Friday, October 4, 2024



Benny Hinn waves his hand at the choir and they all fall over, slain in the spirit.  Everyone marvels at the great man of GOD, Benny Hinn, who uses the great power of GOD to convince his followers that they need to continue following and of course give him money.  Many of the pastors and ministers use tactics like this and claim that they are winning souls for Jesus.  This behavior no doubt provides a tremendous boost to the ego. 

 Joyce Myers presents herself as an instructor to others on Christian living.  Everyday life for Joyce rakes in about $900,000 a year, not bad.  Benny Hinn is estimated to be worth 60 million.  John Hagee is worth about 5 million.  The business of religion seems to pay very well.  

All these false preachers use the words in scripture to earn money and take credit for advancing the Christian church.  The people that support these false preachers are spending their money only to put it into a bag with holes.  They are paying to be lied to.  There may be honest preachers but they all have a similar agenda, money.  

It takes a lot of money to support the organization called the church.  It is ironic that a root of evil is the life blood of organized religion.  The life of the true church is the spirit of GOD.  Money is not needed.  Faith, grace, forgiveness, mercy, hope and salvation are all free.  All the information anyone needs has been recorded for them in the Bible for over 2,000 years.  You do not need or require a pastor or preacher to understand the truth of GOD, it does require the Holy Spirit.  All the saints of the true church have the Holy Spirit and through Jesus access to the FATHER.  I ask you, what more do you need ?

Fake ministers plagiarize GODS word for profit. They are wolves in sheep’s clothing.  They are deceitful workers.  All of organized religion is false.  Even though a few of these organizations do have some truth they also have some lies.  Just the fact that there is a human leader is proof, that they think they must fulfill the great commission, that ministry is required, that they are leaders, that they are teachers, that they keep days and other things unique to each one reveals what they are, synagogues of Satan.  If you are in any of them then you are deceived and blind to it.  The only way out of these Babylonian organizations is for GOD to call you and take you out then put you into HIS true church.

How much do you think the Apostles were worth, what about Jesus or the prophets ?  There is a particular church organization that has elevated a man with the initials AFB who they look upon as a great man of GOD.  AFB does indeed have a lot of truth but mixed in with it lies. GOD sees a mix of truth and lies as all lies.  AFB is an author, a debater, an expert in Greek and Hebrew and claim to nobility but do you know what GOD and Christ think about that, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. If Abraham could not boast before GOD neither can AFB.  AFB is a sinner needing grace just like anyone and is responsible for his salvation only as he cannot do anything about the salvation of anyone else.  Since AFB is the leader in his own eyes and his followers are transfixed on his every word all Satan need do is deceive AFB and all those who revere AFB will be deceived as well.  This is the common danger in a one man show church organization were deception is present.  The obvious fact is that all worldly churches are structured in this way.  None of these fakers will ever admit that they are not needed and totally unnecessary because each member has access to GOD through Christ if they have the Holy Spirit.

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