Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Human Marriage


Human Marriage 

Human marriage is the first covenant that God made with humanity. Adam and Eve were married by God.  It is believed today that people who think they are ministers, preachers or priests of God can perform marriages  They cannot because this authority was not given to them.  You will not find anywhere in scripture that even remotely resembles the modern day marriage ceremony.  It is ironic these false people even say, “ what God has joined together let not man put asunder.”   Marriage is a covenant between the man, woman and God, no one else.  The only thing mentioned in scripture is the celebration of the covenant not the making of it.  In very brief words, to be married the man and woman love one another and in prayer ask God to make them husband and wife, then the act of sexual intercourse seals the covenant.  That’s it, there is nothing else.  God will hold both man and woman responsible to honor each others God given roles in marriage as Jesus and the Apostles explained in scripture.  What marriage is today is human intervention into a thing that is Gods business only.  Many people today that do not fit into the modern idea of marriage are considered living in sin because they did not go through the pomp and circumstance of the churches and governments of the carnal world.  I do however recognize that in this ungodly evil world that currently has control it is advisable to go through the motions of fake marriage in order to qualify for the legal benefits under man’s laws.  When my wife and I were married by God alone we both agreed to do the carnal thing as well for these reasons but we do not recognize their authority to marry anyone.  Human marriage is a type or shadow of our marriage to Christ. It is God the Father who chooses those to be a part of the bride, the church, no man.  John 6:44

Just as in human marriage you do not commit adultery you do not commit spiritual adultery against Christ by blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The penalty for each is death but the one against  the Holy Spirit and Christ is everlasting death.  Hebrews 10:26-27  In many other things carnal churches and governments have corrupted the truth as Jude said in his letter.  Marriage is a serious thing and guiding principles from God should be employed when couples are considering marriage.  If someone cannot abide by the way Yahweh has ordained for marriage they should not marry.  These ordinances of Yahweh have not changed and remain the same as Yahweh gave them to Adam and Eve.  

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