possible not by the blood of animals but by the blood of the son of God.  The reason there are 7 days are because over the entire plan of God for the Pentecost saints there would be 7 churches, those listed in the book of Revelation, over the passage of time each church era would be leavened with the Holy Spirit.  Revelation 1:4  These 7 churches are leavened with the Holy Spirit else the could not be called the church of God.  From these 7 churches are the true people of God , those who truly were called and chosen because in some of these churches like Sardis had only a few names who would walk in white, would inherit the kingdom of God. Also on Pentecost two loaves of bread were baked with leaven that symbolized the saints before and after Christ, the elect. Leviticus 23:17  Twelve loaves representing the twelve tribes for the showbread were not baked with leaven.  Leviticus 24:5  The Laodiceans must be leavened by being martyred because neither being cold or hot they are not of the elect but are the innumerable multitude.  Also, after the resurrection of Jesus he met two of his disciples but God did not permit them to recognize Jesus.  The three went to eat and Jesus took bread and broke it and gave it to them. Luke 24:30  The word used for bread here is “artos” Strongs G740  meaning bread baked into a loaf or leavened, the same bread Jesus used at the Passover meal . The word for unleavened bread is “azumos” Strongs G106.  After this Jesus vanished.  Now Luke 24:35 reveals how the disciples knew it was Jesus, in the breaking of the loaf of leavened bread, “artos” .  This was because this event took place during the days of unleavened bread.  The disciples understood because of , Luke 24:27 , where Jesus probably mentioned this thing about leaven.  All events like these that Jesus did were explained by him to his disciples. Luke 24:44-45   So, you see how Jesus fulfilled the days of unleavened bread.

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