Saturday, January 13, 2024


Josephus, Allen, Armstrong, LaHaye


For the sake of discussion only, let us assume that the view partial preterism of prophecy is correct, what detriment would that be to me ?  However, if my view is correct then this would leave partial preterists totally in the dark and unprepared for what the future holds. 

To rely on the writings of Josephus to interpret prophecy is to place confidence in a man who was a Pharisee and a betrayer of his people. He convinced his companions to kill each other but he gave himself up to the Romans, he was a coward, and accompanied the Romans when they destroyed Jerusalem and the temple.  These truths show that Josephus was a despicable character.  Many historians do not trust everything he wrote and some accuse him of plagiarism when he wrote about chariots in the clouds copying exact wording from 2 Maccabees 5:2-3 comparing this to the Wars of the Jews, book 6 chapter 5 paragraph 3 .

2 Maccabees 5:2-3  “And then it happened that through all the city for the space of forty days there were seen horsemen running in the air in cloth of gold and armed with lances like a band of soldiers and troops of horsemen in array and running one against another and multitudes of pikes and drawing of swords and casting of darts and glittering of golden ornaments and harness of all sorts.”

Josephus , Wars of the Jews, Book 6 Chapter 5 ,  “before sunsetting chariots and troops of soldiers were seen running about among the clouds and surrounding the cities.”

Josephus was not present in Judea when these alleged events took place.  Historians accuse Josephus of embellishment in some of his writings so as to be more entertaining for the reader.  

Josephus had a very high opinion of himself, he was vain, callous, arrogant , selfish, immoral and self seeking, Encyclopedia Britannia, 1/1/24 

As a historian, Josephus shares the faults of most ancient writers; his analyses are superficial, his chronology faulty, his speeches contrived.  He is especially tendentious when his own reputation is at stake: Gary William Poole Associate Editor, Encyclopedia Britannica. 

Author Joseph Raymond describes Josephus as Benedict Arnold by betraying his own troops at Jotapata.

Historian Mary Smallwood describes Josephus as conceited and turned his captivity by the Romans to his own advantage living the rest of his days benefiting from his defection to Rome.

Dr. Brenton Cook, professor of apologetics said of Josephus;

Christians should be careful not to read Josephus as an apologist for Christianity or to rely upon him too heavily.

It is easy to find extra biblical writings that borrow scripture and twist it to fit a totally unscriptural idea.  Herbert W. Armstrongs book, The U.S. and Britain in Prophecy attempts to prove that the lost ten tribes of Israel are the white European and American people.  An obvious issue with his book is that he plagiarized large portions of a book written by J.H. Allen entitled, Judahs Scepter and Joseph’s Birthright.

You would be amazed how many people believe this garbage especially when both Allen and Armstrong were  unconverted men devoid of the Holy Spirit just as Josephus was.  A fellow who calls himself a pastor, Tim LaHaye became famous, not to mention rich, with his books the Left Behind series that proliferates the lie of the rapture as well as a host of other lies, but look how popular they are and how many actually believe this nonsense.  There have been many writings over the centuries that people have gravitated to and have wholeheartedly believed, some to their own deaths. Here are a few more false prophets you may have heard about; Harold Camping, Hon-ming Chen, Charles Russell,  William Miller, Joanna Southport.  

I believe in sola Scriptura ,  as the Bible is the only Yahweh inspired writings and we should look to nothing else to form truth and doctrine or to understand prophecy. To use extra biblical sources is adding to the word.  Proverbs 30:5-6

Prophecy came to us by men who were inspired by the spirit of Yahweh.  The Apostle Paul , 1 Corinthians 14:5 , encourages the saints to seek the gift of prophecy as this edifies the church.  1 Corinthians 13:9-12 ,  prophecy is seeing through a glass darkly, it is given over time as we watch events unfold. In the finality of things prophecy will fade away.  Any prophecy given by a new covenant saint is subject to the prophets of old. 1 Corinthians 14:32 , the saints cannot speak a prophecy that conflicts with the prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and the minor prophets.  We must be extremely careful that we do not handle the word of God deceitfully. 2 Corinthians 4:2 . Prophecy is within scripture and by Yahwehs spirit,  no other place or power.  Do not go to unconverted men to understand prophecy.  

All indicators given by Jesus, the Prophets and the Apostles are that end time events come upon the world as a total surprise.  1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 , Psalm 48:6 , Isaiah 21:3 , Isaiah 13:8 , Jeremiah 30:6-7 , Luke 21:34 , 2 Peter 3:10 , Revelation 16:15 , Matthew 24:42-44 , Matthew 25:13 , Mark 13:32-37 .  If we obey Jesus we watch for the signs he gave only and none of these signs had chariots in the clouds.  2 Thessalonians 1:6-10  and Isaiah 66:15  both speak of the day of the Lord or the return of Jesus not prior to it with concocted warnings of chariots in the clouds. 

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