Friday, November 26, 2021

Prove All Things

                 To continue to believe and teach a lie when confronted with the truth is a sad thing but many people do this because they refuse to admit they are wrong.  To come out of a lie to the truth should be a joyful thing; a thing we should thank God for but as Jesus said, none are so blind as those who refuse to see. 

There is a belief called British Israelism that teaches the lost ten tribes of ancient Israel are now Britain and the U.S. along with other white English speaking people.   That knowing this information is the key to unlock biblical prophecy. I hope that those who believe these things read and carefully consider the following.

According to British Israel teaching the daughter of King Zedekiah came to Ireland and married a local king and produced the offspring that later became the kings of England as well as the people of England and the U.S.  If you examine the linage of Jesus in the gospels king Zedekiah is not mentioned but King Jehoakim or Coniah is mentioned who was the king preceeding Zedekiah. King David, who was a prophet, wrote about one of his descendents, the messiah, who would have the throne of Israel.  Psalm 89 speaks of God casting the carnal throne of Israel to the ground and profaning it and Israel would abide for many days without a king.  This would end the theory of the BI teachers that there has always been a king of Israel somewhere on Earth to fulfill Gods promise to David.  Jesus is the fulfillment of the promise. As far as there always being a man to sit on the throne of Israel; for over 100 years of the British monarchy there was only a Queen and no King; even today Elizabeth II reigns alone thus there has not been a man on the throne for over 60 years. When proving any doctrine all information must come from scripture and not from any outside source.  To use Irish legend to prove doctrine is an abomination.  BI combines scripture with Irish folklore to arrive at the ideas they teach and just as any false doctrine this combination can be a powerful delusion.  God cursed and divorced Israel for their constant disobedience, God said He would not be their God and they would not be His people, Hosea 1:9… This curse has never be lifted to this day as the Gentiles are grafted into the olive tree to replace the unbelieving Israelites.  

Herbert W. Armstrong, the false apostle and false prophet of the former Worldwide Church of God, in his book The U.S. and Britain in prophesy, committed plagiarism by copying the work of J.H. Allen titled Judah’s scepter and Joseph’s birthright. 
Allen’s ideas in his book place race ahead of grace, totally ignores Gods divorce of Israel and destruction of David’s Earthly throne in Psalm 89:38-44.  Modern DNA evidence shows no connection of White people being part of Jewish people.  
Jesus has the throne of David; Luke 1:32, Acts 2:30.  

British Israelism is fiction invented by J.H. Allen and later spread by Armstrong, two unconverted men devoid of the Holy Spirit.  

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