Monday, April 1, 2024

Is Michael Jesus ?


The angel Michael is thought by Jehovahs Witnesses to be Jesus.

Is this biblically true ? 

Hebrews 1:4-14  declares that Yahweh never said to any angel, “You are my son, today I have begotten you.”  “Let all the angels of Yahweh, (including Michael) , worship Jesus.  To which, or any angel, did Yahweh ever say, “Sit at my right hand.”  Angels are ministering spirits to those who will inherit salvation.  When Yahweh created the angels it was an obvious fact that they had the potential to sin and a third of them did.  The angels that remained faithful to Yahweh were then sealed in righteousness rendering them totally unable to sin.  Jesus was created by Yahweh already in this sealed righteous state.  John 6:27  Because Jesus was from his mothers womb sealed in righteousness he was superior to all other beings angelic or human. This is why Yahweh counted the life of HIS son so precious and valuable that the sacrifice of Jesus would be sufficient for the world. This is what made Jesus the image of the invisible Yahweh. The church in Revelation 7:4 will be sealed, weather alive or dead, with this same seal.  Michael was not the only chief prince as Daniel records, Daniel 10:13 .  1 Thessalonians 4:16 and Daniel 12:1 are companion verses as both mention the arch angel involved in the events of the return of Jesus.  The voice of the arch angel may well be Michael who was known to be a warrior prince.  This angel returns with Jesus, he is not Jesus.  Michael could not rebuke Satan on his own, Jude 1:9 , but Jesus could, Matthew 4:10,11 .  Michaels name means “who is like Yahweh”, this is a question not an identification, consider Isaiah 46:9 . Isaiah makes this comment long before the birth of Jesus, there was NONE  like Yahweh.  When Jesus was born he was the image of the invisible Yahweh, Colossians 1:15 . Consider Job 4:17,18,19  .  Hebrews 2:5 angels have no inheritance in the kingdom of Yahweh, yet Jesus is the heir of all Yahweh created, and the church elect joint heirs with Jesus.  Michael is not Jesus.

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