Saturday, March 23, 2024


It seems that we have established the fact of deception in the worlds churches.  This was prophesied by the prophets, Jesus and the Apostles.  When looking at the total number of all the members of all the churches it is about 2.2 billion people.  Yahweh has over the centuries called many people to come out of these churches but many did not answer the call.  The people who did answer came out and separated themselves from the lies, confusion and deception.

These people became part of the elect, that group called in this current age before the great tribulation.  The very first of these elect was Able and the last is unknown.  When the last of this group of elect is called and chosen they will all be sealed in their human spirits with the mark of Yahweh weather dead or alive. They are the 12 tribes of spiritual Israel, the combination of saints before and after Jesus as Romans 11 and Hebrews 11 show.  This will be the first harvest, the barley harvest, and they are symbolized by the two loaves of bread in Leviticus 23:17 .  Jesus gave a parable in Matthew 13:33 that explains the three groups that in their assigned time will be offered salvation.  The first group is the 144,000, the second group is during the millennium and the last group in the second resurrection.  These are the three measures of meal, the leaven symbolizes Yahwehs Holy Spirit that just as physical leaven overtime spreads through the three measures Yahwehs spirit spreads through people.  It should not be taken as an insult or viewed as elitism to be in the 144,000 because it is Yahwehs business alone as to what group a person will be in.  If a person is a new convert they need to realize that they must make a clean and complete break from the world and its ways.  This will require a certain amount of time, as each person is different, to understand the totality of what not being of this world truly means.  The Apostle John brings this out plainly, 1 John 5:19 , 1 John 4:6  .  Sometimes it is difficult to determine what is of the world from what is of Yahweh, we must sharpen our spiritual senses to determine good from evil, Hebrews 5:14 .  All the elect have baggage from the world that overtime needs to be discarded.  This requires constant use and training in the spirit of Yahweh.  Along the way we may try to make excuses to continue in the worlds ways until we finally realize that it is futility and unGodly.  The separation from this world must be complete not partial.  I am not writing about obvious things, but the things that are not obvious and only become known by growing in grace and knowledge.  We do not all travel the narrow road in one big group, but as a strung out line due to the time we were chosen and how long we have traveled that narrow road. We are all at different stages of growth but we all have the same destination.  To whom much is given, Luke 12:48 much more will be required.  We are Yahwehs servants, and if in ignorance do wrong will be corrected by a loving Father for our own good.  Hebrews 12:9  .  This is where the strong can help the weak or the babe in Christ.  How long has it been since your eyes of understanding were opened ?  If not long then you are a babe, but if many years there should be much growth unless you have buried you talent.

We are here to follow the will of Yahweh as demonstrated to us by Jesus.

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