Sunday, September 29, 2024



The problem of religion in this world, particularly the Christian religion, is that there is no longer anyone alive in the flesh who is recognized as a true man of GOD in the minds of all people .  Since this condition exists people have accepted human leaders that claim to be a true Christian, a man of GOD.  However there seems to be thousands of men and women that make this claim yet none of them are in total agreement about doctrine.  This condition is what I call Babylon.  No it is not the Babylon of Revelation 17:5 but a precursor, a similar thing.  There are many comments made by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles about what conditions are to be like at the end of this current age.  None of them say anything about a gigantic revival that unites the thousands of churches.  In fact it is just the opposite.  What calls itself Christianity is actually paganism.  I do not care how much actual truth your church has, if they have a human leader then they are not the true church of GOD.  It is no wonder that highly intelligent people are either agnostics or atheists because what they have seen in scripture does not line up with what they see in the churches.  Rather than blame the men responsible they blame GOD or deny HIS existence.   People who are truly practicing their churches beliefs are deceived by a man but do not know this and are committed to this man fully. This man in effect is their GOD. Romans 6:16   Matthew 6:24.   Deceptions and lies in varying degrees are from these self appointed leaders.  Again, if you follow any man you are to some degree deceived.  No lie is of the truth.  It is impossible for GOD to lie.  Satan is the liar and father of lies.  I do not care how many truths your church may have, if you only have one lie the rest of your truths must transform to accommodate that one lie.  A little leaven leavens the whole lump.  It must be the true truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth else it is lies.  To deceive many all Satan needs to do is deceive your human leader and all who follow him will be deceived.  This has been and is the condition of the world’s churches for a very long time.  GOD, in eternity, knew this would happen and through the prophet Ezekiel revealed it to HIS elect saints.  

The actual number of true Christians is extremely few just as Christ and the Apostles told us.  GOD will not at this time bring any person into the church who HE knows would fail by committing the unpardonable sin.  GOD will wait until the millennium or second resurrection to open their minds to know HIM, HIS son and the gospel.

The saints had their names recorded in the Lambs book of life from the foundation of the world, so yes predestination is true.  Many more names will be added to this book in the millennium and second resurrection.  GOD alone determines who, and when. If someone is not called and chosen in this age they will be in the age to come.  

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