Thursday, April 18, 2024


The ability to think critically spiritually is only in people who have Yahwehs Holy Spirit in them.

You no longer examine anything using a carnal mind because this is death.  Romans 8:6,7,8,9,10,11 

What carnal people think is wonderful, and highly esteem is in reality an abomination to Yahweh. Luke 16:15   There are ways that seem right to carnal people but they are the ways of death.  Proverbs 14:12   Carnal people are incapable of directing their own lives.  Jeremiah 10:23   Carnal man is totally and completely helpless without Yahweh.  Ephesians 2:12 

Yahwehs spirit within Christians is the power to see the truth of things existing in this current evil world.  Hebrews 5:14   As Christians we must not compromise in any way with the failure of carnal minded ideas.  This describes the Laodiceans who were neither cold or hot, having one foot in the church but the other in the world, whose punishment is to suffer in the fire as a martyr.

Here is a scripture that should speak volumes to any Christian.  Isaiah 3:12 KJV  Those called leaders do this…. Job 30:12 KJV  Isaiah 9:16  

As an example, read and study the constitution of the United States along with the Federalist papers  and compare what you see in them with the current government and how it operates.  The U.S. was to be a representative republic, do you understand what that is, but over the years the people have abdicated their power to the elected representatives that they now call their leaders.  Is this government of, by and for the people?  Even if the U.S. lived up to its own foundational principles it would still be antichrist.  Satan, by the will of Yahweh, is the god of this world, 2 Corinthians 4:4  and Satan is the inspiration of the carnal mind that is in spiritual warfare with the spiritual mind.  2 Corinthians 10:4   The demonic spirits under Satans command rule all nations and influence the leaders and the people.

1 John 5:19

Jesus, the son of the most high Yahweh, was manifested to someday destroy all the works of Satan and establish his GOD and FATHERS kingdom on the Earth.  Acts 26:15,16,17,18  1 John 3:8  A Christian must choose which side to be on,  Yahweh’s or Satans .  Who do you want to lead you, who should you follow ?  Luke 9:62

The table of Yahweh should have nothing to do with the table of demons.  1 Corinthians 10:21  To come out and be separate means totally and completely, not part of the way.  2 Corinthians 6:17   We cannot be part time Christians because it is a full time job.  We are not to be of this world anymore than Jesus was.  John 17:16  Use your Yahweh given ability to spiritually think critically to come to realize the true meaning, extent and purpose of your calling and election. 2 Peter 1:10

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