Tuesday, January 16, 2024



Preterism is a belief that most or all of prophecy has been fulfilled.  The tribulation, abomination of desolation, the mark of the beast all took place around 70 AD and that the book of Revelation was written about 67AD .

According to  Irenaeus of Lions in his work called, Against Heresies , book 2 chapter 22 paragraph 5 the Apostle John lived in Ephesus after Emperor Domitian died and Nerva took the throne. Then Emperor Trajan took the throne around 98 AD John died a short time later and this information is confirmed by others who wrote in that time.  This fact proves a date of 67AD for John writing Revelation is wrong.  None of the Apostles ever mentioned the destruction of the temple in 70AD. It was not important to them

because it had nothing to do with the second advent of Christ, which was part of the question asked by the disciples in Matthew 24:3 .

The miraculous events recorded by Josephus in 66AD of chariots in the clouds at the time prior to the Jewish Roman war can also be found in 2 Maccabees 5:2-3.  Also at this time Antiochus Epiphanies desecrated the temple by sacrificing a pig on the alter, a type of the abomination of desolation.  Josephus is not a fellow to be trusted as he betrayed his people and joined the Romans.  Could he have plagiarized part of 2 Maccabees to juice up his story ?  It is highly unlikely that these two events both happened over 100 years apart with exact similar miraculous events.  Neither of these historical events are true if one attempts to say that they have fulfilled all or most prophecy of the end times.  People who adhere to Preterism will be totally lost concerning prophetic events.  

Mark Twain took a tour of Jerusalem in 1867 and in his book about this entitled, The Innocents Abroad, chapter 54, describes stones yet stacked on top of one another and sections of various walls and pillars which does not fit what Jesus said about the temples destruction.  This is because Jesus was not speaking of the second temple but the third, the antichrist temple. 

Another claim of Preterism is that Revelation 20:5 where it says, the rest of the dead lived not again until the 1000 years were finished.  They say that this part is uninspired and not in many of the oldest translations .  I have done extensive reading and study to see if this claim is true.  As it turns out only one of the early papyri , codex Sinaiticus , does exclude this verse, but all others contain it.  Even the Lamsa has it but it is in verse 4 not 5.  The Peshitta also has the verse but in verse 7 rather than 5.  The Latin Vulgate also contains the verse as the others do.  Even some translations of the codex Sinaiticus contain it.  

2 Samuel 14:14.  The means by which the banished ones will not be expelled is the second resurrection.   In Ezekiel 38:1-23  is the account of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20:7-9 it is a long time , a time after the 1000 years, after the second resurrection, which Ezekiel 37 describes in the valley of dry bones.  All of Ezekiel 39 continues to describe events of the attempted invasion by Gog and Magog.  So then it is plain that these events are after 1000 years and the whole house of Israel resurrected at this time is attacked by Gog and Magog who will be destroyed by fire.   Ezekiel 36 begins the story and in ends in chapter 39 

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