Tuesday, January 16, 2024


The Connection with Solomon and antichrist 


2 Chronicles 9:13  &  1 Kings 10:14  give the number 666 as the amount of gold Solomon received yearly.  Revelation 13:18  666 is the number of the beast/antichrist.  1 Kings 11:1-8 describes how Solomon went into sin and the antichrist is a man of sin.  2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 Both antichrist and Solomon are known for their wisdom, both are very rich, both are a son of David and both were/are believed to be the messiah.  After the gold Solomon received was calculated it amounted to 666 talents which today would be worth over a billion dollars.  This calculated number of Solomon is used to help identify the antichrist.  The antichrist will be a Jew who can trace his ancestors back to king David making firm his false claim as the Jewish messiah.  He will reign in Jerusalem the harlot city , the capital that controls/rides the beast nation Judah or modern day Israel.  He makes a new covenant with ten nations and has a false Elijah/prophet who calls fire down from heaven to burn the sacrifices offered at the third temple just as Solomon did at the first temple.  2 Chronicles 7:1 .  All these things are done to convince the Jews and the world that the antichrist is the messiah.  Antichrist will bring people under the law thus denying Christ.  Galatians 5:4 , the great falling away.  Many will believe they are in the millennium as the works of the antichrist change times and law.  Daniel 7:25

Antichrist will use scripture to deceive by twisting its true meaning.  1 Timothy 4:1 ,  2 Corinthians 4:4  .   There are a few differences between the antichrist and Solomon but the similarities are numerous.  I think Solomon did repent and this is seen in his writings but antichrist does not repent.  Solomon had to many women but antichrist doesn’t seem to bother with women.  Solomon was king of Israel in Israel’s glory days and todays Jews want that glory again just as the apostles did before they had understanding.  Acts 1:6    There are organizations in Israel today that have acquired everything needed to build the third temple except the location. With the current war, if it escalates , would it be possible for Israel to become the top power in the Middle East ? Will Israel be forced to use their nuclear weapons?  Would this put Israel in a position to force a ten nation covenant, a mix of iron and clay?  We will have to wait and see how things develop.


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