Wednesday, March 17, 2021



When Saints Disagree on Doctrine



In scripture there are a few times where it is recorded that there was disagreement over doctrine among the saints.  The Jerusalem council recorded in Acts 15 is one example.  Some believed that it was necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and have them swear an oath to keep the Law of Moses while others disagreed.  After a discussion on the matter the apostles ruled that the Gentiles were saved by the same faith as were the Jews and therefore circumcision and the Law of Moses was not obligated.  This caused a rift in the church and some left to form another church teaching against the ruling of the apostles.  It is apparent that this Judaizing group did not understand the message of the gospel.  It is unclear if they were even converted.  

It is a very sad thing when disagreement leads to separation  however it was needed to root out of the church those who were not truly converted.  If anyone ever finds themself in this position it would be very wise to not act in anger and haste.  Both sides of an issue must hear the others view and test each view on the basis of scripture only.  If both sides are truly converted the correct way will be revealed, but if not, the false way will also be revealed.  This will no doubt cause division and those in the wrong will depart and form another fellowship.  

This type of thing has happened thousands of times since the day of Pentecost as there are more than 30,000 different professing Christian churches today.  What is a sure thing is that they can not all be right but they can all be wrong.

People can not walk together unless they are all in agreement.  This is true in the right as well as in the wrong way.  People will believe what they want to believe.  There is no one in the world today who would be looked upon by all as a true man of God.  There are no true prophets after the power of an Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel or Daniel.  The same applies to the apostles even though there are some false ones claiming to be apostles today as well as prophets. 

Faith is a very powerful thing even if it is false.  At the present time there can be no healing of these wounds of Satanic deception that has produced all of this Babylon.  When Christ returns those who are the true saints will be known by all because the carnal world will worship at the feet of them.  For those today who are so sure they are in the right it would be very wise for you to examine everything you believe.  You should not go on thinking you know the way when you do not. Who wants to be deceived and believe lies?  You must challenge everything and welcome all input while insisting it is all from scripture.  Above all pray for God's mercy to open your understanding to His truth.

I know people that refuse to see and are spiritually blind. They take fire to their bosom thinking they will not be burned.   This blog uses scripture only to prove all things. There have been several times where I have have discovered that I was wrong and gladly with joy made the needed change. A fool despises his Fathers correction but he who receives correction is wise. (Proverbs 15:5)  In the end the truth will be known. As I said at the start of this article there is no one on Earth today that the entire world looks to as a true man of God.  The world is in a spiritual wilderness that has a smorgasbord of churches to choose from, something for everyone. This is why you need to flee from them and seek God on your own. What God teaches you will be truth and agree with scripture.  If it is Gods will to call and choose you then you will become His saint.

It is very sad when those who are saints separate over some disagreement.  We should be doing all that we can to be in the unity of the faith.


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