Thursday, April 11, 2024


If you have been paying attention to world events you should know that the world is in very deep trouble.  According to the Geneva Academy there are about 110 wars happening now in the Middle East, Latin American , North Africa, Europe and Asia.  Most of these wars you have never heard about.  Some of these wars have began recently while others have been ongoing for over 50 years.

Of all these wars those we need to be concerned about are the Middle Eastern and Europe.  The war Israel is fighting with Iran backed Hamas and Hezbollah will no doubt escalate into a full blown regional war.  The Russian / Ukraine war has the possibility of going nuclear as does the Middle East war.  Nations around the globe have debased their currencies to a level of worthlessness.  Crime is rampant in many countries.  Morals have collapsed and perversions have gained acceptance.  The news media with very few exceptions either lies or hides the truth from the public.  Politicians are liars and scoundrels seeking power and wealth.  What is good is called evil and what is evil is called good.

All of this is leading to a false tribulation that will seem to be the real tribulation in the eyes of the uninformed.  The antichrist will save the day and produce a false millennium and the people will worship him.  If you expect to be raptured before all this you are mistaken and will be greatly disappointed.  The churches of this world are as the governments, under Satanic control.  Yahweh, the only true GOD wills it to be this way.  Yahweh did not make things this way but allows Satan to rule the Earth until HE sends Christ back.  The entire reason why the world is in this mess is because Yahweh has not been in control due to Adam abdicating his position as god of this world to Satan when he knowingly obeyed Satan and disobeyed Yahweh.  The second Adam loved and obeyed his GOD and FATHER therefore Jesus Christ the son of Yahweh will return and destroy all the works of Satan and set up the kingdom of Yahweh here on Earth.  The events in the world today are only the beginning of sorrows not the great tribulation.  One must ask; where is the third temple, the sacrifices, the ten nations and the antichrist ?  These are all yet future and todays events are only precursors that will lead up to the actual end time.  My advice to all who read this article is,  Mark 13:35,36,37   Luke 21:36   Do not involve yourself in any worldly thing, do not waste your time in meaningless things,  obey the message of the gospel of faith, grace, repentance and above all Yahwehs love.  While I do not know when all things will be fulfilled I do believe that we are not in darkness so as to not see the day approaching.  WATCH.

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