Thursday, December 16, 2021


Where are we now in prophetic events?

Is Covid the mark of the beast?

Some preachers are saying that Covid is the mark of the beast.  It is not. The mark is on the forehead or right hand. These marks are symbolism and relate to Deuteronomy 6:6 and Exodus 13:8 & 16. This sign or mark was about the law. Israel had a system of sacrifices; daily, weekly, monthly and annually. These days were called sabbaths and sacrifices were commanded by God to be offered on all these days. This sacrificial program was a shadow acted out by symbolism to be fulfilled by Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the law and all these sacrifices. To continue to keep these days is to deny what Jesus did.  Now, the antichrist is to revive the sacrifices and offer them again in a future third temple. 

 It is an evil plan of Satan to use the scripture of the old covenant to deceive people to deny Jesus by going back to the law. The old covenant was the law. The ark of the covenant contained the tables of stone, the Ten Commandments. The new covenant makes it very clear that the law will not save anyone. Satan does not want people to be saved so he deceives them by scripture into keeping the law. To the uninformed person this biblically based lie will seem great and they will follow Satan.  The mark of the beast is on the forehead symbolizing the mind or how a person thinks. The mark on the hand symbolizes work of your hands which is to stop on the sabbaths of the law. Anyone violating this renewed law of Satan will be killed along with those who refuse to take these marks. So then, the preachers telling you Covid is the mark are full of dung.  

The covenant the antichrist makes with 10 nations is 7 years long.  The tribulation starts at the middle of this 7 years when the antichrist ends the sacrifices and proclaims himself God. This means that the tribulation is 3 & 1/2 years. The tribulation is not 7 years long it is 3 & 1/2 years long and according to Jesus this is cut short by some days.  

At this time we are in a period called the beginning of sorrows that will be a series of events in which Satan makes it look like events leading to the return of Jesus are happening when they are not.  Satan will cause counterfeit events to occur to add to his deception.  These will not be the true events but will seem very real to people. Those people who are called Gods elect can not be deceived by these things even though they are extremely convincing because of Satan using scriptures to deceive. Remember this, the first one showing up is the fake. No matter how good he looks or how many miracles he performs he is a fake. If he says to keep the law or take a mark, he is a fake.

Current events in the world are indeed very bad but they will not get better, they will get worse. All this leading to a false tribulation that will end by the ten nation treaty of antichrist. Afterward antichrist will bring in peace and safety producing a false millennium. When the plans of antichrist begin to fall apart then the real tribulation will begin.

There are other articles on this blog that address this topic more fully and it is my hope that you read them. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2021



People who think keeping the law is required by Gods people usually transform into self righteous finger pointing monsters who set themselves up as judges of others and lack mercy, compassion, forgiveness and love.  

The law was the old covenant. It, the tables of stone, was kept in the ark of the covenant.  This law rightly condemns all who sin to death. This law defines what good and evil is, for when it says,”thou shalt not” then you know that if you do you are evil but if you obey you are good.  The law, the Ten Commandments, was given by God in response to Eves thinking it was desirous to gain the knowledge of good and evil and be like God. The other tree in the garden was the tree of everlasting life; the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the tree of death. Sin, by breaking the law, is punished by death. Scripture informs us that all people sin and deserve to die forever.  There is none righteous, no not one.  Under the law there was no repentance, mercy or forgiveness only death. This law, not one jot or tittle, was changed or done away with by Jesus. Jesus provided a new covenant that had nothing to do with the law hence no need to alter or abolish the law. The law is to this day in full force and yet condemns the sinner to death. The law , if enforced, can be a deterrent to sin because of fear of death but it cannot eradicate  sin. These two covenants cannot be mixed together as Paul showed, “if it is of law then it is no longer of grace or if it is of grace then it is no longer law”

Salvation is not by the law.  The law only produces death.  People who think they need to keep the law reject the new covenant, Jesus and God.  They do not understand how there can be sin with no law to define what sin is.  All sin is lust in the human spirit and as Jesus showed it is our thoughts and intents that are the sin and any words or deeds that follow is only the manifesting of our defiled human spirit. It is the spirits of just men made perfect, not the fleshly body. Jesu

 magnified the law into two commandments that are greater than the Ten Commandments, Godly love by the Holy Spirit will fulfill any law because it works in your human spirit to change the way you think from evil to good. Therefore sin is no longer the transgression of the law but whatever is not of the love of God. Without the Holy Spirit the people who still think the law is the way to go become self righteous finger pointing monsters. People of this carnal mindset are dead and usually have very few if any friends . They are arrogant and ignorant of the gospel of Christ. They are children of the devil and will do the devils works.  

The law could never address the true problem of humanity; their defiled human spirit. The law deals with the flesh but not the spirit of man. While I feel sorrow and have compassion for these people they are impossible to live with as they make themselves your enemy by their own deceived minds. As Jesus said,”a man’s enemies will be those of his own family.” Love these types from a distance, pray for them and be willing to have mercy to forgive them.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021


Poor in Spirit

Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor is spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”  What did Jesus mean by poor in spirit?  Strongs concordance gives us a better understanding.  “Ptochos” is the Greek word translated in most bibles as the word poor.  It means; lowly, afflicted, helpless, powerless and broken.  Psalm 51:17 “The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, these oh God, you will not despise”.  People with this attitude of Godly sorrow and deep sincere repentance have a future in Gods kingdom.

Hate all, even your own life.      

What I have below is a better translation than the use of the word “hate” used in the Bible.           

Luke 14:26-27 “If anyone comes to me but loves his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.  Whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”
Matthew 10:37-39 says the same.  Since Christ gave is life so that we can have life our love for him should be greater than any physical connection we have. 

We must forsake all physical things to put Christ first. This does not mean we literally hate our loved ones or give away all our possessions, just don’t let them cause us to lose sight of Christ.

Taking up our cross and following after Jesus is to live as he lived, obeying God in all things. When Jesus gave us the two great commandments of love God and neighbor, he lived them and we need to follow him. This can cause problems and persecution for us in this world as it did for Jesus.  It is not easy to be a saint because you are at odds with the world and under Constant attack by Satan while having a spiritual warfare taking place in your spirit.  Jesus did not have it easy and you won’t either.  Would you, if required by God, give up your life?  Would you turn your back on all the carnal people you love?  Would you walk away from all your possessions?  

Born Again
What is being born again?
1 John mentions born again saying that those who are cannot sin. Jesus tells us what being born again is. John 3.  It is being like the wind, a spirit being and is also called born from above or born of God.


Friday, November 26, 2021

Prove All Things

                 To continue to believe and teach a lie when confronted with the truth is a sad thing but many people do this because they refuse to admit they are wrong.  To come out of a lie to the truth should be a joyful thing; a thing we should thank God for but as Jesus said, none are so blind as those who refuse to see. 

There is a belief called British Israelism that teaches the lost ten tribes of ancient Israel are now Britain and the U.S. along with other white English speaking people.   That knowing this information is the key to unlock biblical prophecy. I hope that those who believe these things read and carefully consider the following.

According to British Israel teaching the daughter of King Zedekiah came to Ireland and married a local king and produced the offspring that later became the kings of England as well as the people of England and the U.S.  If you examine the linage of Jesus in the gospels king Zedekiah is not mentioned but King Jehoakim or Coniah is mentioned who was the king preceeding Zedekiah. King David, who was a prophet, wrote about one of his descendents, the messiah, who would have the throne of Israel.  Psalm 89 speaks of God casting the carnal throne of Israel to the ground and profaning it and Israel would abide for many days without a king.  This would end the theory of the BI teachers that there has always been a king of Israel somewhere on Earth to fulfill Gods promise to David.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise. As far as there always being a man to sit on the throne of Israel; for over 100 years of the British monarchy there was only a Queen and no King; even today Elizabeth II reigns alone thus there has not been a man on the throne for over 60 years. When proving any doctrine all information must come from scripture and not from any outside source.  To use Irish legend to prove doctrine is an abomination.  BI combines scripture with Irish folklore to arrive at the ideas they teach and just as any false doctrine this combination can be a powerful delusion.  God cursed and divorced Israel for their constant disobedience, God said He would not be their God and they would not be His people, Hosea 1:9… This curse has never be lifted to this day as the Gentiles are grafted into the olive tree to replace the unbelieving Israelites.  

Herbert W. Armstrong, the false apostle and false prophet of the former Worldwide Church of God, in his book The U.S. and Britain in prophesy, committed plagiarism by copying the work of J.H. Allen titled Judah’s scepter and Joseph’s birthright. 
Allen’s ideas in his book place race ahead of grace, totally ignores Gods divorce of Israel and destruction of David’s Earthly throne in Psalm 89:38-44.  Modern DNA evidence shows no connection of White people being part of Jewish people.  
Jesus has the throne of David; Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30.  

British Israelism is fiction invented by J.H. Allen and later spread by Armstrong, two unconverted men devoid of the Holy Spirit.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

Brother Kel 2


           Response to Brother Kel on 1John 1:8

          Brother Kels recent video on 1John 1:8 was to me confusing. I listened carefully but Kel did a very poor job of explaining what he was trying to say. It seemed Kel had two different explanations for the meaning of this verse. Does Kel believe that once sins are forgiven you are without sin for the rest of your life and you will never sin again?  He seemed to imply this with his repeated “zero sin” comments. 1John 2:1-2 says that true Christians that sin can yet repent and be forgiven. Matthew 18:21-22 doesn’t put a limit on the number of times God will forgive our sins. All  true Christians are in a spiritual warfare within themselves in the process of overcoming sin. Having the gift of the Holy Spirit of the Father does not make us impeccable permanently as this would eliminate repentance. Only in the kingdom of God will the saints be impeccable but until that day we will need grace and forgiveness upon repentance. This is the gospel message that keeps the saints on the straight and narrow way that leads us into the kingdom and perfection.  The righteousness we have is not our own but a gift from the Father that keeps us as the righteousness of God until our change comes; when we enter the kingdom of God. The process of grace is as a continual washing away of sins until the Father changes our nature to be the same as His and His Sons. The saints are a shadow image of God while in the flesh and need changed to be the true image at the resurrection.  While in the flesh, no true Christian has ever attained to the equal of Christ and the Father. Paul in Philippians 3:12 admits that he has not fully obtained or been made perfect but that the end goal is perfection. The resurrection of the dead in Christ is a twofold thing: immortality and impeccability.  While still in the flesh we are not immortal or impeccable. Kel said that 1 John 1:8 is used by people to get away from overcoming their sins that they repeatedly do thus giving them a false sense of safety. True Christians can and do have repeated sins that they struggle with perhaps all their lives but as long as they do not give up but use the gospel message Gods forgiveness is always there, the grace in times of need. As the begger said, “God have mercy on me a sinner”.  The spirit of God in the saints  doesn’t make them spiritual giants, rather the opposite. It is sown in corruption, weakness and dishonor but resurrected from the dead in glory, honor, power and immortality. We are in a spiritual race and must run toward the finish line and no matter how many times we fall God helps us up and we keep running toward that high prize. 

I hope Brother Kel knows these things and deletes the video and remakes another with a clearer message.   

Wednesday, November 3, 2021



Some say the bible has nothing to say about Covid 19.   Many preachers say you should obey the government and get the vaccine; they say it is love to others to prevent death by spreading Covid.   If you are like me you research things before giving your view on any subject; if not you operate on hearsay with no proof.   Preachers say that saving lives is more important than your freedom to chose to be vaccinated or not.

It is a fact that those who contract Covid may become very sick while some feel just fine.  It is a fact that very few people die from Covid; about 99% live while the 1% that die already had serious health issues before getting Covid.   By definition Covid is not a pandemic but a syndemic.   A pandemic kills all equally of all ages whereas a syndemic targets victims that already have serious health problems.   The government and the mainstream media have hyped Covid so much that some people believe getting it is a death sentence.    They have used Covid as an excuse top rob people of their freedoms.

Anyone who is willing to give up their freedoms for any reason may as well go to the grave yard and urinate on all the veterans graves who gave their lives for your freedom.     Freedom to chose for yourself what you accept or reject is the idea behind the Constitution of the United States.  There you find God given rights  like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.   Freedom of choice is a matter of conscience.  In your mind you decide after thinking things through if you want to do or not do something.  Once you have come to a conclusion then it is your freedom to act on it.  

The bible speaks of the conscience of people in the latter days, saying in 1 Timothy 4:2 "speaking lies in hypocrisy having their conscience seared with a hot iron".   This means that people lose the ability to reason and discern good from evil as is clearly evidenced by the acceptance of perversions like abortion and homosexuality.   The importance of a good conscience is paramount in decision making and all people should have their senses sharpened so as to determine good from evil.   To go against your own conscience makes you a hypocrite because you think one thing yet do another; you become an unstable person.    How many freedoms are you willing to give up because the government or a preacher tells you to?  Patrick Henry said, "give me liberty or give me death."   If you have no freedom to live your life then life is not worth living.   Liberty and freedom mean the same thing and are a part of your conscious thinking process.   

"The torture of a bad conscience is the hell of a living soul"   

John Calvin

"In matters of conscience the law of the majority has no place"  Gandhi

"There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor politic but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right."     Martin Luther King Jr

Once you make a decision about Covid no one has any right to judge you or accuse you or condemn you.  If you decide to get the vaccine OK, if you decide not to get the vaccine OK.    

President Biden has no constitutional authority to mandate the vaccine upon the public.  The vaccine has been proven to cause serious side effects and death.   People who are fully vaccinated  can still get covid and pass it to others and some few of them die.   Then what good is this vaccine?   The state demands you get the vaccine or you will lose your job;  all this over a virus that is not even near as deadly as the state claims.   If you have decided not to get the vaccine because you have in your mind, after careful thought, that it is not for you then that is your right, your freedom.   The state has no business in the practice of medicine or religion.   

"Never do anything against your conscience even if the state demands it."  Einstein

If you have faith you have a conscience and to go against your own conscience is not of faith and whatever is not of faith is sin.  Romans 14:23   

Almighty God gave you your body and only you have the say of what is put into it.

Wednesday, August 25, 2021



The 7th King

                   In Revelation 17:10-11 it records there are 7 kings, The 6th John confirms is the Roman Empire by saying, one is.  The 5 that have fallen should be seen as the greatest power in their day as Rome was in Johns day.  I know that no one will agree with how I list these kings, but here is the list.

1. Egypt

2. Israel

3.  Babylon

4.  Persia

5.  Greece

6.  Rome and the title of Holy Roman emperor until it ended in 1918

7.  The U.S.A.

All will say that Israel does not belong on this list, however read 1 Kings 10:23-29 and this should change your mind.  After Israel left Egypt under the leadership of Moses, Egypt was a severely weaker kingdom. The Israelites spoiled them, left all their first born dead, subjected Egypt to a series of plagues and drowned the Pharo and his army.  Then God brought them into the promised land and poured out blessings on them and gave them King David and Solomon and under their reigns rose to be the greatest nation on Earth.

This nation Israel was to fall because they defied and rejected God. It was finally totally destroyed by the Roman Empire in 70AD.  The prophets foretold a restoration of Israel to happen after the second advent of Jesus Christ, yet future.  The current modern day Israel is a product of Satan as part of his end of days deception.  The United States is the 7th king that is very close to destruction by the administration of Joseph Biden. The U.S. must fall to make way for the beast nation Israel to rise.  The next world power will be Israel under the control of Satan.  This is the end time deception and delusion. Many false Christians view Israel as Gods chosen nation and people but this was under the old covenant which Israel broke leading to God divorcing Israel and choosing another people to replace them as Romans 11 tells us. 

News flash:  The Church has always been Gods chosen people and existed before there was an Israel in people like Able, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses and all the prophets; they were the church in the wilderness looking for a city whose builder and maker is God.  These people along with all of those who came in from Christ forward are spiritual Israel, the Israel of God. Carnal Israel was only a shadow of the good things to come in Christ, not the reality but shadow symbolism and they will not be Gods people again until Christ returns.  Modern day Israel will drink a double portion from the cup of Gods wrath because they broke their covenant, murdered Gods son and now in the end times are allied with Satan.  

I know well that no one will believe this writing except Gods elect saints because Satan has deceived the entire world. ( Revelation 12:9).  

Monday, June 21, 2021






Homosexuals and Lesbians claim that they were born with their sexual orientation.  Imagine a new born baby, only hours old, having sexual feelings for their own gender.  What about when the child is 1 or 2 years old and realizes that they are attracted to those of their own sexual biological nature.  All readers of this blog know that I approach all topics with what scripture mentions about that topic.  Scripture condemns all forms of sexual activity except that which is in marriage with one man and one woman.  No other type of sex is accepted and is a sin.  Anyone who denies this is a liar and ignorant of God's righteous judgment.  

The only sin that all people are born with is the sin passed onto us by Adam; as in Adam all sin and all die.

The old covenant law only made sin even more sinful as it had a written law.  God did not create us sinners, we chose sin.  No one is born a sinner in this way.  Sin by the law.   Homosexuality is sin so is adultery. Since God did not create us sinners then we are not born homosexuals or adulterers. Sin is a learned behavior beginning from birth as we are exposed to a world populated by sinners. Demonic spirits also influence us to do evil. Sin proves free will; God does not make us sin, we partner with Satan to sin. 

All types of sin are common to all people and no one of these is worse than the other. All sin is punished by everlasting death.  Jesus brought a new covenant to humanity that if we believe Jesus was and is Gods son and humanity’s savior by faith and confess our sins to God asking for mercy and forgiveness; God will forgive all your sins and empower you with His Spirit to live a life that pleases Him. Then when Jesus returns you will be changed into an immortal, impeccable spirit being.

Quit making excuses and living a lie, trust in God and Jesus.

If you say you are born that way you are either ignorant or a liar. You are trying to blame God for what you are rather than admit the truth.


Friday, May 21, 2021

 Is The United States A Racist Nation?


In 1950 the U.S. was a racist nation.  Now, 71 years have passed; have we made any progress at all to address this sin?  Do you think mixed black and white marriage would have been accepted in 1950?  Do you think the U.S. federal, state and local governments would have black men and women holding public offices?  Do you think the U.S. would have had a two term black president of the United States?  Would the U.S. have black doctors, teachers, college professors, heads of industry, bankers and lawyers in 1950?  

I will state that pockets of racism still exist today but when compared to the entire white population the number is very small.  Black lives matter and Antifa say all white people are racist and if they say they are not then they are liars as well.  White privilege means that whites have an unfair advantage over blacks in society.  The reality is that a large segment of blacks have failed to take advantage of the many government programs created to help all races, not just blacks.  Some blacks have taken advantage of these programs and have become successful in many areas of society.  Many of these black people see that black lives matter and Antifa are mainly composed of blacks who have chosen failure resulting in poverty with crime and violence directed at their own people in black neighborhoods.  Over the years since 1950 the black father has been missing from black families and black mothers have begun to abort rather than have their children.   This is also happening in lower class white, Asian and Latino populations.  To deny the truth of all this information will never solve anything and only lead to more violence and chaos.  For blacks who can not accept their own failures in life and attempt to pin all their problems on whites will not help blacks at all. The main stream media, social media, politicians and industries that continue to support this lie will only add gas to the flames that will burn our nation to the ground.

Black lives matter and Antifa blame their own failures in life on white people and they have found a voice and power in the Democrat party and by using violence and intimidation will have for a time some success at achieving their goals.
In 1950, if blacks tried to do what black lives matter or Antifa are doing today, what do you think would have happened?  There would be a lot of dead black people, that’s what.  If the U.S. was truly a racist nation there should be a lot of dead black people today.  If the fictional time machine existed it would be interesting to send those of black lives matter and Antifa back to 1950 so they could see what racism truly is.

I have great fear for what I see coming in the U.S. in the near future.  Whites will wake up not woke up and see the truth of what black lives matter and Antifa are really about.  When that happens you will see white backlash and many black people will suffer and die.  Whites will eventually rise up and kill black people by the tens of thousands.  Yes, a full blown race war is going to happen.  Blacks will have brought this on themselves by pushing a lie of racism that did not exist into one that does.  Whites who have supported blacks will also die and what most white people have been falsely accused of now will become a reality.  The U.S. will once again be a racist nation and all because of the lie being told at this present time.  This is not 1950.

If the U.S. government tries to side with blacks it will be overthrown and the politicians who support blacks killed.  It will be a twofold war against tyranny and race.  A war of this magnitude will destroy the nation as a third component will also come into play; total economic collapse.  

Exactly how and when these events will play out I do not know.  All one needs to do is honestly look at the present time in which we live and ask ourselves, what is all of this leading to?  

The fall of the 7th king along with all the other nations into a false tribulation, a hell on Earth, that will be solved by a false messiah.  Satan has been more active in the last three years than he has in a very long time.  
Speaking for myself and all of Gods elect saints I say that we view all people as Gods people.  John 3:16 applies to all people of all nations.  The saints love God and their neighbor with no respect to gender or color.  We see all the horrible things people do to each other and we sigh and cry over them.  The righteous hearts of the saints are sad.  We also know that this is the way things will be until Christ returns.  From this moment on things will continue to get worse and worse, more evil is coming.  Then a man will arrive who appears to be the savior of the world but is really its destroyer.  After a brief time of false peace and prosperity all hell breaks loose and the real great tribulation will begin.  

It is so sad that human beings have to learn the hard way but God knew this in eternity and loves us all enough to make everything that has happened work together for good in the end.

Sunday, April 25, 2021


God Has No Plan B



Many people think that God has had to intervene in His plan for our salvation due to circumstances where mans free will disturbs His plan A and caused God to go to plan B or perhaps C.  Some people think man has no free will of any kind and that all things good or evil are directly willed by God.  Neither of these are true and show a human mind lacking in understanding of God.  The truth is that weather man has free will or not can in no way cause God to alter His plan A.  Gods plan A is what He in eternity has always had.  God has omniscience, the ability to see, understand and know all things totally and completely and before He created anything God saw how all things would play out before He would speak them into existence.  What appears to us as an intervention is in reality Gods pre-existent planned response to what He has already seen before He created.  This is how Gods plan is so sure and how His will is completed no matter what mans free will may do.


God does not have a plan B.  God sees in advance what men will do and God allows men to do what they want but has in eternity past made a way around any problem with His pre-planned interventions thus confirming His word and will throughout all time.   

Acts 15:18  Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world.


Romans 4:17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations,) before him whom he believed, even God, who quickeneth the dead, and calleth those things which be not as though they were.

There is no person or power that exists that can thwart Gods plan A.  In Gods reality all things happen "at once" as God speaks His word it is performed because He is not bound by time or anything else.  Albert Einstein knew this about God as he made this statement; "God created time so that all things would not happen at once."  

In God's reality all things happen "at once".  Isaiah 55:11 "So shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth; It shall not return to Me void but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."


Everything in God's will was accomplished the moment He spoke it.

Psalm 33:9 "For He spoke and it was done; He commanded and it stood fast."


 Isaiah 46:9-10 "Remember the former things of old; for I am God and there is no other; I am God and there is none like Me; declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things that have not yet been done; saying My counsel shall stand and I will do all My good pleasure."


 GOD SPOKE IT but to men it appears to have been done over a long time.

All these scriptures are very plain and describe the great GOD in a way that you may have never seen Him.  To deny what has been written here will make you an idiot a moron.  I do not care if you believe or not for it will not change anything.  

In eternity past, before GOD created anything, GOD knew every thought, word and deed of all people past, present and future.  This does not mean that GOD directly willed all these things but HE knew them all in advance in eternity. 

Isaiah 57:15 "For thus says the high and lofty one who inhabits eternity....."


Your prayers were answered by GOD, yes or no, in eternity before you existed. In eternity GOD could cause people, converted or unconverted, to do His direct will at a time of His choosing.  GOD knew all your sins before you were alive to commit them; GOD did not make you sin but knew you would sin.  GOD has always known in eternity who would be written in the Lambs book of life and who would not.

King David, in Psalm 139, is speaking about the things I have written here.  David is not saying in this Psalm that men have no free will but is saying that GOD has known you and all people that have lived or will live and has in eternity used you in His plan A to do His will.  The unpardonable sin is proof of what I say.  Would GOD cause you to commit this sin, or would you of your own free will do it?  If you cannot see the truth in what I have written in this article then you are spiritually blind and know nothing.  


If you are converted and now see just how great GOD is then you are able to see why it was impossible for Jesus to have sinned.

You should see that GOD does not take mans free will from him because that would make GOD responsible for sin.  Our free will is part of what makes us in GOD'S image.  Did GOD force a third of the angels to rebel against Him?  Will GOD force two humans to become the antichrist and false prophet in the future?  If you have no free will then how can you repent?  Is GOD responsible for all the sin, pain, suffering and death in the world or did these things come about because of Satan and men?

To become one of GOD'S saints you must by your free will repent and love GOD and your neighbor by the power of GOD'S spirit in you.  You must submit your will over to GOD in faith to trust and obey GOD.  

GOD is love.  GOD wants you to be like Him, LOVE.  True GODLY love is by free will without force or by having no other choice.

Those who will be in the lake of fire will of their own free will be there.  

GOD has no plan B but a plan A in eternity.






Thursday, March 25, 2021


Why Revelation?


                       Prior to John writing the book of Revelation the apostles and all the saints believed Jesus would return in their life time.  Scriptures that plainly show this are below.

1 Peter 1:20 “He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world but was manifest in these last times for you.”

1 Peter 4:7 “but the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.”

Notice, the end of all things is at hand.

James 5:8 “You also be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand.”

Is at hand indicates very near.

Hebrews 10:25 “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the day approaching.”

Seeing the day, the return of Jesus, approaching.

Hebrews 1:2 “has in these last days spoken to us by His son...”

1 John 2:18 “Little children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour.”

It is the last hour.

1 Corinthians 10:11 “Now all these things happened to them as examples, and are written for our admonition, on whom the end of the ages have come.”

The church felt that the end of the age has come.

Romans 16:20 “And the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly......”


It is obvious that all the first century church firmly believed the return of Jesus was very near.  The Apostles were seeing events of their time and saw how these events mirrored or paralleled what Jesus said to them. Apparently the events were very convincing but they were wrong.   It must have been that God let them believe this and did not intervene until John wrote the Revelation.  Why would God do this?  God may have allowed this to happen in order to separate the true believers from the false.  God does not make mistakes but people do even Apostles.

Peter wrote about scoffers in the last days. 2 Peter 3:1-3   Jude wrote that we should contend earnestly in the faith which was delivered to the saints. There were people in the church who were losing their first love and faith.  There was persecution. Many of these left fellowship in a falling away. 2 Timothy 1:15  It was a very dark time for the church.  For those who did remain faithful their wait was rewarded when God gave the book of Revelation. It contained much information that answered many questions but also had some sad news: the return of Jesus was not near but at a future time still unknown to all except God the Father. There was to be an attack on the church by Satan that would “drive them into the wilderness.”  This means that the power of the holy people would end ,  Daniel 12:7 and they would become like Abraham was, in the wilderness.  The church would lose all offices except prophet and prophetess and would be scattered and not organized after the manner of their beginning . They will no longer preach the gospel to the world.  They would be taught directly by the Holy Spirit of the Father through Jesus.  They will fellowship in very small numbers; 2, 3 or 4 ,  Mathew 18:20 . They will not have anything to do with the worlds ways.  They will know that Jesus will not return until sometime after the Philadelphia and Laodicean churches are established. The Antichrist makes the covenant with ten nations for seven years but at three and a half years breaks that covenant and proclaims himself God which begins the time of Jacobs trouble and all the worlds trouble called the great tribulation.  These end time saints know that they will be sealed with Gods protection shortly before the tribulation , Revelation 7:4  and the tribulation will be shortened by 220 days by the return of Jesus.  By the book of Revelation, the book of Daniel, the teaching of Jesus and the Apostles, the book of Ezekiel and certain verses from the psalms and the minor prophets the saints of the end time will be taught by God through Jesus to rightly divide the word of truth.  The saints will be watching for all these things to come to pass and then stand before the son of God.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021



When Saints Disagree on Doctrine



In scripture there are a few times where it is recorded that there was disagreement over doctrine among the saints.  The Jerusalem council recorded in Acts 15 is one example.  Some believed that it was necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and have them swear an oath to keep the Law of Moses while others disagreed.  After a discussion on the matter the apostles ruled that the Gentiles were saved by the same faith as were the Jews and therefore circumcision and the Law of Moses was not obligated.  This caused a rift in the church and some left to form another church teaching against the ruling of the apostles.  It is apparent that this Judaizing group did not understand the message of the gospel.  It is unclear if they were even converted.  

It is a very sad thing when disagreement leads to separation  however it was needed to root out of the church those who were not truly converted.  If anyone ever finds themself in this position it would be very wise to not act in anger and haste.  Both sides of an issue must hear the others view and test each view on the basis of scripture only.  If both sides are truly converted the correct way will be revealed, but if not, the false way will also be revealed.  This will no doubt cause division and those in the wrong will depart and form another fellowship.  

This type of thing has happened thousands of times since the day of Pentecost as there are more than 30,000 different professing Christian churches today.  What is a sure thing is that they can not all be right but they can all be wrong.

People can not walk together unless they are all in agreement.  This is true in the right as well as in the wrong way.  People will believe what they want to believe.  There is no one in the world today who would be looked upon by all as a true man of God.  There are no true prophets after the power of an Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel or Daniel.  The same applies to the apostles even though there are some false ones claiming to be apostles today as well as prophets. 

Faith is a very powerful thing even if it is false.  At the present time there can be no healing of these wounds of Satanic deception that has produced all of this Babylon.  When Christ returns those who are the true saints will be known by all because the carnal world will worship at the feet of them.  For those today who are so sure they are in the right it would be very wise for you to examine everything you believe.  You should not go on thinking you know the way when you do not. Who wants to be deceived and believe lies?  You must challenge everything and welcome all input while insisting it is all from scripture.  Above all pray for God's mercy to open your understanding to His truth.

I know people that refuse to see and are spiritually blind. They take fire to their bosom thinking they will not be burned.   This blog uses scripture only to prove all things. There have been several times where I have have discovered that I was wrong and gladly with joy made the needed change. A fool despises his Fathers correction but he who receives correction is wise. (Proverbs 15:5)  In the end the truth will be known. As I said at the start of this article there is no one on Earth today that the entire world looks to as a true man of God.  The world is in a spiritual wilderness that has a smorgasbord of churches to choose from, something for everyone. This is why you need to flee from them and seek God on your own. What God teaches you will be truth and agree with scripture.  If it is Gods will to call and choose you then you will become His saint.

It is very sad when those who are saints separate over some disagreement.  We should be doing all that we can to be in the unity of the faith.


Saturday, March 13, 2021


Glorified Flesh


The title of this article is one of the most foolish and stupid terms used in false Christianity today. It is like the word trinity or immortal soul.  It is not found anywhere in scripture and is based on the false idea that Jesus was raised from the dead in “a glorified fleshly body”.  I have already proved that Jesus was raised in his mortal fleshly body; the exact same body in which he was murdered. Scripture says that since death came through a man (Adam) the resurrection of the dead also came through a man, not a glorified man, a mortal not glorified man.

 1Corinthians 15-21

For since by man came death by a man also came the resurrection of the dead.

 Jesus had to be risen as a man, not glorified, but as A MAN. 

 I have shown that the Holy Spirit could not be given until Jesus was glorified and that Jesus told his disciples that he had to “go away” in order to send the Spirit.  I have shown that the apostle John never saw the glorified Jesus because in 1 John 3: 2  Beloved, now are we the children of God and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be but we know when he is revealed we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is.

John says plainly that he did not know what it was that we would be. Later, when John wrote the Revelation, he describes the glorified Jesus and his description has no comparison to what we read in the gospels.

Revelation 1:13 and in the midst of the seven lampstands one like the son of man clothed with a garment down to the feet and girded about the chest with a golden band. His head and his hair were white like wool as white as snow and his eyes like a flame of fire; his feet were like fine brass as if refined in a furnace and his voice as the sound of many waters.


 Both Jesus and the saints are glorified when they ascend but Jesus was the first. Jesus gives a very clear explanation of the difference between flesh and Spirit in John 3:3-8. That which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit, how plain is that. Jesus goes on to explain what a born of the Spirit being is like when he says they are like the wind that comes and goes and others do not know where it came from or where it is going. All of this writing is from scripture and is not of men but from God.  There are other scriptures where Jesus tells us that there is no marriage in the kingdom and we will be as the angles. (Matthew 22:30).  The apostle Paul says plainly that there is a spirit body and Fleshly body. 

1Corinthians 15:44  It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.  There is a natural body and there is a spiritual body.

Does this verse say that there is a natural body and a glorified fleshly body??

Our current fleshly bodies will not be glorified but destroyed and replaced with a spirit body.

2 Corinthians 5.1  For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have another building from God an everlasting house in heaven not built by human hands.

Does this say our bodies buried in the Earth are raised and glorified?

Doesn’t it say ANOTHER, which clearly is not speaking of our fleshly body.  Your body of flesh is destroyed; we were made of dust and to dust we return. To continue to say glorified flesh shows you are refusing to see the truth of scripture and are spiritually blind.

Jesus was raised from the dead the same way Lazarus was. A dead man was alive again which is the proof needed in the resurrection of Jesus.  It was the ascension, after Jesus was hidden by the cloud, when he was glorified. Acts 2:33 “Therefore being exalted to the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he poured out this which you now see and hear.”  Jesus had to ascend and be exalted to give the Spirit, be glorified. Ephesians 4:8-10 “Therefore He says, when he ascended on high he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men. Jesus, who descended (was buried) is also the one who ascended far above all the heavens that he might fill all things.”  For Jesus to have done anything he had to first ascend. Luke 24:26 “Ought not the Christ to have suffered all things and to enter into his glory?”  Take note that the previous verses include the resurrection as part of the, “all things Jesus mentioned,” and then afterwards enter into his glory.

Jesus prayed to his Father in John 17:5 “And now, O Father, glorify me together with yourself........”  Jesus was glorified by the Father in a glory TOGETHER WITH GOD HIMSELF !!  This act made Jesus a type of being in Gods own image and likeness, the first of the first fruits.  Matthew 17:1-5 is the account of the transfiguration that in vision describes the glorified Jesus as having a face that shone like the sun and clothes as white as the light.  John 12: His disciples did not understand these things at first; but WHEN JESUS WAS GLORIFIED they remembered that these things were written about him and that they had done these things to him.”  Before Jesus ascended his disciples seemed as clueless as ever; it was only after Jesus ascended and sent the Spirit that they suddenly were full of understanding. The Spirit was not yet given because Jesus was not yet glorified. John 7:3

I am growing weary of having to deal with the people who claim to be converted saints but really do not know their back sides from a hole in the ground.  These people are carnal but make believe they are Christians.  Usually I do not not get so upset or write so negatively about these things but I have had enough of it and I am going to be much more aggressive in future articles.  

The faker Christians use Job 19:26 to say we will be glorified flesh and see God. 

Job 19:26

“And after my skin is destroyed, Yet in my flesh I shall see God.”

I have read dozens of commentaries on this scripture and some agree with the translation above while others do not. The literal Hebrew in this verse is “after my skin” or after my flesh I shall see God. Jobs flesh is to be consumed but yet he will see God. The ignorant say that you must have fleshly eyes to see and then conclude you must be flesh to see God. Angels see God but are total spirit beings and scripture says that no man glorified or otherwise can see God and live. (Exodus 33:20)  These commentaries admit that they are guessing as to the correct translation and that understanding the text and comparing those verses that speak about the resurrection is very important.

If you did a study on what God thinks of the flesh why would God ever want to glorify it?  Paul said that flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 15:50)  Humans dwell in a temporary shell of flesh as your human spirit is what you really are and your body is not of any value to God. It is the spirits of just men made perfect. (Hebrews 12:23)  We are told that we will be in the image of Christ in our resurrection; a life giving spirit. 

1Corinthians 15:45  And so it is written, the first man Adam became a living being. the last Adam became a life giving spirit.

Does this verse say Jesus is a glorified fleshly man?  

 Isaiah 52:14  Just as many were astonished at you, your visage was marred more than any man and his form more than the sons of men;

 The above verse describes the horrible beating of Jesus before going to the cross.  Later at the cross nails were driven into his body and a huge gash in his side made by a spear.  When Jesus was raised from the dead his disciples did not recognize him because of this beating and he still had the open wounds from the nails and the spear.  Was this the glorified fleshly body of Christ?  No!  Johns description in Revelation 1 in no way agrees with what Jesus looked like in the gospel accounts. 

After all of this clear evidence from scripture the carnal morons still insist on a glorified fleshly body in the resurrection.  If human beings are to be made in the image of God, is God flesh or is He Spirit?  The image of God is the human spirit in a spirit body both total perfection. Nothing physical exists in the spirit realm and never will.  Glorified flesh is the idea of an idiot.  When a saint of God enters Gods kingdom they will be 100% composed of spirit; their human spirit that is sealed in righteousness is given an immortal spirit body, then they will be in the image of God.  

Monday, March 8, 2021



Baptism into Christ is the Fulfillment of the Sign of Circumcision
March 8, 2021

In Matthew 3:13-17 is the account of Jesus being baptized by John the Baptist.

Then cometh Jesus from Galilee to Jordan unto John, to be baptized of him.
 But John forbad him, saying, I have need to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me?
 And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.
 And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:
 And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

The reason for this baptism is in bold and underlined above.  John did not want to baptize Jesus saying that Jesus needed to baptize him.  It was only after Jesus said that they needed to fulfill all righteousness that John agreed.
In the old covenant writings God gave a sign to Abraham of circumcision.

Genesis 17:10-11
This is my covenant, which ye shall keep, between me and you and thy seed after thee; Every man child among you shall be circumcised.
 And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin; and it shall be a sign of the covenant betwixt me and you.

Genesis 22:18
And in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed my voice.

Even though many were circumcised only a few of these ancient people had a relationship with God.  Hebrews Chapter 11, called the faith chapter, gives a list of some of the names of people who were of the faith.  Christians today are of the faith of Abraham and are Abraham‘s seed in Jesus Christ.  The words “thy seed” above refers to Jesus Christ as the promised seed of Abraham.  This makes the saints heirs with Jesus but the law will not.

Romans 15:8 
Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers:

This is why Jesus was baptized by John; to confirm those saints who were under the sign of circumcision into the righteousness of God.  The baptism of Jesus was the fulfillment of the sign circumcision.

Jesus did not need to be baptized as he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and was the new covenant in the flesh.  Jesus was not born under the law; his mother was.  Jesus was not under the law and the new covenant in the flesh at the same time.  Jesus did not fulfill the law by the works of the law but by the love of God.  Jesus gave two great commandments which he said were the greatest of all and that all the law and the prophets hung on them.  Paul says that God’s love is the fulfillment of the law.  The law did not give us the love of God as that comes by the Holy Spirit to us.  While the law is holy, just and good it did not give righteousness, forgiveness, mercy, repentance or justification.  Jesus did not abolish the law as it is a tool God uses to draw us to Him by Godly sorrow over our admission that we are unable to keep the law which leads to repentance and conversion.  All of this to draw us to Jesus.  Jesus said that no one could come to him unless the Father who sent him draws them.  What I have explained here is how God draws the saints to Christ.  
This is when the law,  is used lawfully.

Jesus told us that not one jot or title of the law would pass away and this means that anyone who puts themselves under the law to serve the law is not in Christ Jesus.  That they are under a curse if they do not keep every jot or title.  Those who have taken anything from the law or have added anything to the law are cursed.  The law is not the way to the kingdom of God.  Jesus made possible a new and living way we call the new covenant under which by the power of the Holy Spirit we partake of God’s divine nature of love to fulfill the law as Jesus did.  The new covenant allows for mercy and forgiveness if we do sin by not loving.  The law kills all people who try to keep it because they will sin and their sins can not be forgiven therefore they die.  The law was not made for a righteous man because righteousness does not come through the law and the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom  of God.  All law keepers are unrighteous. 
I do not hate God’s law. I love God’s law because it drew me to Christ and it is still needed to do the same for many other people.  Both covenants; old and new, are in full force and power today.  You can only be in one or the other but not both. 

All of the saints before Jesus were in the new covenant as Hebrews explains and will be in the first resurrection with those after Jesus; they are all the church of God.  The ancient saints looked forward in faith but we look backward in faith. 
It is still the same Jesus and the same faith. 

I hope you see now why Jesus was baptized.

Tuesday, March 2, 2021




List of Articles on this Blog


1.  What Would Be The Point of Jesus Being Resurrected in the Mortal Flesh

2.  What Kind of Body do the Saints Recieve in the Resurrection

3.  Answer to Critics About My View of the Two Trees in the Garden of Eden

4.  Brother Kel

5.  Another Understanding of What Happened in the Garden of Gethsemane

6.  What Happened in the Garden of Gathsemane

7.  Eyes to See Ears to Hear

8.  Believe Scripture Not Preachers

9.  The False Tribulation

10.  To Whom Was the Great Commission Given

11.  Will Europe Produce the Antichrist

12.  Babylon

13.  Prove All Things

14.  False Christians and the Law of Moses

15.  The Great Gamble Theory

16.  It Is No Longer I That Sin

17.  A Letter to Gods Elect

18.  The Tenth Commandment

19.  Are Preachers Saving Millions For Jesus

20.  The Risk of Conspiracy Theories to Christians

21.  Introduction to Genesis

22.  Two Creations

23.  Conscience

24.  Faithful in Little

25.  Relationships

26.  Doers of the Word

27.  The Wife of the Lamb

28.  Why Are the Names of the Tribes of Israel Named on the Elect Saints

29.  1948

30.  The Protection of the Saints

31.  By Grace Through Faith

32.  Universal

33.  Two Trees of Eden

34.  Linage of Christ

35.  Saints Who Think to Much of Themselves

36.  Adam Vs Jesus

37.  British Israelism

38.  The Restrainer

39.  Comparison Scriptures

40.  Death

41.  Salvation

42.  Love and God

43.  Did Jesus Struggle to Not Sin

44.  Fellowship

45.  Carnal People

46.  Facts & Conclusions

47.  Fear Him Which is Able to Destroy Both Spirit and Body

48.  Scripture

49.  The End of the Kingdom of Judah

50.  Two Different Oaths

51.  The Truth About Temptation

52.  Has Anyone Ever Seen God

53.  Doubt

54.  Our Portion of the Holy Spirit

55.  Herbert W. Armstrong

56.  Rick Gedeon

57.  Did Angels Produce Giants

58.  Is Your Baptism Valid

59.  Making Sense of Life

60.  The Christmas Gospel

61.  All of Gods Elect Are Prophets

62.  Shadows

63.  The Symbol of Leaven

64.  The Annual Holy Days

65.  Creating Love

66.  Love Fulfills the Law

67.  Anthony Buzzards Misquoting of Scripture

68.  The Great Commission

69.  The Human Brain

70.  Gods Oath

Hebrew Roots and Replacement Theology

71.  The Olive Tree

72.  Teachers

73.  Tithing

74.  Are You a Christian

75.  The Elect

76.  Be You Therefore Perfect

77.  Jesus Could Not Sin

78.  Wisdom

79.  Elohim

80.  Strong's Concordance

81.  Carnal Man is an Animal

82.  The Mind

83.  God

84.  The Truth About Temptation

85.  The Myth of Potential Sin

86.  Warning

87.  The Oracles of God

88.  The Baptism of Jesus

89.  Forgiveness

90.  What is Life

91.  Are We Alone

92.  Thoughts

93.  Basic Understanding

94.  Unitarians Greatest Error

95.  One and Only One God

96.  What is Sin

97.  Free Will and Godly Love

98.  Worldwide Economic Collapse

99.  Reality

100.  The 144,000

101.  Repentance

102.  The Keeping of Days

103.  Immortal Soul

104.  Truth

105.  Did Jesus Have a Nature Just Like All Men

106.  Another Look At the Soul 

107.  Righteousness

108.  Baptism of Jesus Fulfills the sign of Circumcision



Monday, March 1, 2021


Who did Jesus credit with the killing of Gods prophets?

Matthew 23:37
Oh Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her..... 

Matthew 23:34-35
Therefore indeed I send you prophets, wise men and scribes; some of them you will kill and crucify, some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city,
35 that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the Earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.

What did the apostle Paul have to say about the Jews and Jerusalem?  In all of scripture there is no other city that has rebelled against God more than Babylon/Jerusalem has. 
I Thessalonians 2:15
who killed both the Lord Jesus and their own prophets and have persecuted us and they do not please God and are contrary to all men. 

What did the apostle John have to say about those who do not believe in Christ?

I John 2:22
Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is Antichrist who denies the Father and the son. 

In the book of Revelation the apostle John identifies for us that Babylon is the prophetic fulfillment of a city that killed both Jesus and the prophets.

Revelation 18:24
And in her was found the blood of the prophets and saints and of all who were slain on the Earth.

 There is only one city that has ever existed that could fit this prophetic scenario.  There is also only one city that has ever existed that God will pour out a double portion of His wrath upon.

Revelation 18:6
Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. 
 Isaiah 40:2
Speak comfort to Jerusalem and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she has received from the Lords hand Double for all her sins. 

The harlot of Babylon has a harlots forehead, the mind of a harlot, full of abominations.

Revelation 17:5
And on her forehead a name was written; Mystery Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth.  

Jeremiah 3:3
You have had a harlots forehead..... (Referring to Jerusalem) 

God will punish all nations but the one nation that He viewed special did continually sin against Him and that city had His temple.  
 In this city, in the future, the two witnesses of God will be killed and it is the same city where Jesus was killed.

Revelation 11:8
And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

Jeremiah 23:14 (Last part)
All of them are like Sodom to me.............

Jeremiah 22:8
And many nations will pass by this city and everyone will say, why has the Lord done so to this great city?

Revelation 18:18
And they cried out when they saw the smoke of her burning saying, what is like this great city?

The seven heads of the beast are seven mountains on which the woman (Babylon) sits. One of these heads suffered a deadly wound.  This deadly wound was the destruction of the temple on Mount Moriah in 70AD but Paul tells us in 2 Thessalonians 2 that this temple must be built again so the Antichrist can sit in it thus this deadly wound will be healed.  The beast that was, is not but yet is refers to a nation.  In prophecy a beast symbolizes a nation and its people and ruler.  A nation once existed, then existed no more but in the future will rise again.  There is only one nation that ever existed that was long ago a nation then ceased to exist as a nation only to in the future return as a nation again.  The year 1948 was the fulfillment of this.  In Revelation 13 the beast rises out of the sea and the sea is symbolic for the sea of humanity, all people from all nations.  This is the people that will populate the beast nation that rises again; people from the sea of humanity, who come to the beast nation to be its citizens.  They will come from all over the world from many nations.  The carnal world will be amazed by these events and because they cannot understand prophecy will submit to this beast nation and the harlot.  Many false Christian churches are Judahizing;  they think the Jews are today Gods chosen people when I have plainly shown to the reader that they are Antichrist and cut off from God.  Churches are practicing parts of the law and thinking the 144,000 are male virgin Jews.
This deception is in its early stages of development  and the world bankers who control the worlds money supply will finance the rise of the Antichrist.  There will be in the early stage a nuclear event in the middle east that may come before or after the global economic collapse the bankers will bring about.  At first the Antichrist will appear as a hero that saves the world from economic collapse and Islamic terrorism. The carnal people will think Antichrist, who they see as Islam, will be destroyed and the economic restoration of the real Antichrist as the millennium. Satan mimics Gods plan but at an earlier time and with an evil twist of scriptures sets himself up as God.  The Jews will not accept Antichrist when he says that he is God and thus bring upon themselves and the world the great tribulation.  The cup of fury is even now in the hand of the Lord God.  This is how I see things at this time.  Those who look for the Antichrist to arise from anywhere other than the Jews will not see him or that look to any other nation deserving of Gods wrath than modern Israel.  Modern Israel is an act of Satan and not God to set the stage for his end time deception; why would Satan try to deceive with some gentile nation?  If the temple is going to be rebuilt in Jerusalem and the law of Moses applied, why would a gentile do this?  The image in Daniel of the man with the head of gold down to the feet of clay and iron; the two legs of the ancient Roman empire in the east and west.  These two feet represent the territory of the Antichrist which contains the nations from Iran to Italy.  The little horn with eyes and a mouth speaking blasphemy is modern day Israel, having a look more stout than his fellow nations because of possessing nuclear weapons.  The future is down the road for us all and what things look like now may be very different then. Things are going to change drastically and the new world order Jewish bankers will shape that world but it will not stand long.

I do not hate the Jewish people but prophecy is prophecy. Remember that whatever looks good to the vast majority of people is always wrong. Satan has the world deceived as Revelation 12:9 says and they will accept the antichrist when he appears.  


  We have reached a critical point in our growth.  We have stored food, have extra power sources, extra heat sources and methods of communic...